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The Controller contract acts as a on-chain interface for creating loans and further managing existing positions. It holds all user debt information. External liquidations are also done through it.

Each market has its own Controller, automatically deployed from a blueprint contract, as soon as a new market is added via the add_market function or, for lending markets, via the create or create_from_pool function within the respective Factory.

Controller contracts are currently used for the following two cases:

  • Curve Stablecoin - minting crvUSD

    Minting crvUSD is only possible with whitelised collateral by the DAO and requires users to provide collateral against which they can mint1 crvUSD. Provided collateral is deposited into LLAMMA according to the number of bands chosen. Subsequently, crvUSD is backed by the assets provided as collateral.

    Repaying the loan is straightforward: Debt is repaid, the health of the loan improves, allowing for the removal of collateral from LLAMMA. When the entire loan is repaid, the user can remove their entire collateral.

  • Curve Lending Markets

    Curve Lending Overview

    In lending markets, not only can crvUSD be borrowed. Every lending market token composition is possible as long as one of the assets, no matter if collateral or borrowable asset, is crvUSD.

    The main difference compared to the minting system above is that there are no tokens minted (neglecting the ERC-4626 vault token here) and therefore not backed by the provided collateral token. E.g., if there is a CRV<>crvUSD lending market, with CRV as collateral and crvUSD as borrowable asset, then the borrowed crvUSD are not minted but rather borrowed. Borrowable assets are provided by lenders, who deposit the assets into an ERC-4626 Vault, where they earn interest for lending out their assets.

    Repaying the loan is straightforward: Debt is repaid, the health of the loan improves, allowing for the removal of collateral from LLAMMA. When the entire loan is repaid, the user can remove their entire collateral.

Creating and Repaying Loans

New loans are created via the ceate_loan function. When creating a loan the user needs to specify the amount of collateral, debt and the number of bands to deposit the collateral into.

The maximum amount of borrowable debt is determined by the number of bands, the amount of collateral, and the oracle price.

The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio depends on the number of bands N and the parameter A. The higher the number of bands, the lower the LTV. More on bands here.

\[LTV = \text{100%} - \text{loan_discount} - 100 * \frac{N}{2*A}\]

Google Colab Notebook

A simple notebook showcasing how to create a loan using create_loan and then how to read loan information can be found here:


Controller.create_loan(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256):

Function to create a new loan, requiring specification of the amount of collateral to be deposited into N bands and the amount of debt to be borrowed. The lower bands choosen, the higher the loss when the position is in soft-liquiation. Should there already be an existing loan, the function will revert.

Emits: UserState, Borrow, Deposit and Transfer

Input Type Description
collateral uint256 Amount of collateral token to put up as collateral (at its native precision).
debt uint256 Amount of debt to take on.
N uint256 Number of bands to deposit into; must range between MIN_TICKS and MAX_TICKS
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event Borrow:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_increase: uint256
    loan_increase: uint256

MAX_TICKS: constant(int256) = 50
MIN_TICKS: constant(int256) = 4

def create_loan(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256):
    @notice Create loan
    @param collateral Amount of collateral to use
    @param debt Stablecoin debt to take
    @param N Number of bands to deposit into (to do autoliquidation-deliquidation),
        can be from MIN_TICKS to MAX_TICKS
    self._create_loan(collateral, debt, N, True)

def _create_loan(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, transfer_coins: bool):
    assert[msg.sender].initial_debt == 0, "Loan already created"
    assert N > MIN_TICKS-1, "Need more ticks"
    assert N < MAX_TICKS+1, "Need less ticks"

    n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(collateral, debt, N)
    n2: int256 = n1 + convert(N - 1, int256)

    rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()[msg.sender] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
    liquidation_discount: uint256 = self.liquidation_discount
    self.liquidation_discounts[msg.sender] = liquidation_discount

    n_loans: uint256 = self.n_loans[n_loans] = msg.sender
    self.loan_ix[msg.sender] = n_loans
    self.n_loans = unsafe_add(n_loans, 1)

    self._total_debt.initial_debt = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul + debt
    self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul

    AMM.deposit_range(msg.sender, collateral, n1, n2)
    self.minted += debt

    if transfer_coins:
        self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
        self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, msg.sender, debt)


log UserState(msg.sender, collateral, debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
log Borrow(msg.sender, collateral, debt)
event Deposit:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256

def deposit_range(user: address, amount: uint256, n1: int256, n2: int256):
    @notice Deposit for a user in a range of bands. Only admin contract (Controller) can do it
    @param user User address
    @param amount Amount of collateral to deposit
    @param n1 Lower band in the deposit range
    @param n2 Upper band in the deposit range
    assert msg.sender == self.admin

    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    collateral_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []

    n0: int256 = self.active_band

    # We assume that n1,n2 area already sorted (and they are in Controller)
    assert n2 < 2**127
    assert n1 > -2**127

    n_bands: uint256 = unsafe_add(convert(unsafe_sub(n2, n1), uint256), 1)
    assert n_bands <= MAX_TICKS_UINT

    y_per_band: uint256 = unsafe_div(amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, n_bands)
    assert y_per_band > 100, "Amount too low"

    assert self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] == 0  # dev: User must have no liquidity
    self.user_shares[user].ns = unsafe_add(n1, unsafe_mul(n2, 2**128))

