The source code for the CoWSwapBurner.vy
contract can be found on GitHub.
The CowSwapBurner
is an essential component of the fee burning architecture, designed to facilitate the efficient and automated exchange of admin fees using conditional orders of the CoWSwap protocol.
This system simplifies fee burning by requiring only a single burner contract. A simple function call can create an order that sells a accrued fee token into the target token.
The old system used various kinds of burners with hardcoded routes, which often did not result in the most efficient fee burning mechanism, thereby "losing" fees that could be distributed among veCRV holders.
To learn more about the CoW-Protocol, make sure to check out their official documentation.
Conditional Orders¶
Conditional CowSwap orders are automatically created for each token to be burned using the burn
function. This function is not directly externally callable by users through this contract; instead, it is called when the collect
function within the FeeCollector
contract is invoked. Additionally, there is a caller fee to incentivize this contract call.
struct ConditionalOrderParams:
# The contract implementing the conditional order logic
handler: address # self
# Allows for multiple conditional orders of the same type and data
salt: bytes32 # Not used for now
# Data available to ALL discrete orders created by the conditional order
staticData: Bytes[STATIC_DATA_LEN] # Using coin address
handler: self,
salt: empty(bytes32),
staticData: concat(b"", convert(coin.address, bytes20)),
}), True)
CowSwapBurner.created(arg0: address) -> bool: view
Getter method to check if a conditional order for coin arg0
has been created. If there is not an existing order, a new order will be created when the burn
function is called.1
Returns: true or false (bool
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | address | Address of coin to check |
Source code
created: public(HashMap[ERC20, bool])
def burn(_coins: DynArray[ERC20, MAX_COINS_LEN], _receiver: address):
@notice Post hook after collect to register coins for burn
@dev Registers new orders in ComposableCow
@param _coins Which coins to burn
@param _receiver Receiver of profit
assert msg.sender == fee_collector.address, "Only FeeCollector"
fee: uint256 = fee_collector.fee(Epoch.COLLECT)
fee_payouts: DynArray[Transfer, MAX_COINS_LEN] = []
self_transfers: DynArray[Transfer, MAX_COINS_LEN] = []
for coin in _coins:
if not self.created[coin]:
handler: self,
salt: empty(bytes32),
staticData: concat(b"", convert(coin.address, bytes20)),
}), True)
coin.approve(vault_relayer, max_value(uint256))
self.created[coin] = True
amount: uint256 = coin.balanceOf(fee_collector.address) * fee / ONE
fee_payouts.append(Transfer({coin: coin, to: _receiver, amount: amount}))
self_transfers.append(Transfer({coin: coin, to: self, amount: max_value(uint256)}))
CowSwapBurner.get_current_order(sell_token: address=empty(address)) -> GPv2Order_Data
Getter for the current order parameters of a token.
Returns: GPv2Order_Data consisting of:
- sellToken:
- buyToken:
- receiver:
- sellAmount:
- buyAmount:
- validTo:
- appData:
- feeAmount:
- kind:
- partiallyFillable:
- sellTokenBalance:
- buyTokenBalance:
Input | Type | Description |
sell_token | address | Token address to check parameters for |
Source code
def get_current_order(sell_token: address=empty(address)) -> GPv2Order_Data:
@notice Get current order parameters
@param sell_token Address of possible sell token
@return Order parameters
return self._get_order(ERC20(sell_token))
def _get_order(sell_token: ERC20) -> GPv2Order_Data:
buy_token: ERC20 =
return GPv2Order_Data({
sellToken: sell_token, # token to sell
buyToken: buy_token, # token to buy
receiver: fee_collector.address, # receiver of the token to buy
sellAmount: 0, # Set later
buyAmount: self.target_threshold,
validTo: convert(fee_collector.epoch_time_frame(Epoch.EXCHANGE)[1], uint32), # timestamp until order is valid
appData: ADD_DATA, # extra info about the order
feeAmount: 0, # amount of fees in sellToken
kind: SELL_KIND, # buy or sell
partiallyFillable: True, # partially fillable (True) or fill-or-kill (False)
sellTokenBalance: TOKEN_BALANCE, # From where the sellToken balance is withdrawn
buyTokenBalance: TOKEN_BALANCE, # Where the buyToken is deposited
>>> CowSwapBurner.get_current_order('0xDDAfbb505ad214D7b80b1f830fcCc89B60fb7A83')
0xDDAfbb505ad214D7b80b1f830fcCc89B60fb7A83, 0xaBEf652195F98A91E490f047A5006B71c85f058d, 0xBb7404F9965487a9DdE721B3A5F0F3CcfA9aa4C5, 0, 1000000000000000000, 1718755200, 0x058315b749613051abcbf50cf2d605b4fa4a41554ec35d73fd058fc530da559f, 0,0xf3b277728b3fee749481eb3e0b3b48980dbbab78658fc419025cb16eee346775, true, 0x5a28e9363bb942b639270062aa6bb295f434bcdfc42c97267bf003f272060dc9, 0x5a28e9363bb942b639270062aa6bb295f434bcdfc42c97267bf003f272060dc9
CowSwapBurner.burn(_coins: DynArray[ERC20, MAX_COINS_LEN], _receiver: address)
Guarded Method
This function is only callable by the FeeCollector
contract via the collect
Function to create a conditional CowSwap order for coins.
