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The GaugeController contract is responsible for managing and coordinating the distribution of rewards to liquidity providers in various liquidity pools. It determines the allocation of CRV emissions based on the liquidity provided by users. By analyzing the gauges, which are parameters that define how rewards are distributed across different pools, the GaugeController ensures a fair and balanced distribution of incentives, encouraging liquidity provision and participation in Curve's ecosystem.


The source code for the GaugeController.vy contract can be found on GitHub. The contract is written using Vyper version 0.2.4

The contract is deployed on Ethereum at 0x2F50D538606Fa9EDD2B11E2446BEb18C9D5846bB.

The contract also acts as a registry for the gauges, storing information such as the gauge data, minted amounts, and more.

Adding Gauges and Gauge Data

After a liquidity gauge was deployed, it can be added to the GaugeController for it to be elegible to recieve CRV emissions. Adding a gauge requires a successfully passed DAO vote.

Check if a Gauge has been added to the GaugeController

The contract does not have a public getter to check whether a gauge has been added. Alternatively, one can try to query the gauge_types of the gauge.

>>> GaugeController.gauge_types('0xbfcf63294ad7105dea65aa58f8ae5be2d9d0952a')

>>> GaugeController.gauge_types('0xc840e5ed7a1b6a9c1a6bf1ecaca6ddb151b2fd6e')
Error: Returned error: execution reverted

If the gauge returns an int128, this means the gauge has been added. The returned value represents the gauge type. If the query call reverts, this means the gauge has not been added.


GaugeController.add_gauge(addr: address, gauge_type: int128, weight: uint256 = 0)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract. The admin in this case is the Curve DAO. So, adding a gauge to the GaugeController is in the hands of the DAO.


Once a gauge has been added, it cannot be removed. Therefore, new gauges should undergo thorough verification by the community before being added to the GaugeController. However, it is possible to 'kill' a gauge, which sets its emission rate to zero. As a result, a 'killed' gauge becomes ineligible for any CRV emissions.

Function to add a new gauge to the GaugeController. Doing this makes the gauge eligible to receive CRV emissions.

Emits: NewGauge event.

Input Type Description
addr address Gauge address
gauge_type int128 Gauge type
weight uint256 Gauge weight; defaults to 0
Source code
event NewGauge:
    addr: address
    gauge_type: int128
    weight: uint256

def add_gauge(addr: address, gauge_type: int128, weight: uint256 = 0):
    @notice Add gauge `addr` of type `gauge_type` with weight `weight`
    @param addr Gauge address
    @param gauge_type Gauge type
    @param weight Gauge weight
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert (gauge_type >= 0) and (gauge_type < self.n_gauge_types)
    assert self.gauge_types_[addr] == 0  # dev: cannot add the same gauge twice

    n: int128 = self.n_gauges
    self.n_gauges = n + 1
    self.gauges[n] = addr

    self.gauge_types_[addr] = gauge_type + 1
    next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK

    if weight > 0:
        _type_weight: uint256 = self._get_type_weight(gauge_type)
        _old_sum: uint256 = self._get_sum(gauge_type)
        _old_total: uint256 = self._get_total()

        self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].bias = weight + _old_sum
        self.time_sum[gauge_type] = next_time
        self.points_total[next_time] = _old_total + _type_weight * weight
        self.time_total = next_time

        self.points_weight[addr][next_time].bias = weight

    if self.time_sum[gauge_type] == 0:
        self.time_sum[gauge_type] = next_time
    self.time_weight[addr] = next_time

    log NewGauge(addr, gauge_type, weight)

This example adds the gauge at address 0x41af8cC0811DD07F167752B821CF5B11DBa7Ca85 to the GaugeController.

>>> GaugeController.add_gauge('0x41af8cC0811DD07F167752B821CF5B11DBa7Ca85')


GaugeController.gauges(arg0: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the gauge address at a specific index. Every time a new gauge is added, the variable is populated with the new gauge address. Index 0 equals to the first gauge added.

Returns: gauge (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Gauge index
Source code
# Needed for enumeration
gauges: public(address[1000000000])

In this example, the address of a gauge at a specific index is returned.

>>> GaugeController.gauges()


GaugeController.n_gauges -> int128: view

Getter for the total number of gauges added to the GaugeController. This variable is incremented by one each time a new gauge is added via the add_gauge function.