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    # Autoskip bands if we can
    for i in range(MAX_SKIP_TICKS + 1):
        if n1 > n0:
            if i != 0:
                self.active_band = n0
        assert self.bands_x[n0] == 0 and i < MAX_SKIP_TICKS, "Deposit below current band"
        n0 -= 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        band: int256 = unsafe_add(n1, i)
        if band > n2:

        assert self.bands_x[band] == 0, "Band not empty"
        y: uint256 = y_per_band
        if i == 0:
            y = amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION - y * unsafe_sub(n_bands, 1)

        total_y: uint256 = self.bands_y[band]

        # Total / user share
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[band]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div((s + DEAD_SHARES) * y, total_y + 1)
        assert ds > 0, "Amount too low"
        s += ds
        assert s <= 2**128 - 1
        self.total_shares[band] = s

        total_y += y
        self.bands_y[band] = total_y

        if lm.address != empty(address):
            # If initial s == 0 - s becomes equal to y which is > 100 => nonzero
            collateral_shares.append(unsafe_div(total_y * 10**18, s))

    self.min_band = min(self.min_band, n1)
    self.max_band = max(self.max_band, n2)

    self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    log Deposit(user, amount, n1, n2)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(n1, collateral_shares)
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, n1, user_shares)
>>> Controller.create_loan(10**18, 10**21, 10)
>>> Controller.debt(trader)
>>> Controller.user_state(trader)
[1000000000000000000, 0, 1000000000000000000000, 10]
# [collateral, stablecoin, debt, bands]  


Controller.create_loan_extended(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b"")

Function to create a new loan using callbacks. This function passes the stablecoin to a callback first, enabling the construction of leverage. Earlier implementations of the contract did not have callback_bytes argument. This was added to enable leveraging/de-leveraging using the 1inch router.

Emits: UserState, Borrow, Deposit, and Transfer

Input Type Description
collateral uint256 Amount of collateral token to put up as collateral (at its native precision).
debt uint256 Amount of debt to take.
N uint256 Number of bands to deposit into.
callbacker address Address of the callback contract.
callback_args DynArray[uint256,5] Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5), such as min_amount, etc. See LeverageZap1inch.vy for more.
callback_bytes Bytes[10**4] Callback bytes passed to the LeverageZap. Defaults to b"".
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event Borrow:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_increase: uint256
    loan_increase: uint256

MAX_TICKS: constant(int256) = 50
MIN_TICKS: constant(int256) = 4

CALLBACK_DEPOSIT: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
CALLBACK_REPAY: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)

CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)
# CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4) <-- BUG! The reason is 0 at the beginning of method_id
CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = 0x008ae188
CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)

def create_loan_extended(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b""):
    @notice Create loan but pass stablecoin to a callback first so that it can build leverage
    @param collateral Amount of collateral to use
    @param debt Stablecoin debt to take
    @param N Number of bands to deposit into (to do autoliquidation-deliquidation),
        can be from MIN_TICKS to MAX_TICKS
    @param callbacker Address of the callback contract
    @param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
    # Before callback
    self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, debt)

    # For compatibility
    callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES
    if callback_bytes == b"":
        callback_sig = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT
    # Callback
    # If there is any unused debt, callbacker can send it to the user
    more_collateral: uint256 = self.execute_callback(
        callbacker, callback_sig, msg.sender, 0, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes).collateral

    # After callback
    self._create_loan(collateral + more_collateral, debt, N, False)
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, AMM.address, more_collateral)

def execute_callback(callbacker: address, callback_sig: bytes4,
                    user: address, stablecoins: uint256, collateral: uint256, debt: uint256,
                    callback_args: DynArray[uint256, 5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4]) -> CallbackData:
    assert callbacker != COLLATERAL_TOKEN.address

    data: CallbackData = empty(CallbackData)
    data.active_band = AMM.active_band()
    band_x: uint256 = AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
    band_y: uint256 = AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)

    # Callback
    response: Bytes[64] = raw_call(
        concat(callback_sig, _abi_encode(user, stablecoins, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)),
    data.stablecoins = convert(slice(response, 0, 32), uint256)
    data.collateral = convert(slice(response, 32, 32), uint256)

    # Checks after callback
    assert data.active_band == AMM.active_band()
    assert band_x == AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
    assert band_y == AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)

    return data
event Deposit:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256

def deposit_range(user: address, amount: uint256, n1: int256, n2: int256):
    @notice Deposit for a user in a range of bands. Only admin contract (Controller) can do it
    @param user User address
    @param amount Amount of collateral to deposit
    @param n1 Lower band in the deposit range
    @param n2 Upper band in the deposit range
    assert msg.sender == self.admin

