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The RootGaugeFactory contract is used to deploy liquidity gauges on the Ethereum mainnet. These gauges can then be voted on to be added to the GaugeController. If successful, the gauges will be able to receive CRV emissions, which then can be bridged via a Bridger contract to the child chains ChildGauge.


The source code for the RootGaugeFactory.vy contract can be found on GitHub. The contract is written using Vyper version 0.3.10

The contract is deployed on Ethereum at 0x306A45a1478A000dC701A6e1f7a569afb8D9DCD6.

Deploying Gauges

The RootGaugeFactory allows the deployment of root gauges on Ethereum and child gauges on the child chains. Root gauges can only be deployed if there is a bridger contract set for the given chain ID, otherwise the chain is not supported.

Supported Chains

If get_bridger(chain_id) returns a non-zero address, the chain is supported and a RootGauge can be deployed.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_bridger(252)           # fraxtal
'0x0199429171bcE183048dccf1d5546Ca519EA9717'    # supported

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_bridger(7700)          # canto
'0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'    # not supported


RootGaugeFactory.deploy_gauge(_chain_id: uint256, _salt: bytes32) -> RootGauge

Function to deploy and initialize a new root gauge for a given chain ID. This function call reverts if there is no bridger contract set for the given _chain_id.

Returns: newly deployed gauge (RootGauge).

Input Type Description
_chain_id uint256 Chain ID of the child gauge
_salt bytes32 Salt for the child gauge
Source code
event DeployedGauge:
    _implementation: indexed(address)
    _chain_id: indexed(uint256)
    _deployer: indexed(address)
    _salt: bytes32
    _gauge: RootGauge

interface RootGauge:
    def bridger() -> Bridger: view
    def initialize(_bridger: Bridger, _chain_id: uint256, _child: address): nonpayable
    def transmit_emissions(): nonpayable

call_proxy: public(CallProxy)
get_bridger: public(HashMap[uint256, Bridger])
get_child_factory: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
get_child_implementation: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
get_implementation: public(address)

get_gauge: public(HashMap[uint256, RootGauge[max_value(uint256)]])
get_gauge_count: public(HashMap[uint256, uint256])
is_valid_gauge: public(HashMap[RootGauge, bool])

def deploy_gauge(_chain_id: uint256, _salt: bytes32) -> RootGauge:
    @notice Deploy a root liquidity gauge
    @param _chain_id The chain identifier of the counterpart child gauge
    @param _salt A value to deterministically deploy a gauge
    bridger: Bridger = self.get_bridger[_chain_id]
    assert bridger != empty(Bridger)  # dev: chain id not supported

    implementation: address = self.get_implementation
    salt: bytes32 = keccak256(_abi_encode(_chain_id, _salt))
    gauge: RootGauge = RootGauge(create_minimal_proxy_to(
    child: address = self._get_child(_chain_id, salt)

    idx: uint256 = self.get_gauge_count[_chain_id]
    self.get_gauge[_chain_id][idx] = gauge
    self.get_gauge_count[_chain_id] = idx + 1
    self.is_valid_gauge[gauge] = True

    gauge.initialize(bridger, _chain_id, child)

    log DeployedGauge(implementation, _chain_id, msg.sender, _salt, gauge)
    return gauge

def _get_child(_chain_id: uint256, salt: bytes32) -> address:
    @dev zkSync address derivation is ignored, so need to set child address through a vote manually
    child_factory: address = self.get_child_factory[_chain_id]
    child_impl: bytes20 = convert(self.get_child_implementation[_chain_id], bytes20)

    assert child_factory != empty(address)  # dev: child factory not set
    assert child_impl != empty(bytes20)  # dev: child implementation not set

    gauge_codehash: bytes32 = keccak256(
        concat(0x602d3d8160093d39f3363d3d373d3d3d363d73, child_impl, 0x5af43d82803e903d91602b57fd5bf3))
    digest: bytes32 = keccak256(concat(0xFF, convert(child_factory, bytes20), salt, gauge_codehash))
    return convert(convert(digest, uint256) & convert(max_value(uint160), uint256), address)
def initialize(_bridger: Bridger, _chain_id: uint256, _child: address):
    @notice Proxy initialization method
    assert self.factory == empty(Factory)  # dev: already initialized

    self.child_gauge = _child
    self.chain_id = _chain_id
    self.bridger = _bridger
    self.factory = Factory(msg.sender)

    inflation_params: InflationParams = InflationParams({
        rate: CRV.rate(),
        finish_time: CRV.future_epoch_time_write()
    assert inflation_params.rate != 0

    self.inflation_params = inflation_params
    self.last_period = block.timestamp / WEEK

