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The L2VotingEscrowOracle contract is used to fetch information from the VotingEscrow from Ethereum. This data can then be used to calculate boost rates for providing liquidity.


The source code for the L2VotingEscrowOracle.vy contract can be found on GitHub. The contract is written using Vyper version 0.3.10


L2VotingEscrowOracle.update(_user: address = msg.sender, _gas_limit: uint32 = 0)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the MESSENGER.

Function to update

Parameter Type Description
_user address The user to update the voting escrow information for. Defaults to the caller of the function.
_gas_limit uint32 The gas limit for the transaction. If 0, the function will attempt to retrieve the gas limit from the alternate chain.
Source code
interface IMessenger:
    def xDomainMessageSender() -> address: view

WEEK: constant(uint256) = 86400 * 7

MESSENGER: public(immutable(IMessenger))

epoch: public(uint256)
point_history: public(HashMap[uint256, Point])

user_point_epoch: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
user_point_history: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, Point]])

locked: public(HashMap[address, LockedBalance])
slope_changes: public(HashMap[uint256, int128])

def update(
    _user: address,
    _epoch: uint256,
    _point_history: Point,
    _user_point_epoch: uint256,
    _user_point_history: Point,
    _locked: LockedBalance,
    _slope_changes: int128[12]
    assert msg.sender == MESSENGER.address
    assert MESSENGER.xDomainMessageSender() == self

    start_time: uint256 = WEEK + (_point_history.ts / WEEK) * WEEK

    if self.epoch < _epoch:
        self.epoch = _epoch

        for i in range(12):
            self.slope_changes[start_time + WEEK * i] = _slope_changes[i]

    self.point_history[_epoch] = _point_history

    if self.user_point_epoch[_user] < _user_point_epoch:
        self.locked[_user] = _locked
        self.user_point_epoch[_user] = _user_point_epoch

    self.user_point_history[_user][_user_point_epoch] = _user_point_history
>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.update()


L2VotingEscrowOracle.update(_user: address = msg.sender, _gas_limit: uint32 = 0)


Parameter Type Description
_user address The user to update the voting escrow information for. Defaults to the caller of the function.
_gas_limit uint32 The gas limit for the transaction. If 0, the function will attempt to retrieve the gas limit from the alternate chain.
Source code

>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.update()


L2VotingEscrowOracle.update(_user: address = msg.sender, _gas_limit: uint32 = 0)


Parameter Type Description
_user address The user to update the voting escrow information for. Defaults to the caller of the function.
_gas_limit uint32 The gas limit for the transaction. If 0, the function will attempt to retrieve the gas limit from the alternate chain.
Source code

>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.update()


L2VotingEscrowOracle.update(_user: address = msg.sender, _gas_limit: uint32 = 0)


Parameter Type Description
_user address The user to update the voting escrow information for. Defaults to the caller of the function.
_gas_limit uint32 The gas limit for the transaction. If 0, the function will attempt to retrieve the gas limit from the alternate chain.
Source code

>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.update()


L2VotingEscrowOracle.update(_user: address = msg.sender, _gas_limit: uint32 = 0)

Getter for the point history.

Parameter Type Description
_idx uint256 The index of the point history to retrieve.
Source code

>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.update()


L2VotingEscrowOracle.update(_user: address = msg.sender, _gas_limit: uint32 = 0)


Parameter Type Description
_user address The user to update the voting escrow information for. Defaults to the caller of the function.
_gas_limit uint32 The gas limit for the transaction. If 0, the function will attempt to retrieve the gas limit from the alternate chain.
Source code

>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.update()


L2VotingEscrowOracle.update(_user: address = msg.sender, _gas_limit: uint32 = 0)


Parameter Type Description
_user address The user to update the voting escrow information for. Defaults to the caller of the function.
_gas_limit uint32 The gas limit for the transaction. If 0, the function will attempt to retrieve the gas limit from the alternate chain.
Source code

>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.update()


L2VotingEscrowOracle.update(_user: address = msg.sender, _gas_limit: uint32 = 0)


Parameter Type Description
_user address The user to update the voting escrow information for. Defaults to the caller of the function.
_gas_limit uint32 The gas limit for the transaction. If 0, the function will attempt to retrieve the gas limit from the alternate chain.
Source code

>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.update()


L2VotingEscrowOracle.update(_user: address = msg.sender, _gas_limit: uint32 = 0)


Parameter Type Description
_user address The user to update the voting escrow information for. Defaults to the caller of the function.
_gas_limit uint32 The gas limit for the transaction. If 0, the function will attempt to retrieve the gas limit from the alternate chain.
Source code

>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.update()


L2VotingEscrowOracle.MESSENGER() -> address: view

Getter for the messenger contract address.

Returns: messenger contract (address).

Source code
interface IMessenger:
    def xDomainMessageSender() -> address: view

MESSENGER: public(immutable(IMessenger))

def __init__(_messenger: IMessenger):
    MESSENGER = _messenger

This example returns the messenger contract address for the L2 voting escrow oracle on Fraxtal.

>>> L2VotingEscrowOracle.MESSENGER()