    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    collateral_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []

    n0: int256 = self.active_band

    # We assume that n1,n2 area already sorted (and they are in Controller)
    assert n2 < 2**127
    assert n1 > -2**127

    n_bands: uint256 = unsafe_add(convert(unsafe_sub(n2, n1), uint256), 1)
    assert n_bands <= MAX_TICKS_UINT

    y_per_band: uint256 = unsafe_div(amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, n_bands)
    assert y_per_band > 100, "Amount too low"

    assert self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] == 0  # dev: User must have no liquidity
    self.user_shares[user].ns = unsafe_add(n1, unsafe_mul(n2, 2**128))

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    # Autoskip bands if we can
    for i in range(MAX_SKIP_TICKS + 1):
        if n1 > n0:
            if i != 0:
                self.active_band = n0
        assert self.bands_x[n0] == 0 and i < MAX_SKIP_TICKS, "Deposit below current band"
        n0 -= 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        band: int256 = unsafe_add(n1, i)
        if band > n2:

        assert self.bands_x[band] == 0, "Band not empty"
        y: uint256 = y_per_band
        if i == 0:
            y = amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION - y * unsafe_sub(n_bands, 1)

        total_y: uint256 = self.bands_y[band]

        # Total / user share
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[band]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div((s + DEAD_SHARES) * y, total_y + 1)
        assert ds > 0, "Amount too low"
        s += ds
        assert s <= 2**128 - 1
        self.total_shares[band] = s

        total_y += y
        self.bands_y[band] = total_y

        if lm.address != empty(address):
            # If initial s == 0 - s becomes equal to y which is > 100 => nonzero
            collateral_shares.append(unsafe_div(total_y * 10**18, s))

    self.min_band = min(self.min_band, n1)
    self.max_band = max(self.max_band, n2)

    self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    log Deposit(user, amount, n1, n2)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(n1, collateral_shares)
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, n1, user_shares)
>>> Controller.create_loan_extended(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5])


Controller.max_borrowable(collateral: uint256, N: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the maximum amount of crvUSD that can be borrowed against collateral using N bands. If the max borrowable amount exceeds the crvUSD balance of the controller, which essentially is what's left to be borrowed, it returns the amount that remains available for borrowing.

Returns: maximum borrowable amount (uint256).

Input Type Description
collateral uint256 Collateral amount (at its native precision).
N uint256 Number of bands.
Source code
def max_borrowable(collateral: uint256, N: uint256, current_debt: uint256 = 0) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculation of maximum which can be borrowed (details in comments)
    @param collateral Collateral amount against which to borrow
    @param N number of bands to have the deposit into
    @param current_debt Current debt of the user (if any)
    @return Maximum amount of stablecoin to borrow
    # Calculation of maximum which can be borrowed.
    # It corresponds to a minimum between the amount corresponding to price_oracle
    # and the one given by the min reachable band.
    # Given by p_oracle (perhaps needs to be multiplied by (A - 1) / A to account for mid-band effects)
    # x_max ~= y_effective * p_oracle
    # Given by band number:
    # if n1 is the lowest empty band in the AMM
    # xmax ~= y_effective * amm.p_oracle_up(n1)
    # When n1 -= 1:
    # p_oracle_up *= A / (A - 1)

    y_effective: uint256 = self.get_y_effective(collateral * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, N, self.loan_discount)

    x: uint256 = unsafe_sub(max(unsafe_div(y_effective * self.max_p_base(), 10**18), 1), 1)
    x = unsafe_div(x * (10**18 - 10**14), unsafe_mul(10**18, BORROWED_PRECISION))  # Make it a bit smaller
    return min(x, BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(self) + current_debt)  # Cannot borrow beyond the amount of coins Controller has

def get_y_effective(collateral: uint256, N: uint256, discount: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Intermediary method which calculates y_effective defined as x_effective / p_base,
            however discounted by loan_discount.
            x_effective is an amount which can be obtained from collateral when liquidating
    @param collateral Amount of collateral to get the value for
    @param N Number of bands the deposit is made into
    @param discount Loan discount at 1e18 base (e.g. 1e18 == 100%)
    @return y_effective
    # x_effective = sum_{i=0..N-1}(y / N * p(n_{n1+i})) =
    # = y / N * p_oracle_up(n1) * sqrt((A - 1) / A) * sum_{0..N-1}(((A-1) / A)**k)
    # === d_y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1) * sum(...) === y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1)
    # d_y_effective = y / N / sqrt(A / (A - 1))
    # d_y_effective: uint256 = collateral * unsafe_sub(10**18, discount) / (SQRT_BAND_RATIO * N)
    # Make some extra discount to always deposit lower when we have DEAD_SHARES rounding
    d_y_effective: uint256 = collateral * unsafe_sub(
        10**18, min(discount + unsafe_div((DEAD_SHARES * 10**18), max(unsafe_div(collateral, N), DEAD_SHARES)), 10**18)
    ) / unsafe_mul(SQRT_BAND_RATIO, N)
    y_effective: uint256 = d_y_effective
    for i in range(1, MAX_TICKS_UINT):
        if i == N:
        d_y_effective = unsafe_div(d_y_effective * Aminus1, A)
        y_effective = unsafe_add(y_effective, d_y_effective)
    return y_effective
>>> Controller.max_borrowable(10**18, 5)
>>> Controller.max_borrowable(10**18, 25)
>>> Controller.max_borrowable(10**18, 50)


Controller.min_collateral(debt: uint256, N: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the minimum amount of collateral that is necessary to support debt using N bands.