Input | Type | Description |
_coins | DynArray[ERC20, MAX_COINS_LEN] | Coins to burn |
_receiver | address | Receiver of the keeper fee specified in when calling collect within the FeeCollector |
Source code
interface FeeCollector:
def fee(_epoch: Epoch=empty(Epoch), _ts: uint256=block.timestamp) -> uint256: view
def target() -> ERC20: view
def owner() -> address: view
def emergency_owner() -> address: view
def epoch_time_frame(epoch: Epoch, ts: uint256=block.timestamp) -> (uint256, uint256): view
def can_exchange(_coins: DynArray[ERC20, MAX_COINS_LEN]) -> bool: view
def transfer(_transfers: DynArray[Transfer, MAX_COINS_LEN]): nonpayable
struct ConditionalOrderParams:
# The contract implementing the conditional order logic
handler: address # self
# Allows for multiple conditional orders of the same type and data
salt: bytes32 # Not used for now
# Data available to ALL discrete orders created by the conditional order
staticData: Bytes[STATIC_DATA_LEN] # Using coin address
interface ComposableCow:
def create(params: ConditionalOrderParams, dispatch: bool): nonpayable
def domainSeparator() -> bytes32: view
def isValidSafeSignature(
safe: address, sender: address, _hash: bytes32, _domainSeparator: bytes32, typeHash: bytes32,
encodeData: Bytes[15 * 32],
payload: Bytes[(32 + 3 + 1 + 8) * 32],
) -> bytes4: view
def burn(_coins: DynArray[ERC20, MAX_COINS_LEN], _receiver: address):
@notice Post hook after collect to register coins for burn
@dev Registers new orders in ComposableCow
@param _coins Which coins to burn
@param _receiver Receiver of profit
assert msg.sender == fee_collector.address, "Only FeeCollector"
fee: uint256 = fee_collector.fee(Epoch.COLLECT)
fee_payouts: DynArray[Transfer, MAX_COINS_LEN] = []
self_transfers: DynArray[Transfer, MAX_COINS_LEN] = []
for coin in _coins:
if not self.created[coin]:
handler: self,
salt: empty(bytes32),
staticData: concat(b"", convert(coin.address, bytes20)),
}), True)
coin.approve(vault_relayer, max_value(uint256))
self.created[coin] = True
amount: uint256 = coin.balanceOf(fee_collector.address) * fee / ONE
fee_payouts.append(Transfer({coin: coin, to: _receiver, amount: amount}))
self_transfers.append(Transfer({coin: coin, to: self, amount: max_value(uint256)}))
CowSwapBurner.getTradeableOrder(_owner: address, _sender: address, _ctx: bytes32, _static_input: Bytes[STATIC_DATA_LEN], _offchain_input: Bytes[OFFCHAIN_DATA_LEN]) -> GPv2Order_Data
Function to generate a order for the WatchTower.