Returns: total number of gauges (int128).

Source code
n_gauges: public(int128)

This example returns the total number of gauges added to the GaugeController.

>>> GaugeController.n_gauges()

Vote-Weighting and Gauge Weights

Users who have a positive veCRV balance can use their voting power to vote for specific gauges. Only gauges who have been added to the GaugeController by the DAO can be voted for. These gauge weights define how much CRV emissions a gauge receives.

Users do not need to allocate 100% of their voting power to a single gauge. They can distribute their voting power across multiple gauges.

Gauge weights are updated every Thursday at 00:00 UTC. At this timestamp, the CRV emissions for one week are based on the gauge weights. The current weights remain the same until someone votes. If there are no votes for several weeks in a row, the gauge weights and CRV emissions will stay the same for all subsequent weeks.

Example: CRV emissions and Gauge Weights

If a gauge receives 10% of the total weight, it will receive 10% of the emissions for the current week.

At the time of writing, the inflation rate per second of CRV is 5181574864521283150 (CRV.rate()), which equals 5.18157486452128315 CRV per second. The gauge will, therefore, receive approximately 313,381.65 CRV tokens as emissions for the current week, calculated as 5.18157486452128315 CRV per second * 10% * (7 * 86400 seconds).


GaugeController.vote_for_gauge_weights(_gauge_addr: address, _user_weight: uint256):


Gauge weight votes may only be modified once every 10 days.

Function to allocate a specific amount of voting power to a gauge. The voting power is expressed and measured in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal weight is 0.01%.

Emits: VoteForGauge event.

Input Type Description
_gauge_addr address Gauge address to allocate weight to
_user_weight uint256 Weight to allocate
Source code
event VoteForGauge:
    time: uint256
    user: address
    gauge_addr: address
    weight: uint256

# Cannot change weight votes more often than once in 10 days
WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY: constant(uint256) = 10 * 86400

vote_user_slopes: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, VotedSlope]])  # user -> gauge_addr -> VotedSlope
vote_user_power: public(HashMap[address, uint256])  # Total vote power used by user
last_user_vote: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])  # Last user vote's timestamp for each gauge address

# Past and scheduled points for gauge weight, sum of weights per type, total weight
# Point is for bias+slope
# changes_* are for changes in slope
# time_* are for the last change timestamp
# timestamps are rounded to whole weeks

points_weight: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # gauge_addr -> time -> Point
changes_weight: HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, uint256]]  # gauge_addr -> time -> slope
time_weight: public(HashMap[address, uint256])  # gauge_addr -> last scheduled time (next week)

points_sum: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # type_id -> time -> Point
changes_sum: HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, uint256]]  # type_id -> time -> slope
time_sum: public(uint256[1000000000])  # type_id -> last scheduled time (next week)

points_total: public(HashMap[uint256, uint256])  # time -> total weight
time_total: public(uint256)  # last scheduled time

points_type_weight: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, uint256]])  # type_id -> time -> type weight
time_type_weight: public(uint256[1000000000])  # type_id -> last scheduled time (next week)

def vote_for_gauge_weights(_gauge_addr: address, _user_weight: uint256):
    @notice Allocate voting power for changing pool weights
    @param _gauge_addr Gauge which `msg.sender` votes for
    @param _user_weight Weight for a gauge in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0
    escrow: address = self.voting_escrow
    slope: uint256 = convert(VotingEscrow(escrow).get_last_user_slope(msg.sender), uint256)
    lock_end: uint256 = VotingEscrow(escrow).locked__end(msg.sender)
    _n_gauges: int128 = self.n_gauges
    next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK
    assert lock_end > next_time, "Your token lock expires too soon"
    assert (_user_weight >= 0) and (_user_weight <= 10000), "You used all your voting power"
    assert block.timestamp >= self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY, "Cannot vote so often"

    gauge_type: int128 = self.gauge_types_[_gauge_addr] - 1
    assert gauge_type >= 0, "Gauge not added"
    # Prepare slopes and biases in memory
    old_slope: VotedSlope = self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr]
    old_dt: uint256 = 0
    if old_slope.end > next_time:
        old_dt = old_slope.end - next_time
    old_bias: uint256 = old_slope.slope * old_dt
    new_slope: VotedSlope = VotedSlope({
        slope: slope * _user_weight / 10000,
        end: lock_end,
        power: _user_weight
    new_dt: uint256 = lock_end - next_time  # dev: raises when expired
    new_bias: uint256 = new_slope.slope * new_dt

