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The Minter is responsible for the issuance and distribution of CRV tokens to liquidity providers. It acts as a mechanism to reward users who provide liquidity to Curve's pools. The contract essentially calculates the amount of CRV tokens to be allocated based on various factors such as the duration and amount of liquidity provided.


The source code for the Minter.vy contract is available on GitHub. The contract is written in Vyper version 0.2.4.

The contract is deployed on Ethereum at 0xd061D61a4d941c39E5453435B6345Dc261C2fcE0.

Minting CRV

CRV tokens can be minted in several ways:

  • mint: simple function which mints the elegible CRV tokens to msg.sender from a single gauge
  • mint_many: function to mint the elegible CRV for msg.sender for multiple gauges at once
  • mint_for: function to mint CRV for someone else and send it to them. Approval needs to be granted via toggle_approve_mint

mint address)

Function to mint CRV for the caller from a single gauge.

Emits: Minted event.

Input Type Description
gauge_addr address Gauge address to get mintable CRV amount from
Source code
interface LiquidityGauge:
    # Presumably, other gauges will provide the same interfaces
    def integrate_fraction(addr: address) -> uint256: view
    def user_checkpoint(addr: address) -> bool: nonpayable

interface MERC20:
    def mint(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable

event Minted:
    recipient: indexed(address)
    gauge: address
    minted: uint256

# user -> gauge -> value
minted: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])

def mint(gauge_addr: address):
    @notice Mint everything which belongs to `msg.sender` and send to them
    @param gauge_addr `LiquidityGauge` address to get mintable amount from
    self._mint_for(gauge_addr, msg.sender)

def _mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address):
    assert GaugeController(self.controller).gauge_types(gauge_addr) >= 0  # dev: gauge is not added

    total_mint: uint256 = LiquidityGauge(gauge_addr).integrate_fraction(_for)
    to_mint: uint256 = total_mint - self.minted[_for][gauge_addr]

    if to_mint != 0:
        MERC20(self.token).mint(_for, to_mint)
        self.minted[_for][gauge_addr] = total_mint

        log Minted(_for, gauge_addr, total_mint)

This example mints all CRV for the caller from 0xe5d5aa1bbe72f68df42432813485ca1fc998de32 (LDO/ETH gauge).



Minter.mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address)

Function to mint CRV for a different address and transfer it to them. In order to do this, the caller must have been previously approved by for using toggle_approve_mint.

Emits: Minted event.

Input Type Description
gauge_addr address Gauge address to get mintable CRV amount from
_for address Address to mint to
Source code
interface LiquidityGauge:
    # Presumably, other gauges will provide the same interfaces
    def integrate_fraction(addr: address) -> uint256: view
    def user_checkpoint(addr: address) -> bool: nonpayable

interface MERC20:
    def mint(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable

event Minted:
    recipient: indexed(address)
    gauge: address
    minted: uint256

# user -> gauge -> value
minted: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])

# minter -> user -> can mint?
allowed_to_mint_for: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]])

def mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address):
    @notice Mint tokens for `_for`
    @dev Only possible when `msg.sender` has been approved via `toggle_approve_mint`
    @param gauge_addr `LiquidityGauge` address to get mintable amount from
    @param _for Address to mint to
    if self.allowed_to_mint_for[msg.sender][_for]:
        self._mint_for(gauge_addr, _for)

def _mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address):
    assert GaugeController(self.controller).gauge_types(gauge_addr) >= 0  # dev: gauge is not added

    total_mint: uint256 = LiquidityGauge(gauge_addr).integrate_fraction(_for)
    to_mint: uint256 = total_mint - self.minted[_for][gauge_addr]

    if to_mint != 0:
        MERC20(self.token).mint(_for, to_mint)
        self.minted[_for][gauge_addr] = total_mint

        log Minted(_for, gauge_addr, total_mint)

This example mints all CRV for 0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045 from the gauge with the address 0xe5d5aa1bbe72f68df42432813485ca1fc998de32.

>>> Minter.mint_for('0xe5d5aa1bbe72f68df42432813485ca1fc998de32', '0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045')


Minter.mint_many(gauge_addrs: address[8])

Function to mint CRV for the caller from multiple gauges. This function does not allow for minting for or to different addresses. It claims for msgs.ender and transfers the minted tokens to them. The maximum number of gauges that can be specified is eight. For example, if only minting from one gauge, leave the remaining array entries as ZERO_ADDRESS.