Returns: order parameters (GPv2Order_Data
Input | Type | Description |
_owner | address | Owner of the order |
_sender | address | msg.sender context calling isValidSignature |
_ctx | bytes32 | Execution context |
_static_input | Bytes[STATIC_DATA_LEN] | sellToken encoded as bytes(Bytes[20]) |
_offchain_input | Bxtes[OFFCHAIN_DATA_LEN] | Not used, zero-length bytes |
Source code
struct GPv2Order_Data:
sellToken: ERC20 # token to sell
buyToken: ERC20 # token to buy
receiver: address # receiver of the token to buy
sellAmount: uint256
buyAmount: uint256
validTo: uint32 # timestamp until order is valid
appData: bytes32 # extra info about the order
feeAmount: uint256 # amount of fees in sellToken
kind: bytes32 # buy or sell
partiallyFillable: bool # partially fillable (True) or fill-or-kill (False)
sellTokenBalance: bytes32 # From where the sellToken balance is withdrawn
buyTokenBalance: bytes32 # Where the buyToken is deposited
STATIC_DATA_LEN: constant(uint256) = 20
OFFCHAIN_DATA_LEN: constant(uint256) = 1
def getTradeableOrder(_owner: address, _sender: address, _ctx: bytes32, _static_input: Bytes[STATIC_DATA_LEN], _offchain_input: Bytes[OFFCHAIN_DATA_LEN]) -> GPv2Order_Data:
@notice Generate order for WatchTower
@dev _owner, _sender, _ctx, _offchain_input are ignored
@param _owner Owner of order (self)
@param _sender `msg.sender` context calling `isValidSignature`
@param _ctx Execution context
@param _static_input sellToken encoded as bytes(Bytes[20])
@param _offchain_input Not used, zero-length bytes
@return Order parameters
sell_token: ERC20 = ERC20(convert(convert(_static_input, bytes20), address))
order: GPv2Order_Data = self._get_order(sell_token)
order.sellAmount = sell_token.balanceOf(self)
if order.sellAmount == 0 or not fee_collector.can_exchange([sell_token]):
start: uint256 = 0
end: uint256 = 0
start, end = fee_collector.epoch_time_frame(Epoch.EXCHANGE)
if block.timestamp >= start:
start, end = fee_collector.epoch_time_frame(Epoch.EXCHANGE, block.timestamp + 7 * 24 * 3600)
reason: String[11] = "ZeroBalance"
if order.sellAmount != 0: # FeeCollector reject
reason = "NotAllowed"
raw_revert(_abi_encode(start, reason, method_id=method_id("PollTryAtEpoch(uint256,string)")))
return order
def _get_order(sell_token: ERC20) -> GPv2Order_Data:
buy_token: ERC20 =
return GPv2Order_Data({
sellToken: sell_token, # token to sell
buyToken: buy_token, # token to buy
receiver: fee_collector.address, # receiver of the token to buy
sellAmount: 0, # Set later
buyAmount: self.target_threshold,
validTo: convert(fee_collector.epoch_time_frame(Epoch.EXCHANGE)[1], uint32), # timestamp until order is valid
appData: ADD_DATA, # extra info about the order
feeAmount: 0, # amount of fees in sellToken
kind: SELL_KIND, # buy or sell
partiallyFillable: True, # partially fillable (True) or fill-or-kill (False)
sellTokenBalance: TOKEN_BALANCE, # From where the sellToken balance is withdrawn
buyTokenBalance: TOKEN_BALANCE, # Where the buyToken is deposited
CowSwapBurner.verify(_owner: address, _sender: address, _hash: bytes32, _domain_separator: bytes32, _ctx: bytes32, _static_input: Bytes[STATIC_DATA_LEN], _offchain_input: Bytes[OFFCHAIN_DATA_LEN], _order: GPv2Order_Data)
Function to verify CowSwap orders to ensure that the order adheres to the conditions set by the contract and can be executed properly.