    # Check and update powers (weights) used
    power_used: uint256 = self.vote_user_power[msg.sender]
    power_used = power_used + new_slope.power - old_slope.power
    self.vote_user_power[msg.sender] = power_used
    assert (power_used >= 0) and (power_used <= 10000), 'Used too much power'

    ## Remove old and schedule new slope changes
    # Remove slope changes for old slopes
    # Schedule recording of initial slope for next_time
    old_weight_bias: uint256 = self._get_weight(_gauge_addr)
    old_weight_slope: uint256 = self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope
    old_sum_bias: uint256 = self._get_sum(gauge_type)
    old_sum_slope: uint256 = self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope

    self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].bias = max(old_weight_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
    self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].bias = max(old_sum_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
    if old_slope.end > next_time:
        self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope = max(old_weight_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
        self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope = max(old_sum_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
        self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
        self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
    if old_slope.end > block.timestamp:
        # Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
        self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
        self.changes_sum[gauge_type][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
    # Add slope changes for new slopes
    self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope
    self.changes_sum[gauge_type][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope


    self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = new_slope

    # Record last action time
    self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = block.timestamp

    log VoteForGauge(block.timestamp, msg.sender, _gauge_addr, _user_weight)

def _get_total() -> uint256:
    @notice Fill historic total weights week-over-week for missed checkins
            and return the total for the future week
    @return Total weight
    t: uint256 = self.time_total
    _n_gauge_types: int128 = self.n_gauge_types
    if t > block.timestamp:
        # If we have already checkpointed - still need to change the value
        t -= WEEK
    pt: uint256 = self.points_total[t]

    for gauge_type in range(100):
        if gauge_type == _n_gauge_types:

    for i in range(500):
        if t > block.timestamp:
        t += WEEK
        pt = 0
        # Scales as n_types * n_unchecked_weeks (hopefully 1 at most)
        for gauge_type in range(100):
            if gauge_type == _n_gauge_types:
            type_sum: uint256 = self.points_sum[gauge_type][t].bias
            type_weight: uint256 = self.points_type_weight[gauge_type][t]
            pt += type_sum * type_weight
        self.points_total[t] = pt

        if t > block.timestamp:
            self.time_total = t
    return pt

This example allocates 100% of the voting power to 0x4e6bb6b7447b7b2aa268c16ab87f4bb48bf57939.

>>> GaugeController.vote_for_gauge_weights('0x4e6bb6b7447b7b2aa268c16ab87f4bb48bf57939', 10000)


GaugeController.vote_user_power(arg0: address) -> uint256: view

Getter method for the total allocated voting power by a specific user. If a user has a veCRV balance but has not yet voted, this function will return 0.

Returns: used voting power (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address User address
Source code
vote_user_power: public(HashMap[address, uint256])  # Total vote power used by user

This example returns the total allocated voting power by a specific user.

>>> GaugeController.vote_user_power()


GaugeController.last_user_vote(arg0: address, arg1: address) -> uint256: view

Getter for the last timestamp a specific user voted for a specific gauge.

Returns: timestamp (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address User address
arg1 address Gauge address
Source code
last_user_vote: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])  # Last user vote's timestamp for each gauge address

This example returns the last time a user voted for a specific gauge.

>>> GaugeController.last_user_vote(
Gauge: )


GaugeController.vote_user_slopes(arg0: address, arg1: address) -> slope: uint256, power: uint256, end: uint256

Getter method for informations about the current vote weight of a specific user for a specific gauge. In this variable, informations are stored at the time of voting.

Returns: slope (uint256), allocated voting-power (uint256) and veCRV lock end (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address User address
arg1 address Gauge address
Source code
vote_user_slopes: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, VotedSlope]])  # user -> gauge_addr -> VotedSlope

This example returns the slope, allocated voting-power and veCRV lock end for a specific user and gauge.

>>> GaugeController.vote_user_slopes(
Gauge: )


GaugeController.gauge_relative_weight(addr: address, time: uint256 = block.timestamp) -> uint256: view

Getter for the relative weight of specific gauge at a specific time.