Returns: minimal collateral amount (uint256).

Input Type Description
debt uint256 Debt.
N uint256 Number of bands.
Source code
def min_collateral(debt: uint256, N: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Minimal amount of collateral required to support debt
    @param debt The debt to support
    @param N Number of bands to deposit into
    @return Minimal collateral required
    # Add N**2 to account for precision loss in multiple bands, e.g. N / (y/N) = N**2 / y
    return unsafe_div(
            debt * unsafe_mul(10**18, BORROWED_PRECISION) / self.max_p_base() * 10**18 / self.get_y_effective(10**18, N, self.loan_discount) + N * (N + 2 * DEAD_SHARES) + unsafe_sub(COLLATERAL_PRECISION, 1),
        ) * 10**18,
        10**18 - 10**14)

def get_y_effective(collateral: uint256, N: uint256, discount: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Intermediary method which calculates y_effective defined as x_effective / p_base,
            however discounted by loan_discount.
            x_effective is an amount which can be obtained from collateral when liquidating
    @param collateral Amount of collateral to get the value for
    @param N Number of bands the deposit is made into
    @param discount Loan discount at 1e18 base (e.g. 1e18 == 100%)
    @return y_effective
    # x_effective = sum_{i=0..N-1}(y / N * p(n_{n1+i})) =
    # = y / N * p_oracle_up(n1) * sqrt((A - 1) / A) * sum_{0..N-1}(((A-1) / A)**k)
    # === d_y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1) * sum(...) === y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1)
    # d_y_effective = y / N / sqrt(A / (A - 1))
    # d_y_effective: uint256 = collateral * unsafe_sub(10**18, discount) / (SQRT_BAND_RATIO * N)
    # Make some extra discount to always deposit lower when we have DEAD_SHARES rounding
    d_y_effective: uint256 = collateral * unsafe_sub(
        10**18, min(discount + unsafe_div((DEAD_SHARES * 10**18), max(unsafe_div(collateral, N), DEAD_SHARES)), 10**18)
    ) / unsafe_mul(SQRT_BAND_RATIO, N)
    y_effective: uint256 = d_y_effective
    for i in range(1, MAX_TICKS_UINT):
        if i == N:
        d_y_effective = unsafe_div(d_y_effective * Aminus1, A)
        y_effective = unsafe_add(y_effective, d_y_effective)
    return y_effective
>>> Controller.min_collateral(10**22, 5)
>>> Controller.min_collateral(10**22, 25)
>>> Controller.min_collateral(10**22, 50)


Controller.calculate_debt_n1(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256) -> int256:

Getter method to calculate the upper band number for the deposited collateral to sit in to support the given debt. This call reverts if the requested debt is too high.

Returns: upper band n1 (int256) to deposit the collateral into.

Input Type Description
collateral uint256 Amount of collateral (at its native precision).
debt uint256 Amount of requested debt.
N uint256 Number of bands to deposit into.
Source code
def calculate_debt_n1(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256) -> int256:
    @notice Calculate the upper band number for the deposit to sit in to support
            the given debt. Reverts if requested debt is too high.
    @param collateral Amount of collateral (at its native precision)
    @param debt Amount of requested debt
    @param N Number of bands to deposit into
    @return Upper band n1 (n1 <= n2) to deposit into. Signed integer
    return self._calculate_debt_n1(collateral, debt, N)

def _calculate_debt_n1(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256) -> int256:
    @notice Calculate the upper band number for the deposit to sit in to support
            the given debt. Reverts if requested debt is too high.
    @param collateral Amount of collateral (at its native precision)
    @param debt Amount of requested debt
    @param N Number of bands to deposit into
    @return Upper band n1 (n1 <= n2) to deposit into. Signed integer
    assert debt > 0, "No loan"
    n0: int256 = AMM.active_band()
    p_base: uint256 = AMM.p_oracle_up(n0)

    # x_effective = y / N * p_oracle_up(n1) * sqrt((A - 1) / A) * sum_{0..N-1}(((A-1) / A)**k)
    # === d_y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1) * sum(...) === y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1)
    # d_y_effective = y / N / sqrt(A / (A - 1))
    y_effective: uint256 = self.get_y_effective(collateral * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, N, self.loan_discount)
    # p_oracle_up(n1) = base_price * ((A - 1) / A)**n1

    # We borrow up until min band touches p_oracle,
    # or it touches non-empty bands which cannot be skipped.
    # We calculate required n1 for given (collateral, debt),
    # and if n1 corresponds to price_oracle being too high, or unreachable band
    # - we revert.