    CRV.approve(_bridger.address, max_value(uint256))

This example deploys a RootGauge for Fraxtal.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.deploy_gauge(252, '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000')


RootGaugeFactory.deploy_child_gauge(_chain_id: uint256, _lp_token: address, _salt: bytes32, _manager: address = msg.sender)


This function will only work if a call_proxy is set. Otherwise, the function will revert.

Function to deploy a new child gauge on the child chain.

Input Type Description
_chain_id uint256 Chain ID of the child gauge
_lp_token address Address of the LP token
_salt bytes32 Salt for the child gauge
_manager address Address of the manager
Source code
call_proxy: public(CallProxy)
get_bridger: public(HashMap[uint256, Bridger])

def deploy_child_gauge(_chain_id: uint256, _lp_token: address, _salt: bytes32, _manager: address = msg.sender):
    bridger: Bridger = self.get_bridger[_chain_id]
    assert bridger != empty(Bridger)  # dev: chain id not supported


This example deploys a ChildGauge on Optimism for the 0xb757fc30bb2d96782188c45b6ebf20defe165ac7 LP token. 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 is specified as the manager.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.deploy_child_gauge(10, '0xb757fc30bb2d96782188c45b6ebf20defe165ac7', '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890')

Transmitting Emissions

Once a root gauge has received emissions, they can be transmitted to the child gauge. This is done by calling the transmit_emissions function. Emissions can only be transmitted from the RootGaugeFactory.

Transmitting emissions is permissionless. Anyone can do it.


RootGaugeFactory.transmit_emissions(_gauge: RootGauge)

Function to mint and transmit emissions to the ChildGauge on the destination chain. This function is permissionsless and can be called by anyone.

Input Type Description
_gauge address Root gauge to transmit emissions for
Source code
interface Bridger:
    def check(_addr: address) -> bool: view

interface RootGauge:
    def transmit_emissions(): nonpayable

def transmit_emissions(_gauge: RootGauge):
    @notice Call `transmit_emissions` on a root gauge
    @dev Entrypoint to request emissions for a child gauge.
        The way that gauges work, this can also be called on the root
        chain without a request.
    # in most cases this will return True
    # for special bridges *cough cough Multichain, we can only do
    # one bridge per tx, therefore this will verify msg.sender in [tx.origin, self.call_proxy]
    assert _gauge.bridger().check(msg.sender)
def transmit_emissions():
    @notice Mint any new emissions and transmit across to child gauge
    assert msg.sender == self.factory.address  # dev: call via factory
    minted: uint256 = CRV.balanceOf(self)

    assert minted != 0  # dev: nothing minted
    bridger: Bridger = self.bridger

    bridger.bridge(CRV, self.child_gauge, minted, value=bridger.cost())
def check(_account: address) -> bool:
    @notice Verify if `_account` is allowed to bridge using `transmit_emissions`
    @param _account The account calling `transmit_emissions`
    return True

def bridge(_token: IERC20, _to: address, _amount: uint256, _min_amount: uint256=0) -> uint256:
    @notice Bridge `_token` through XDAO Layer Zero
    @param _token The ERC20 asset to bridge
    @param _to The receiver on `_chain_id`
    @param _amount The amount of `_token` to deposit, 2^256-1 for the whole balance
    @param _min_amount Minimum amount when to bridge
    @return Bridged amount
    amount: uint256 = _amount
    if amount == max_value(uint256):
        amount = min(staticcall _token.balanceOf(msg.sender), staticcall _token.allowance(msg.sender, self))
    assert amount >= _min_amount, "Amount too small"

    assert extcall _token.transferFrom(msg.sender, self, amount)

    extcall BRIDGE.bridge(_to, amount, msg.sender, value=self.balance)
    return amount

This example transmits CRV emissions for the RootGauge at 0x6233394c3C466A45A505EFA4857489743168E9Fa to the ChildGauge on Fraxtal.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.transmit_emissions('0x6233394c3C466A45A505EFA4857489743168E9Fa')


RootGaugeFactory.get_bridger(_chain_id: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the bridger for a given chain ID. This contract is used to bridge CRV emissions to the ChildGauge.