Returns: relative gauge weight normalized to 1e18 (uint256).

Input Type Description
addr address Gauge address
time uint256 Timestamp to check the weight at; Defaults to block.timestamp
Source code
def gauge_relative_weight(addr: address, time: uint256 = block.timestamp) -> uint256:
    @notice Get Gauge relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18
            (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18). Inflation which will be received by it is
            inflation_rate * relative_weight / 1e18
    @param addr Gauge address
    @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present
    @return Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18
    return self._gauge_relative_weight(addr, time)

def _gauge_relative_weight(addr: address, time: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Get Gauge relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18
            (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18). Inflation which will be received by it is
            inflation_rate * relative_weight / 1e18
    @param addr Gauge address
    @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present
    @return Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18
    t: uint256 = time / WEEK * WEEK
    _total_weight: uint256 = self.points_total[t]

    if _total_weight > 0:
        gauge_type: int128 = self.gauge_types_[addr] - 1
        _type_weight: uint256 = self.points_type_weight[gauge_type][t]
        _gauge_weight: uint256 = self.points_weight[addr][t].bias
        return MULTIPLIER * _type_weight * _gauge_weight / _total_weight

        return 0

This example returns the relative weight of a specific gauge at a specific time.

>>> GaugeController.gauge_relative_weight(
Time: )


GaugeController.get_gauge_weight(addr: address) -> uint256: view

Getter for the current gauge weight of gauge addr.

Returns: gauge weight normalized to 1e18 (uint256).

Input Type Description
addr address Gauge address
Source code
points_weight: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # gauge_addr -> time -> Point

def get_gauge_weight(addr: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Get current gauge weight
    @param addr Gauge address
    @return Gauge weight
    return self.points_weight[addr][self.time_weight[addr]].bias

This example returns the current gauge weight of a specific gauge.

>>> GaugeController.get_gauge_weight()


GaugeController.get_total_weight() -> uint256: view

Getter for the current total weight.

Returns: total weight (uint256).

Source code
points_total: public(HashMap[uint256, uint256])  # time -> total weight

def get_total_weight() -> uint256:
    @notice Get current total (type-weighted) weight
    @return Total weight
    return self.points_total[self.time_total]

This example returns the current total weight.

>>> GaugeController.get_total_weight()


GaugeController.get_weights_sum_per_type(type_id: int128) -> uint256: view

Getter for the summed weight of gauge type type_id.

Returns: summed weight (uint256).

Input Type Description
type_id int128 Gauge type ID
Source code
points_sum: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # type_id -> time -> Point

def get_weights_sum_per_type(type_id: int128) -> uint256:
    @notice Get sum of gauge weights per type
    @param type_id Type id
    @return Sum of gauge weights
    return self.points_sum[type_id][self.time_sum[type_id]].bias

This example returns the summed weight of a specific gauge type.

>>> GaugeController.get_weights_sum_per_type()


GaugeController records points (bias + slope) per gauge in vote_points, and scheduled changes in biases and slopes for those points in vote_bias_changes and vote_slope_changes. New changes are applied at the start of each epoch week.

A Point is composed of a bias and a slope:

struct Point:
    bias: uint256
    slope: uint256


GaugeController.points_weight(arg0: address, arg1: uint256)

Getter for the Point information of a user arg0.

Returns: bias (uint256) and slope (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address User address
arg1 uint256 Point
Source code
points_weight: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # gauge_addr -> time -> Point

This example returns the bias and slope for a specific user and point.

>>> GaugeController.points_weight(
Point: )


GaugeController.time_weight(arg0: address) -> uint256: view

Getter for the last scheduled time the gauge weight of gauge arg0 updates. This should always be the coming Thursday at 00:00 UTC and is updated when a gauge weight is updated.

Returns: timestamp (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address Gauge address
Source code
time_weight: public(HashMap[address, uint256])  # gauge_addr -> last scheduled time (next week)

This example returns the last scheduled time the gauge weight of a specific gauge updates.

>>> GaugeController.time_weight()


GaugeController.points_sum(arg0: int128, arg1: uint256) -> bias: uint256, slope: uint256: view

Getter for informations from Point struct.