Emits: Minted event.

Input Type Description
gauge_addrs address[8] List of gauge addresses to mint from
Source code
interface LiquidityGauge:
    # Presumably, other gauges will provide the same interfaces
    def integrate_fraction(addr: address) -> uint256: view
    def user_checkpoint(addr: address) -> bool: nonpayable

interface MERC20:
    def mint(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable

event Minted:
    recipient: indexed(address)
    gauge: address
    minted: uint256

# user -> gauge -> value
minted: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])

# minter -> user -> can mint?
allowed_to_mint_for: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]])

def mint_many(gauge_addrs: address[8]):
    @notice Mint everything which belongs to `msg.sender` across multiple gauges
    @param gauge_addrs List of `LiquidityGauge` addresses
    for i in range(8):
        if gauge_addrs[i] == ZERO_ADDRESS:
        self._mint_for(gauge_addrs[i], msg.sender)

def _mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address):
    assert GaugeController(self.controller).gauge_types(gauge_addr) >= 0  # dev: gauge is not added

    total_mint: uint256 = LiquidityGauge(gauge_addr).integrate_fraction(_for)
    to_mint: uint256 = total_mint - self.minted[_for][gauge_addr]

    if to_mint != 0:
        MERC20(self.token).mint(_for, to_mint)
        self.minted[_for][gauge_addr] = total_mint

        log Minted(_for, gauge_addr, total_mint)

This example mints all CRV for the caller from three gauges at once.

>>> Minter.mint_many('0xe5d5aa1bbe72f68df42432813485ca1fc998de32', '0xbfcf63294ad7105dea65aa58f8ae5be2d9d0952a' '0xb9bdcdcd7c3c1a3255402d44639cb6c7281833cf', '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000')


Minter.minted(arg0: address, arg1: address) -> uint256: view

Getter for the total amount of CRV minted from a specific gauge to a specific user.

Returns: amount of CRV minted (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address User address
arg1 address Gauge address
Source code
# user -> gauge -> value
minted: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])

This example returns the amount of CRV minted from a specific gauge to a specific user.

>>> Minter.minted(
Gauge: )


Minter.allowed_to_mint_for(arg0: address, arg1: address) -> bool: view

Function to check if a specific user can mint for another user. Allowance is toggled using the toggle_approve_mint function.

Returns: true or false (bool).

Input Type Description
arg0 address Address of minter
arg1 address Address of user
Source code
# minter -> user -> can mint?
allowed_to_mint_for: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]])

This example checks if a specific user can mint for another user.

>>> Minter.allowed_to_mint_for(
User: )


Minter.toggle_approve_mint(minting_user: address)

Function to toggle approval for a user to mint CRV on behalf of the caller.

Input Type Description
minting_user address Address to toggle permission for
Source code
# minter -> user -> can mint?
allowed_to_mint_for: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]])

def toggle_approve_mint(minting_user: address):
    @notice allow `minting_user` to mint for `msg.sender`
    @param minting_user Address to toggle permission for
    self.allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender] = not self.allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender]

This example toggles approval for 0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80 to mint for 0xF147b8125d2ef93FB6965Db97D6746952a133934.

>>> Minter.allowed_to_mint_for('0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80', '0xF147b8125d2ef93FB6965Db97D6746952a133934')

>>> Minter.toggle_approve_mint('0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80')

>>> Minter.allowed_to_mint_for('0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80', '0xF147b8125d2ef93FB6965Db97D6746952a133934')

Other Methods


Minter.token() -> address: view

Getter for the token address of the Curve DAO Token (CRV). This variable is set at initialization and can not be changed after.

Returns: CRV token contract (address).

Source code
token: public(address)

def __init__(_token: address, _controller: address):
    self.token = _token
    self.controller = _controller

This example returns the CRV token address.

>>> Minter.token()


Minter.controller() -> address: view

Getter for the GaugeController.

Returns: GaugeController contract (address).

Source code
controller: public(address)

def __init__(_token: address, _controller: address):
    self.token = _token
    self.controller = _controller

This example returns the GaugeController address.

>>> Minter.controller()