Returns: bridger (address).

Input Type Description
_chain_id uint256 Chain ID of the child gauge
Source code
interface Bridger:
    def check(_addr: address) -> bool: view

get_bridger: public(HashMap[uint256, Bridger])

This example returns the Bridger contract for a given chain ID. If the chain ID is not supported, the function will return 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_bridger(

Gauge Information

The RootGaugeFactory contract also provides a few getters to retrieve information about the deployed RootGauges.


RootGaugeFactory.get_gauge(_chain_id: uint256, _idx: uint256) -> RootGauge

Getter for gauges on a given chain ID and index.

Returns: gauge (address).

Input Type Description
_chain_id uint256 Chain ID of the child gauge
_idx uint256 Index of the gauge
Source code
get_gauge: public(HashMap[uint256, RootGauge[max_value(uint256)]])

This example returns the RootGauge address for a given chain ID and index.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_gauge(
Chain ID: 
Gauge: )


RootGaugeFactory.get_gauge_count(_chain_id: uint256) -> uint256

Getter to get the number of gauges for a given chain ID. This value is incremented by one for each new gauge deployed.

Returns: number of gauges (uint256).

Input Type Description
_chain_id uint256 Chain ID of the child gauge
Source code
get_gauge_count: public(HashMap[uint256, uint256])

This example returns the number of deployed RootGauges for a given chain ID.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_gauge_count(


RootGaugeFactory.is_valid_gauge(_gauge: RootGauge) -> bool

Getter to check if a gauge is valid.

Returns: True if the gauge is valid, False otherwise (bool).

Input Type Description
_gauge address Root gauge to check validity for
Source code
is_valid_gauge: public(HashMap[RootGauge, bool])

This example checks if a given RootGauge is valid.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.is_valid_gauge(

Child and Root Implementations and Factories

The RootGaugeFactory contract also provides a few getters to retrieve information about the deployed ChildGauge implementations and factories.


RootGaugeFactory.get_implementation() -> address: view

Getter for the RootGauge implementation contract. This implementation contract is used to deploy new RootGauge contracts using

Returns: implementation address (address).

Source code
get_implementation: public(address)

This example returns the current RootGauge implementation contract address.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_implementation()


RootGaugeFactory.set_implementation(_implementation: address)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the owner of the contract.


Changing the implementation contract requires a change on all child factories.

Function to set the implementation contract of the RootGauge.

Emits: UpdateImplementation event.

Input Type Description
_implementation address Address of the new implementation
Source code
event UpdateImplementation:
    _old_implementation: address
    _new_implementation: address

get_implementation: public(address)

owner: public(address)

def set_implementation(_implementation: address):
    @notice Set the implementation
    @dev Changing implementation require change on all child factories
    @param _implementation The address of the implementation to use
    assert msg.sender == self.owner  # dev: only owner

    log UpdateImplementation(self.get_implementation, _implementation)
    self.get_implementation = _implementation

This example sets the RootGauge implementation to the address 0x6233394c3C466A45A505EFA4857489743168E9Fa.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_implementation()

>>> RootGaugeFactory.set_implementation('0x6233394c3C466A45A505EFA4857489743168E9Fa')

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_implementation()


RootGaugeFactory.get_child_factory(_chain_id: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the child factory for a given chain ID.

Returns: child factory address (address).

Input Type Description
_chain_id uint256 Chain ID of the child gauge
Source code
get_child_factory: public(HashMap[uint256, address])

This example returns the ChildGaugeFactory contract address for a specific chain ID.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_child_factory(


RootGaugeFactory.get_child_implementation(_chain_id: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the child implementation for a given chain ID.

Returns: child implementation address (address).