    # n1 is band number based on adiabatic trading, e.g. when p_oracle ~ p
    y_effective = unsafe_div(y_effective * p_base, debt * BORROWED_PRECISION + 1)  # Now it's a ratio

    # n1 = floor(log(y_effective) / self.logAratio)
    # EVM semantics is not doing floor unlike Python, so we do this
    assert y_effective > 0, "Amount too low"
    n1: int256 = self.wad_ln(y_effective)
    if n1 < 0:
        n1 -= unsafe_sub(LOGN_A_RATIO, 1)  # This is to deal with vyper's rounding of negative numbers
    n1 = unsafe_div(n1, LOGN_A_RATIO)

    n1 = min(n1, 1024 - convert(N, int256)) + n0
    if n1 <= n0:
        assert AMM.can_skip_bands(n1 - 1), "Debt too high"

    # Let's not rely on active_band corresponding to price_oracle:
    # this will be not correct if we are in the area of empty bands
    assert AMM.p_oracle_up(n1) < AMM.price_oracle(), "Debt too high"

    return n1
>>> Controller.calculate_debt_n1(10**18, 10**22, 5)
>>> Controller.calculate_debt_n1(10**18, 10**22, 25)


Controller.repay(_d_debt: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender, max_active_band: int256 = 2**255-1, use_eth: bool = True):

Function to partially or fully repay _d_debt amount of debt. If _d_debt exceeds the total debt amount of the user, a full repayment will be done.

Emits: UserState and Repay

Input Type Description
_d_debt uint256 Amount of debt to repay.
_for address Address to repay the debt for; defaults to msg.sender.
max_active_band int256 Highest active band. Used to prevent front-running the repay; defaults to 2**255-1.
use_eth bool Use wrapping/unwrapping if collateral is ETH.
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event Repay:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_decrease: uint256
    loan_decrease: uint256

def repay(_d_debt: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender, max_active_band: int256 = 2**255-1, use_eth: bool = True):
    @notice Repay debt (partially or fully)
    @param _d_debt The amount of debt to repay. If higher than the current debt - will do full repayment
    @param _for The user to repay the debt for
    @param max_active_band Don't allow active band to be higher than this (to prevent front-running the repay)
    @param use_eth Use wrapping/unwrapping if collateral is ETH
    if _d_debt == 0:
    # Or repay all for MAX_UINT256
    # Withdraw if debt become 0
    debt: uint256 = 0
    rate_mul: uint256 = 0
    debt, rate_mul = self._debt(_for)
    assert debt > 0, "Loan doesn't exist"
    d_debt: uint256 = min(debt, _d_debt)
    debt = unsafe_sub(debt, d_debt)

    if debt == 0:
        # Allow to withdraw all assets even when underwater
        xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
        if xy[0] > 0:
            # Only allow full repayment when underwater for the sender to do
            assert _for == msg.sender
            self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, _for, xy[0])
        if xy[1] > 0:
            self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, _for, xy[1])
        log UserState(_for, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        log Repay(_for, xy[1], d_debt)

        active_band: int256 = AMM.active_band_with_skip()
        assert active_band <= max_active_band

        ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(_for)
        size: uint256 = convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)
        liquidation_discount: uint256 = self.liquidation_discounts[_for]

        if ns[0] > active_band:
            # Not in liquidation - can move bands
            xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
            n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(xy[1], debt, size)
            n2: int256 = n1 + unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0])
            AMM.deposit_range(_for, xy[1], n1, n2)
            if _for == msg.sender:
                # Update liquidation discount only if we are that same user. No rugs
                liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discount
                self.liquidation_discounts[_for] = liquidation_discount
            log UserState(_for, xy[1], debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
            log Repay(_for, 0, d_debt)
            # Underwater - cannot move band but can avoid a bad liquidation
            log UserState(_for, max_value(uint256), debt, ns[0], ns[1], liquidation_discount)
            log Repay(_for, 0, d_debt)

        if _for != msg.sender:
            # Doesn't allow non-sender to repay in a way which ends with unhealthy state
            # full = False to make this condition non-manipulatable (and also cheaper on gas)
            assert self._health(_for, debt, False, liquidation_discount) > 0

    # If we withdrew already - will burn less!
    self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, msg.sender, self, d_debt)  # fail: insufficient funds
    self.redeemed += d_debt[_for] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
    total_debt: uint256 = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul
    self._total_debt.initial_debt = unsafe_sub(max(total_debt, d_debt), d_debt)
    self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul

event Withdraw:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount_borrowed: uint256
    amount_collateral: uint256

def withdraw(user: address, frac: uint256) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Withdraw liquidity for the user. Only admin contract can do it
    @param user User who owns liquidity
    @param frac Fraction to withdraw (1e18 being 100%)
    @return Amount of [stablecoins, collateral] withdrawn
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert frac <= 10**18

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    n: int256 = ns[0]
    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    assert user_shares[0] > 0, "No deposits"

    total_x: uint256 = 0
    total_y: uint256 = 0
    min_band: int256 = self.min_band
    old_min_band: int256 = min_band
    old_max_band: int256 = self.max_band
    max_band: int256 = n - 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        x: uint256 = self.bands_x[n]
        y: uint256 = self.bands_y[n]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div(frac * user_shares[i], 10**18)
        user_shares[i] = unsafe_sub(user_shares[i], ds)  # Can ONLY zero out when frac == 10**18
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[n]
        new_shares: uint256 = s - ds
        self.total_shares[n] = new_shares
        s += DEAD_SHARES  # after this s is guaranteed to be bigger than 0
        dx: uint256 = unsafe_div((x + 1) * ds, s)
        dy: uint256 = unsafe_div((y + 1) * ds, s)

        x -= dx
        y -= dy

        # If withdrawal is the last one - transfer dust to admin fees
        if new_shares == 0:
            if x > 0:
                self.admin_fees_x += unsafe_div(x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
            if y > 0:
                self.admin_fees_y += unsafe_div(y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
            x = 0
            y = 0

        if n == min_band:
            if x == 0:
                if y == 0:
                    min_band += 1
        if x > 0 or y > 0:
            max_band = n
        self.bands_x[n] = x
        self.bands_y[n] = y
        total_x += dx
        total_y += dy

        if n == ns[1]:
            n = unsafe_add(n, 1)