Returns: bias (uint256) and slope (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 int128 Gauge type ID
arg0 address Timestamp
Source code
points_sum: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # type_id -> time -> Point

This example returns the bias and slope for a specific gauge type and point.

>>> GaugeController.points_sum(
Time: )


GaugeController.time_sum(arg0: uint256) -> uint256: view

Getter for the last scheduled time (next week).

Returns: timestamp (uin256).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Gauge type ID
Source code
time_sum: public(uint256[1000000000])  # type_id -> last scheduled time (next week)

This example returns the last scheduled time the gauge weights of a specific gauge type update.

>>> GaugeController.time_sum()


GaugeController.points_total(arg0: uint256) -> uint256: view

Getter for the currennt future total weight at timestamp arg0.

Returns: total points (uin256).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Timestamp of the next gauge weight update
Source code
points_total: public(HashMap[uint256, uint256])  # time -> total weight

This example returns the current future total weight at a specific timestamp.

>>> GaugeController.points_total()


GaugeController.time_total() -> uint256: view

Getter for the last scheduled time when the gauge weights will update.

Returns: timestamp (uin256).

Source code
time_total: public(uint256)  # last scheduled time

This example returns the last scheduled time when the gauge weights will update.

>>> GaugeController.time_total()


GaugeController.points_type_weight(arg0: int128, arg1: uint256) -> uint256: view

Getter for the weight for gauge type arg0 at the next update, which is at timestamp arg1.

Returns: type weigt (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 int128 Gauge type ID
arg1 uint256 Timestamp
Source code
points_type_weight: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, uint256]])  # type_id -> time -> type weight

This example returns the weight for a specific gauge type at a specific timestamp.

>>> GaugeController.points_type_weight(
Time: )


GaugeController.time_type_weight(arg0: uint256) -> uint256: view

Getter for the last scheduled time, when the type weights update.

Returns: timestamp (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Type ID
Source code
time_type_weight: public(uint256[1000000000])  # type_id -> last scheduled time (next week)

This example returns the last scheduled time when the gauge weights of a specific gauge type update.

>>> GaugeController.time_type_weight()

Gauge Types

Each liquidity gauge is assigned a type within the GaugeController. Grouping gauges by type allows the DAO to adjust the emissions according to type, making it possible to e.g. end all emissions for a single type.

Description Gauge Type
Ethereum (stable pools) 0
Fantom circle@2x Fantom 1
polygon Polygon 2
🚫 deprecated 3
Gnosis 4
Ethereum (crypto pools) 5
🚫 deprecated 6
Arbitrum 7
Avalance 8
harmony-one-logo Harmony 9
💰 Fundraising 10
Optimism 11
BinanceSmartChain 12


GaugeController.gauge_types(_addr: address) -> int128: view

Getter for the gauge type of a specific gauge.

Returns: gauge type (int128).

Input Type Description
_addr address Gauge address
Source code
gauge_types_: HashMap[address, int128]

def gauge_types(_addr: address) -> int128:
    @notice Get gauge type for address
    @param _addr Gauge address
    @return Gauge type id
    gauge_type: int128 = self.gauge_types_[_addr]
    assert gauge_type != 0

    return gauge_type - 1

This example returns the gauge type of a specific gauge.

>>> GaugeController.gauge_types()


GaugeController.n_gauge_types() -> int128: view

Getter for the total number of gauge types. New gauge types can be added via the add_type function.

Returns: total number of types (int128).

Source code
n_gauge_types: public(int128)

This example returns the total number of gauge types.

>>> GaugeController.n_gauge_types()


GaugeController.gauge_type_names(arg0: int128) -> String[64]: view

Getter for the name of a specific gauge type.

Returns: type name (string).

Input Type Description
arg0 int128 Gauge type index
Source code
gauge_type_names: public(HashMap[int128, String[64]])

This example returns the name of a specific gauge type.

>>> GaugeController.gauge_type_names()


GaugeController.get_type_weight(type_id: int128) -> uint256: view

Getter for the type weight of a specific gauge type.

Returns: type weight (uint256).