Input Type Description
_chain_id uint256 Chain ID of the child gauge
Source code
get_child_implementation: public(HashMap[uint256, address])

This example returns the ChildGauge implementation contract address for a given chain ID.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.get_child_implementation(


RootGaugeFactory.set_child(_chain_id: uint256, _bridger: Bridger, _child_factory: address, _child_impl: address)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the owner of the contract.

Function to set different child properties for a given chain ID such as the bridger contract, ChildGaugeFactory and ChildGauge implementation.

Emits: ChildUpdated event.

Input Type Description
_chain_id uint256 Chain ID of the child gauge
_bridger Bridger Bridger contract for the child gauge
_child_factory address Address of the new ChildGaugeFactory
_child_impl address Address of the new ChildGauge implementation
Source code
event ChildUpdated:
    _chain_id: indexed(uint256)
    _new_bridger: Bridger
    _new_factory: address
    _new_implementation: address

get_bridger: public(HashMap[uint256, Bridger])
get_child_factory: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
get_child_implementation: public(HashMap[uint256, address])

owner: public(address)

def set_child(_chain_id: uint256, _bridger: Bridger, _child_factory: address, _child_impl: address):
    @notice Set the bridger for `_chain_id`
    @param _chain_id The chain identifier to set the bridger for
    @param _bridger The bridger contract to use
    @param _child_factory Address of factory on L2 (needed in price derivation)
    @param _child_impl Address of gauge implementation on L2 (needed in price derivation)
    assert msg.sender == self.owner  # dev: only owner

    log ChildUpdated(_chain_id, _bridger, _child_factory, _child_impl)
    self.get_bridger[_chain_id] = _bridger
    self.get_child_factory[_chain_id] = _child_factory
    self.get_child_implementation[_chain_id] = _child_impl

This example sets the following properties for chain ID 252:

  • Bridger: 0x0199429171bcE183048dccf1d5546Ca519EA9717
  • ChildGaugeFactory: 0x0B8D6B6CeFC7Aa1C2852442e518443B1b22e1C52
  • ChildGauge implementation: 0x6A611215540555A7feBCB64CB0Ed11Ac90F165Af
>>> RootGaugeFactory.set_child(252, '0x0199429171bcE183048dccf1d5546Ca519EA9717', '0x0B8D6B6CeFC7Aa1C2852442e518443B1b22e1C52', '0x6A611215540555A7feBCB64CB0Ed11Ac90F165Af')

Call Proxy


RootGaugeFactory.call_proxy() -> CallProxy: view

Getter to get the call proxy which is used for inter-chain communication. This variable is initially set at contract initialization and can be changed via the set_call_proxy function.

Returns: call proxy (CallProxy).

Source code
interface CallProxy:
    def anyCall(
        _to: address, _data: Bytes[1024], _fallback: address, _to_chain_id: uint256
    ): nonpayable

call_proxy: public(CallProxy)

def __init__(_call_proxy: CallProxy, _owner: address):
    self.call_proxy = _call_proxy
    log UpdateCallProxy(empty(CallProxy), _call_proxy)

    self.owner = _owner
    log TransferOwnership(empty(address), _owner)

This example returns the current call proxy contract address.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.call_proxy()


RootGaugeFactory.set_call_proxy(_call_proxy: CallProxy)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the owner of the contract.

Function to set the call proxy.

Emits: UpdateCallProxy event.

Input Type Description
_call_proxy CallProxy Call proxy to set
Source code
event UpdateCallProxy:
    _old_call_proxy: CallProxy
    _new_call_proxy: CallProxy

call_proxy: public(CallProxy)

def set_call_proxy(_call_proxy: CallProxy):
    @notice Set CallProxy
    @param _call_proxy Contract to use for inter-chain communication
    assert msg.sender == self.owner

    self.call_proxy = _call_proxy
    log UpdateCallProxy(empty(CallProxy), _call_proxy)

This example sets the call proxy to 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890.

>>> RootGaugeFactory.call_proxy()

>>> RootGaugeFactory.set_call_proxy('0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890')

>>> RootGaugeFactory.call_proxy()

Contract Ownership

For contract ownership details, see here.