    # Empty the ticks
    if frac == 10**18:
        self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] = 0
        self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    if old_min_band != min_band:
        self.min_band = min_band
    if old_max_band <= ns[1]:
        self.max_band = max_band

    total_x = unsafe_div(total_x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
    total_y = unsafe_div(total_y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
    log Withdraw(user, total_x, total_y)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(0, [])  # collateral/shares ratio is unchanged
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, ns[0], user_shares)

    return [total_x, total_y]
>>> Controller.repay(10**20, trader, 2**255-1, False)
>>> Controller.debt(trader)


Controller.repay_extended(callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b"")

Extended function to repay a loan but obtain a stablecoin for that from a callback (to deleverage). Earlier implementations of the contract did not have callback_bytes argument. This was added to enable leveraging/de-leveraging using the 1inch router.

Emits: UserState and Repay

Input Type Description
callbacker address Address of the callback contract.
callback_args DynArray[uint256,5] Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5), such as min_amount.
callback_bytes Bytes[10**4] Callback bytes passed to the LeverageZap. Defaults to b"".
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event Repay:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_decrease: uint256
    loan_decrease: uint256

CALLBACK_DEPOSIT: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
CALLBACK_REPAY: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)

CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)
# CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4) <-- BUG! The reason is 0 at the beginning of method_id
CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = 0x008ae188
CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)

def repay_extended(callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b""):
    @notice Repay loan but get a stablecoin for that from callback (to deleverage)
    @param callbacker Address of the callback contract
    @param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
    # Before callback
    ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(msg.sender)
    xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(msg.sender, 10**18)
    debt: uint256 = 0
    rate_mul: uint256 = 0
    debt, rate_mul = self._debt(msg.sender)
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, callbacker, xy[1])

    # For compatibility
    callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES
    if callback_bytes == b"":
        callback_sig = CALLBACK_REPAY
    cb: CallbackData = self.execute_callback(
        callbacker, callback_sig, msg.sender, xy[0], xy[1], debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)

    # After callback
    total_stablecoins: uint256 = cb.stablecoins + xy[0]
    assert total_stablecoins > 0  # dev: no coins to repay

    # d_debt: uint256 = min(debt, total_stablecoins)

    d_debt: uint256 = 0

    # If we have more stablecoins than the debt - full repayment and closing the position
    if total_stablecoins >= debt:
        d_debt = debt
        debt = 0

        # Transfer debt to self, everything else to sender
        self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, self, cb.stablecoins)
        self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, self, xy[0])
        if total_stablecoins > d_debt:
            self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, msg.sender, unsafe_sub(total_stablecoins, d_debt))
        self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, msg.sender, cb.collateral)

        log UserState(msg.sender, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    # Else - partial repayment -> deleverage, but only if we are not underwater
        size: uint256 = convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)
        assert ns[0] > cb.active_band
        d_debt = cb.stablecoins  # cb.stablecoins <= total_stablecoins < debt
        debt = unsafe_sub(debt, cb.stablecoins)

        # Not in liquidation - can move bands
        n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(cb.collateral, debt, size)
        n2: int256 = n1 + unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0])
        AMM.deposit_range(msg.sender, cb.collateral, n1, n2)
        liquidation_discount: uint256 = self.liquidation_discount
        self.liquidation_discounts[msg.sender] = liquidation_discount

        self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, AMM.address, cb.collateral)
        # Stablecoin is all spent to repay debt -> all goes to self
        self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, self, cb.stablecoins)
        # We are above active band, so xy[0] is 0 anyway

        log UserState(msg.sender, cb.collateral, debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
        xy[1] -= cb.collateral

        # No need to check _health() because it's the sender

    # Common calls which we will do regardless of whether it's a full repay or not
    log Repay(msg.sender, xy[1], d_debt)
    self.redeemed += d_debt[msg.sender] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
    total_debt: uint256 = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul
    self._total_debt.initial_debt = unsafe_sub(max(total_debt, d_debt), d_debt)
    self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul

event Withdraw:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount_borrowed: uint256
    amount_collateral: uint256

def withdraw(user: address, frac: uint256) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Withdraw liquidity for the user. Only admin contract can do it
    @param user User who owns liquidity
    @param frac Fraction to withdraw (1e18 being 100%)
    @return Amount of [stablecoins, collateral] withdrawn
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert frac <= 10**18