Input Type Description
type_id int128 Gauge type ID
Source code
def get_type_weight(type_id: int128) -> uint256:
    @notice Get current type weight
    @param type_id Type id
    @return Type weight
    return self.points_type_weight[type_id][self.time_type_weight[type_id]]

def _get_type_weight(gauge_type: int128) -> uint256:
    @notice Fill historic type weights week-over-week for missed checkins
            and return the type weight for the future week
    @param gauge_type Gauge type id
    @return Type weight
    t: uint256 = self.time_type_weight[gauge_type]
    if t > 0:
        w: uint256 = self.points_type_weight[gauge_type][t]
        for i in range(500):
            if t > block.timestamp:
            t += WEEK
            self.points_type_weight[gauge_type][t] = w
            if t > block.timestamp:
                self.time_type_weight[gauge_type] = t
        return w
        return 0

This example returns the type weight of a specific gauge type.

>>> GaugeController.get_type_weight()


GaugeController.add_type(_name: String[64], weight: uint256 = 0):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to add a new gauge type.

Emits: AddType event.

Input Type Description
_name String[64] Gauge type name
weight uint256 Gauge weight. Defaults to 0
Source code
event AddType:
    name: String[64]
    type_id: int128

# Gauge parameters
# All numbers are "fixed point" on the basis of 1e18
n_gauge_types: public(int128)
n_gauges: public(int128)
gauge_type_names: public(HashMap[int128, String[64]])

points_weight: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # gauge_addr -> time -> Point
changes_weight: HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, uint256]]  # gauge_addr -> time -> slope
time_weight: public(HashMap[address, uint256])  # gauge_addr -> last scheduled time (next week)

points_sum: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # type_id -> time -> Point
changes_sum: HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, uint256]]  # type_id -> time -> slope
time_sum: public(uint256[1000000000])  # type_id -> last scheduled time (next week)

points_total: public(HashMap[uint256, uint256])  # time -> total weight
time_total: public(uint256)  # last scheduled time

points_type_weight: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, uint256]])  # type_id -> time -> type weight
time_type_weight: public(uint256[1000000000])  # type_id -> last scheduled time (next week)

def add_type(_name: String[64], weight: uint256 = 0):
    @notice Add gauge type with name `_name` and weight `weight`
    @param _name Name of gauge type
    @param weight Weight of gauge type
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    type_id: int128 = self.n_gauge_types
    self.gauge_type_names[type_id] = _name
    self.n_gauge_types = type_id + 1
    if weight != 0:
        self._change_type_weight(type_id, weight)
        log AddType(_name, type_id)

def _change_type_weight(type_id: int128, weight: uint256):
    @notice Change type weight
    @param type_id Type id
    @param weight New type weight
    old_weight: uint256 = self._get_type_weight(type_id)
    old_sum: uint256 = self._get_sum(type_id)
    _total_weight: uint256 = self._get_total()
    next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK

    _total_weight = _total_weight + old_sum * weight - old_sum * old_weight
    self.points_total[next_time] = _total_weight
    self.points_type_weight[type_id][next_time] = weight
    self.time_total = next_time
    self.time_type_weight[type_id] = next_time

    log NewTypeWeight(type_id, next_time, weight, _total_weight)

This example adds a new gauge type with the name New Test GaugeType and a weight of 0. Adding a new gauge type increases the n_gauge_types by 1. Consequently, the new gauge type will have an ID of 14 (as there are already 13 gauge types before this new addition).

>>> GaugeController.n_gauge_types()

>>> GaugeController.add_type('New Test GaugeType', 0)

>>> GaugeController.n_gauge_types()


GaugeController.change_type_weight(type_id: int128, weight: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to change the weight for a specific gauge type.

Emits: NewTypeWeight event.

Input Type Description
type_id int128 Gauge type ID
weight uint256 New gauge type weight
Source code
event NewTypeWeight:
    type_id: int128
    time: uint256
    weight: uint256
    total_weight: uint256

points_weight: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # gauge_addr -> time -> Point
changes_weight: HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, uint256]]  # gauge_addr -> time -> slope
time_weight: public(HashMap[address, uint256])  # gauge_addr -> last scheduled time (next week)

points_sum: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, Point]])  # type_id -> time -> Point
changes_sum: HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, uint256]]  # type_id -> time -> slope
time_sum: public(uint256[1000000000])  # type_id -> last scheduled time (next week)

points_total: public(HashMap[uint256, uint256])  # time -> total weight
time_total: public(uint256)  # last scheduled time

points_type_weight: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, uint256]])  # type_id -> time -> type weight
time_type_weight: public(uint256[1000000000])  # type_id -> last scheduled time (next week)

def change_type_weight(type_id: int128, weight: uint256):
    @notice Change gauge type `type_id` weight to `weight`
    @param type_id Gauge type id
    @param weight New Gauge weight
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self._change_type_weight(type_id, weight)

def _change_type_weight(type_id: int128, weight: uint256):
    @notice Change type weight
    @param type_id Type id
    @param weight New type weight
    old_weight: uint256 = self._get_type_weight(type_id)
    old_sum: uint256 = self._get_sum(type_id)
    _total_weight: uint256 = self._get_total()
    next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK

    _total_weight = _total_weight + old_sum * weight - old_sum * old_weight
    self.points_total[next_time] = _total_weight
    self.points_type_weight[type_id][next_time] = weight
    self.time_total = next_time
    self.time_type_weight[type_id] = next_time

    log NewTypeWeight(type_id, next_time, weight, _total_weight)

This example changes the weight of a gauge type with ID 14 to 1000000000000000000.

>>> GaugeController.get_type_weight(14)

>>> GaugeController.change_type_weight(14, 1000000000000000000)

>>> GaugeController.get_type_weight(14)

Contract Info Methods


GaugeController.token() -> address: view

Getter for the Curve DAO Token. This variable can not be changed.

Returns: crv token (address).

Source code
token: public(address)  # CRV token

def __init__(_token: address, _voting_escrow: address):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _token `ERC20CRV` contract address
    @param _voting_escrow `VotingEscrow` contract address
    assert _token != ZERO_ADDRESS
    self.token = _token

This example returns the CRV token address.

>>> GaugeController.token()


GaugeController.voting_escrow() -> address: view

Getter for the VotingEscrow contract.

Returns: voting escrow (address).

Source code
voting_escrow: public(address)  # Voting escrow

def __init__(_token: address, _voting_escrow: address):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _token `ERC20CRV` contract address
    @param _voting_escrow `VotingEscrow` contract address
    assert _voting_escrow != ZERO_ADDRESS
    self.voting_escrow = _voting_escrow

This example returns the VotingEscrow (veCRV) address.

>>> GaugeController.voting_escrow()

Contract Ownership

Admin ownership can be commited by calling commit_transfer_ownership. Changes then need to be applied. The current admin is the OwnershipAgent, which would require a DAO vote to change it.


GaugeController.admin() -> address: view

Getter for the admin of the contract.

Returns: admin (address).

Source code
admin: public(address)  # Can and will be a smart contract

def __init__(_token: address, _voting_escrow: address):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _token `ERC20CRV` contract address
    @param _voting_escrow `VotingEscrow` contract address

    self.admin = msg.sender


This example returns the current admin of the contract.

>>> GaugeController.admin()


GaugeController.future_admin() -> address: view

Getter for the future admin of the contract.

Returns: future admin (address).

Source code
future_admin: public(address)  # Can and will be a smart contract

This example returns the current future_admin of the contract.

>>> GaugeController.future_admin()


GaugeController.commit_transfer_ownership(addr: address)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to commit the ownership of the contract to addr.

Emits: CommitOwnership event.

Input Type Description
addr address new admin address
Source code
event CommitOwnership:
    admin: address

future_admin: public(address)  # Can and will be a smart contract

def commit_transfer_ownership(addr: address):
    @notice Transfer ownership of GaugeController to `addr`
    @param addr Address to have ownership transferred to
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin only
    self.future_admin = addr
    log CommitOwnership(addr)

This example commits the ownership of the contract to 0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045.

>>> GaugeController.admin()

>>> GaugeController.commit_transfer_ownership("0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045")

>>> GaugeController.future_admin()


GaugeController.apply_transfer_ownership() -> address: view

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to apply the new ownership.

Emits: ApplyOwnership event.

Source code
event ApplyOwnership:
admin: address

def apply_transfer_ownership():
    @notice Apply pending ownership transfer
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin only
    _admin: address = self.future_admin
    assert _admin != ZERO_ADDRESS  # dev: admin not set
    self.admin = _admin
    log ApplyOwnership(_admin)

This example applies the new ownership of the contract to 0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045 (see the example above).

>>> GaugeController.admin()

>>> GaugeController.apply_transfer_ownership()

>>> GaugeController.admin()