Input | Type | Description |
_owner | address | Owner of conditional order (self) |
_sender | address | msg.sender context calling isValidSignature |
_hash | bytes32 | EIP-712 order digest |
_domain_seperator | bytes32 | EIP-712 domain separator |
_ctx | bytes32 | Execution context |
_static_input | Bytes[STATIC_DATA_LEN] | ConditionalOrder's staticData (coin address) |
_offchain_input | Bytes[OFFCHAIN_DATA_LEN] | Conditional order type-specific data NOT known at time of creation for a specific discrete order (or zero-length bytes if not applicable). |
_order | GPv2Order_Data | The proposed discrete order's GPv2Order.Data struct |
Source code
struct GPv2Order_Data:
sellToken: ERC20 # token to sell
buyToken: ERC20 # token to buy
receiver: address # receiver of the token to buy
sellAmount: uint256
buyAmount: uint256
validTo: uint32 # timestamp until order is valid
appData: bytes32 # extra info about the order
feeAmount: uint256 # amount of fees in sellToken
kind: bytes32 # buy or sell
partiallyFillable: bool # partially fillable (True) or fill-or-kill (False)
sellTokenBalance: bytes32 # From where the sellToken balance is withdrawn
buyTokenBalance: bytes32 # Where the buyToken is deposited
def verify(
_owner: address,
_sender: address,
_hash: bytes32,
_domain_separator: bytes32,
_ctx: bytes32,
_static_input: Bytes[STATIC_DATA_LEN],
_offchain_input: Bytes[OFFCHAIN_DATA_LEN],
_order: GPv2Order_Data,
@notice Verify order
@dev Called from ComposableCow. _owner, _sender, _hash, _domain_separator, _ctx are ignored.
@param _owner Owner of conditional order (self)
@param _sender `msg.sender` context calling `isValidSignature`
@param _hash `EIP-712` order digest
@param _domain_separator `EIP-712` domain separator
@param _ctx Execution context
@param _static_input ConditionalOrder's staticData (coin address)
@param _offchain_input Conditional order type-specific data NOT known at time of creation for a specific discrete order (or zero-length bytes if not applicable)
@param _order The proposed discrete order's `GPv2Order.Data` struct
sell_token: ERC20 = ERC20(convert(convert(_static_input, bytes20), address))
if not fee_collector.can_exchange([sell_token]):
raw_revert(_abi_encode("NotAllowed", method_id=method_id("OrderNotValid(string)")))
if _offchain_input != b"":
raw_revert(_abi_encode("NonZeroOffchainInput", method_id=method_id("OrderNotValid(string)")))
order: GPv2Order_Data = self._get_order(sell_token)
order.sellAmount = _order.sellAmount # Any amount allowed
order.buyAmount = max(_order.buyAmount, order.buyAmount) # Price is discovered within CowSwap competition
if _abi_encode(order) != _abi_encode(_order):
raw_revert(_abi_encode("BadOrder", method_id=method_id("OrderNotValid(string)")))
CowSwapBurner.isValidSignature(_hash: bytes32, signature: Bytes[1792]) -> bytes4
Function to verify a ERC-1271 signature for a given hash.
Returns: ERC1271_MAGIC_VALUE
if signature is OK (bytes4
Input | Type | Description |
_hash | bytes32 | Hash of a signed data |
signature | Bytes[1792] | Signature for the object. (GPv2Order.Data, PayloadStruct) in this case |
Source code
ERC1271_MAGIC_VALUE: constant(bytes4) = 0x1626ba7e
def isValidSignature(_hash: bytes32, signature: Bytes[1792]) -> bytes4:
@notice ERC1271 signature verifier method
@dev Forwards query to ComposableCow
@param _hash Hash of signed object. Ignored here
@param signature Signature for the object. (GPv2Order.Data, PayloadStruct) here
@return `ERC1271_MAGIC_VALUE` if signature is OK
order: GPv2Order_Data = empty(GPv2Order_Data)
payload: PayloadStruct = empty(PayloadStruct)
order, payload = _abi_decode(signature, (GPv2Order_Data, PayloadStruct))
return composable_cow.isValidSafeSignature(self, msg.sender, _hash, composable_cow.domainSeparator(), empty(bytes32),
CowSwapBurner.target_threshold() -> uint256: view
Getter for the minimum amount of target token to be bought in an order. This value ensure that each executed order meets a certain minimum value. This variable can be changed by the owner
of the FeeCollector
using the set_target_threshold
function. Due to the gas efficiency of L2's, the value can be set much lower e.g. on Gnosis than on Ethereum.1
Returns: target threshold (uint256
Source code
target_threshold: public(uint256) # min amount to exchange
def __init__(_fee_collector: FeeCollector,
_composable_cow: ComposableCow, _vault_relayer: address, _target_threshold: uint256):
@notice Contract constructor
@param _fee_collector FeeCollector to anchor to