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    n: int256 = ns[0]
    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    assert user_shares[0] > 0, "No deposits"

    total_x: uint256 = 0
    total_y: uint256 = 0
    min_band: int256 = self.min_band
    old_min_band: int256 = min_band
    old_max_band: int256 = self.max_band
    max_band: int256 = n - 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        x: uint256 = self.bands_x[n]
        y: uint256 = self.bands_y[n]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div(frac * user_shares[i], 10**18)
        user_shares[i] = unsafe_sub(user_shares[i], ds)  # Can ONLY zero out when frac == 10**18
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[n]
        new_shares: uint256 = s - ds
        self.total_shares[n] = new_shares
        s += DEAD_SHARES  # after this s is guaranteed to be bigger than 0
        dx: uint256 = unsafe_div((x + 1) * ds, s)
        dy: uint256 = unsafe_div((y + 1) * ds, s)

        x -= dx
        y -= dy

        # If withdrawal is the last one - transfer dust to admin fees
        if new_shares == 0:
            if x > 0:
                self.admin_fees_x += unsafe_div(x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
            if y > 0:
                self.admin_fees_y += unsafe_div(y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
            x = 0
            y = 0

        if n == min_band:
            if x == 0:
                if y == 0:
                    min_band += 1
        if x > 0 or y > 0:
            max_band = n
        self.bands_x[n] = x
        self.bands_y[n] = y
        total_x += dx
        total_y += dy

        if n == ns[1]:
            n = unsafe_add(n, 1)

    # Empty the ticks
    if frac == 10**18:
        self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] = 0
        self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    if old_min_band != min_band:
        self.min_band = min_band
    if old_max_band <= ns[1]:
        self.max_band = max_band

    total_x = unsafe_div(total_x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
    total_y = unsafe_div(total_y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
    log Withdraw(user, total_x, total_y)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(0, [])  # collateral/shares ratio is unchanged
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, ns[0], user_shares)

    return [total_x, total_y]
>>> Controller.repay_extended(callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5])

Adjusting Existing Loans

An already existing loan can be managed in different ways:

  • add_collateral: Adding more collateral.
  • remove_collateral: Removing collateral.
  • borrow_more: Borrowing more assets.
  • liquidate: Partially or fully liquidating a position.


Controller.add_collateral(collateral: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender):

Function to add extra collateral to an existing loan.

Emits: UserState and Borrow

Input Type Description
collateral uint256 Amount of collateral to add.
_for address Address to add collateral for. Defaults to msg.sender.
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event Borrow:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_increase: uint256
    loan_increase: uint256

def add_collateral(collateral: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender):
    @notice Add extra collateral to avoid bad liqidations
    @param collateral Amount of collateral to add
    @param _for Address to add collateral for
    if collateral == 0:
    self._add_collateral_borrow(collateral, 0, _for, False)
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)

def _add_collateral_borrow(d_collateral: uint256, d_debt: uint256, _for: address, remove_collateral: bool):
    @notice Internal method to borrow and add or remove collateral
    @param d_collateral Amount of collateral to add
    @param d_debt Amount of debt increase
    @param _for Address to transfer tokens to
    @param remove_collateral Remove collateral instead of adding
    debt: uint256 = 0
    rate_mul: uint256 = 0
    debt, rate_mul = self._debt(_for)
    assert debt > 0, "Loan doesn't exist"
    debt += d_debt
    ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(_for)
    size: uint256 = convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)

    xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
    assert xy[0] == 0, "Already in underwater mode"
    if remove_collateral:
        xy[1] -= d_collateral
        xy[1] += d_collateral
    n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(xy[1], debt, size)
    n2: int256 = n1 + unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0])

    AMM.deposit_range(_for, xy[1], n1, n2)[_for] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})

    liquidation_discount: uint256 = 0
    if _for == msg.sender:
        liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discount
        self.liquidation_discounts[_for] = liquidation_discount
        liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discounts[_for]

    if d_debt != 0:
        self._total_debt.initial_debt = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul + d_debt
        self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul

    if remove_collateral:
        log RemoveCollateral(_for, d_collateral)
        log Borrow(_for, d_collateral, d_debt)

    log UserState(_for, xy[1], debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
event Deposit:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256

def deposit_range(user: address, amount: uint256, n1: int256, n2: int256):
    @notice Deposit for a user in a range of bands. Only admin contract (Controller) can do it
    @param user User address
    @param amount Amount of collateral to deposit
    @param n1 Lower band in the deposit range
    @param n2 Upper band in the deposit range
    assert msg.sender == self.admin

    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    collateral_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []

    n0: int256 = self.active_band

    # We assume that n1,n2 area already sorted (and they are in Controller)
    assert n2 < 2**127
    assert n1 > -2**127

    n_bands: uint256 = unsafe_add(convert(unsafe_sub(n2, n1), uint256), 1)
    assert n_bands <= MAX_TICKS_UINT

    y_per_band: uint256 = unsafe_div(amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, n_bands)
    assert y_per_band > 100, "Amount too low"

    assert self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] == 0  # dev: User must have no liquidity
    self.user_shares[user].ns = unsafe_add(n1, unsafe_mul(n2, 2**128))