@param _composable_cow Address of ComposableCow contract
@param _vault_relayer CowSwap's VaultRelayer contract address, all approves go there
@param _target_threshold Minimum amount of target to buy per order
assert _target_threshold > 0, "Bad target threshold"
self.target_threshold = _target_threshold
CowSwapBurner.set_target_threshold(_target_threshold: uint256)
Guarded Method
This function is only callable by the owner
of the FeeCollector
Function to set the a new target_threshold
Input | Type | Description |
_target_threshold | uint256 | New target threshold value |
Source code
target_threshold: public(uint256) # min amount to exchange
def set_target_threshold(_target_threshold: uint256):
@dev Callable only by owner
@param _target_threshold Minimum amount of target to receive, with base=10**18
assert msg.sender == fee_collector.owner(), "Only owner"
assert _target_threshold > 0, "Bad target threshold"
self.target_threshold = _target_threshold
Pushing and Recovering Coins¶
The push_target
function is used to transfer any leftover target coins from the burner to the FeeCollector
Additionally, there is a recover function which lets the owner
or emergency_owner
of the FeeCollector
to recover ERC20 or ETH.
CowSwapBurner.push_target() -> uint256
Function to push the entire balance of the target coin to the FeeCollector
. This function can be called externally, but is also called directly by the FeeCollector
before the target coins are forwarded to the hooker contract using the forward
Returns: amout of target coins pushed (uint256
Source code
def push_target() -> uint256:
@notice In case target coin is left in contract can be pushed to forward
@return Amount of coin pushed further
target: ERC20 =
amount: uint256 = target.balanceOf(self)
if amount > 0:
target.transfer(fee_collector.address, amount)
return amount
CowSwapBurner.recover(_coins: DynArray[ERC20, MAX_COINS_LEN])
Guarded Method
This function is only callable by the owner
or emergency_owner
of the FeeCollector.vy
Function to recover ERC20 tokens or ETH from this contract. Calling this function will transfer _coins
to the FeeCollector
Input | Type | Description |
_coins | DynArray[ERC20, MAX_COINS_LEN] | Dynamic array of the token addresses to recover |
Source code
def recover(_coins: DynArray[ERC20, MAX_COINS_LEN]):
@notice Recover ERC20 tokens or Ether from this contract
@dev Callable only by owner and emergency owner
@param _coins Token addresses
assert msg.sender in [fee_collector.owner(), fee_collector.emergency_owner()], "Only owner"
for coin in _coins:
if coin.address == ETH_ADDRESS:
raw_call(fee_collector.address, b"", value=self.balance)
coin.transfer(fee_collector.address, coin.balanceOf(self)) # do not need safe transfer
Valid Interface a la ERC-165¶
In order for the burner contract to be fully compatible with the FeeCollector
, a specific interface needs to hold up as per ERC-165:
SUPPORTED_INTERFACES: constant(bytes4[4]) = [
# ERC165: method_id("supportsInterface(bytes4)") == 0x01ffc9a7
# Burner:
# method_id("burn(address[],address)") == 0x72a436a8
# method_id("push_target()") == 0x2eb078cd
# method_id("VERSION()") == 0xffa1ad74
# Interface corresponding to IConditionalOrderGenerator:
# method_id("getTradeableOrder(address,address,bytes32,bytes,bytes)") == 0xb8296fc4
# ERC1271 interface:
# method_id("isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)") == 0x1626ba7e
CowSwapBurner.supportsInterface(_interface_id: bytes4) -> bool
Function to check if the burner supports the correct interface, as specified by the ERC-165 standard. This method makes sure the contract is compatible with the FeeCollector
Returns: true or false (bool
Input | Type | Description |
_interface_id | bytes4 | ID of the interface |
Source code
SIGNATURE_VERIFIER_MUXER_INTERFACE: constant(bytes4) = 0x62af8dc2
ERC1271_MAGIC_VALUE: constant(bytes4) = 0x1626ba7e
SUPPORTED_INTERFACES: constant(bytes4[4]) = [
# ERC165: method_id("supportsInterface(bytes4)") == 0x01ffc9a7
# Burner:
# method_id("burn(address[],address)") == 0x72a436a8
# method_id("push_target()") == 0x2eb078cd
# method_id("VERSION()") == 0xffa1ad74
# Interface corresponding to IConditionalOrderGenerator:
# method_id("getTradeableOrder(address,address,bytes32,bytes,bytes)") == 0xb8296fc4
# ERC1271 interface:
# method_id("isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)") == 0x1626ba7e
def supportsInterface(_interface_id: bytes4) -> bool:
@dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165.
Fails on SignatureVerifierMuxer for compatability with ComposableCow.
@param _interface_id Id of the interface
return _interface_id in SUPPORTED_INTERFACES
Contract Info Methods¶
CowSwapBurner.fee_collector() -> address: view
Getter for the Fee Collector address to anchor to.
Returns: fee collector (address
Source code
interface FeeCollector:
def fee(_epoch: Epoch=empty(Epoch), _ts: uint256=block.timestamp) -> uint256: view
def target() -> ERC20: view
def owner() -> address: view
def emergency_owner() -> address: view
def epoch_time_frame(epoch: Epoch, ts: uint256=block.timestamp) -> (uint256, uint256): view
def can_exchange(_coins: DynArray[ERC20, MAX_COINS_LEN]) -> bool: view
def transfer(_transfers: DynArray[Transfer, MAX_COINS_LEN]): nonpayable
fee_collector: public(immutable(FeeCollector))
def __init__(_fee_collector: FeeCollector,
_composable_cow: ComposableCow, _vault_relayer: address, _target_threshold: uint256):
@notice Contract constructor
@param _fee_collector FeeCollector to anchor to
@param _composable_cow Address of ComposableCow contract
@param _vault_relayer CowSwap's VaultRelayer contract address, all approves go there
@param _target_threshold Minimum amount of target to buy per order
fee_collector = _fee_collector
CowSwapBurner.composable_cow() -> address: view
Getter for the ComposableCow contract. ComposableCow is a framework for smoothing developer experience when building conditional orders on the CoW Protocol. For the official documentation, see here.
Returns: ComposableCow contract (address
Source code
interface ComposableCow:
def create(params: ConditionalOrderParams, dispatch: bool): nonpayable
def domainSeparator() -> bytes32: view
def isValidSafeSignature(
safe: address, sender: address, _hash: bytes32, _domainSeparator: bytes32, typeHash: bytes32,
encodeData: Bytes[15 * 32],
payload: Bytes[(32 + 3 + 1 + 8) * 32],
) -> bytes4: view
composable_cow: public(immutable(ComposableCow))
def __init__(_fee_collector: FeeCollector,
_composable_cow: ComposableCow, _vault_relayer: address, _target_threshold: uint256):
@notice Contract constructor
@param _fee_collector FeeCollector to anchor to
@param _composable_cow Address of ComposableCow contract
@param _vault_relayer CowSwap's VaultRelayer contract address, all approves go there
@param _target_threshold Minimum amount of target to buy per order
composable_cow = _composable_cow
CowSwapBurner.vault_relayer() -> address: view
Getter for CoW Protocols Vault Relayer contract. This is the contract where all approvals go to. For the official documentation, see here.
Returns: Vault Relayer (address
Source code
vault_relayer: public(immutable(address))
def __init__(_fee_collector: FeeCollector,
_composable_cow: ComposableCow, _vault_relayer: address, _target_threshold: uint256):
@notice Contract constructor
@param _fee_collector FeeCollector to anchor to
@param _composable_cow Address of ComposableCow contract
@param _vault_relayer CowSwap's VaultRelayer contract address, all approves go there
@param _target_threshold Minimum amount of target to buy per order
vault_relayer = _vault_relayer
CowSwapBurner.ADD_DATA() -> bytes32: view
Getter for the additional data applied in the internal _get_order
function. The data is shown as metadata on the CowSwap explorer and allows distinguishing Curve orders (e.g., see this transaction).
Returns: additional data (bytes32
Source code
CowSwapBurner.VERSION() -> String[20]: view
Getter for the burner version.
Returns: version (String[20]