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    # Autoskip bands if we can
    for i in range(MAX_SKIP_TICKS + 1):
        if n1 > n0:
            if i != 0:
                self.active_band = n0
        assert self.bands_x[n0] == 0 and i < MAX_SKIP_TICKS, "Deposit below current band"
        n0 -= 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        band: int256 = unsafe_add(n1, i)
        if band > n2:

        assert self.bands_x[band] == 0, "Band not empty"
        y: uint256 = y_per_band
        if i == 0:
            y = amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION - y * unsafe_sub(n_bands, 1)

        total_y: uint256 = self.bands_y[band]

        # Total / user share
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[band]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div((s + DEAD_SHARES) * y, total_y + 1)
        assert ds > 0, "Amount too low"
        s += ds
        assert s <= 2**128 - 1
        self.total_shares[band] = s

        total_y += y
        self.bands_y[band] = total_y

        if lm.address != empty(address):
            # If initial s == 0 - s becomes equal to y which is > 100 => nonzero
            collateral_shares.append(unsafe_div(total_y * 10**18, s))

    self.min_band = min(self.min_band, n1)
    self.max_band = max(self.max_band, n2)

    self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    log Deposit(user, amount, n1, n2)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(n1, collateral_shares)
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, n1, user_shares)
>>> Controller.add_collateral(10**18, trader)
>>> Controller.user_state(trader)
[2000000000000000000, 0, 1000000892890902175729, 10]   
# [collateral, stablecoin, debt, bands]


Controller.remove_collateral(collateral: uint256, use_eth: bool = True):

Function to remove collateral from an existing loan.

Emits: UserState and RemoveCollateral

Input Type Description
collateral uint256 Amount of collateral to remove.
use_eth bool Whether to use wrapping/unwrapping if collateral is ETH; defaults to True.
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event RemoveCollateral:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_decrease: uint256

def remove_collateral(collateral: uint256, use_eth: bool = True):
    @notice Remove some collateral without repaying the debt
    @param collateral Amount of collateral to remove
    @param use_eth Use wrapping/unwrapping if collateral is ETH
    if collateral == 0:
    self._add_collateral_borrow(collateral, 0, msg.sender, True)
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, collateral)

def _add_collateral_borrow(d_collateral: uint256, d_debt: uint256, _for: address, remove_collateral: bool):
    @notice Internal method to borrow and add or remove collateral
    @param d_collateral Amount of collateral to add
    @param d_debt Amount of debt increase
    @param _for Address to transfer tokens to
    @param remove_collateral Remove collateral instead of adding
    debt: uint256 = 0
    rate_mul: uint256 = 0
    debt, rate_mul = self._debt(_for)
    assert debt > 0, "Loan doesn't exist"
    debt += d_debt
    ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(_for)
    size: uint256 = convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)

    xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
    assert xy[0] == 0, "Already in underwater mode"
    if remove_collateral:
        xy[1] -= d_collateral
        xy[1] += d_collateral
    n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(xy[1], debt, size)
    n2: int256 = n1 + unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0])

    AMM.deposit_range(_for, xy[1], n1, n2)[_for] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})

    liquidation_discount: uint256 = 0
    if _for == msg.sender:
        liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discount
        self.liquidation_discounts[_for] = liquidation_discount
        liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discounts[_for]

    if d_debt != 0:
        self._total_debt.initial_debt = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul + d_debt
        self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul

    if remove_collateral:
        log RemoveCollateral(_for, d_collateral)
        log Borrow(_for, d_collateral, d_debt)

    log UserState(_for, xy[1], debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
event Withdraw:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount_borrowed: uint256
    amount_collateral: uint256

def withdraw(user: address, frac: uint256) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Withdraw liquidity for the user. Only admin contract can do it
    @param user User who owns liquidity
    @param frac Fraction to withdraw (1e18 being 100%)
    @return Amount of [stablecoins, collateral] withdrawn
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert frac <= 10**18

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    n: int256 = ns[0]
    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    assert user_shares[0] > 0, "No deposits"

    total_x: uint256 = 0
    total_y: uint256 = 0
    min_band: int256 = self.min_band
    old_min_band: int256 = min_band
    old_max_band: int256 = self.max_band
    max_band: int256 = n - 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        x: uint256 = self.bands_x[n]
        y: uint256 = self.bands_y[n]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div(frac * user_shares[i], 10**18)
        user_shares[i] = unsafe_sub(user_shares[i], ds)  # Can ONLY zero out when frac == 10**18
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[n]
        new_shares: uint256 = s - ds
        self.total_shares[n] = new_shares
        s += DEAD_SHARES  # after this s is guaranteed to be bigger than 0
        dx: uint256 = unsafe_div((x + 1) * ds, s)
        dy: uint256 = unsafe_div((y + 1) * ds, s)

        x -= dx
        y -= dy

        # If withdrawal is the last one - transfer dust to admin fees
        if new_shares == 0:
            if x > 0:
                self.admin_fees_x += unsafe_div(x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
            if y > 0:
                self.admin_fees_y += unsafe_div(y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
            x = 0
            y = 0

        if n == min_band:
            if x == 0:
                if y == 0:
                    min_band += 1
        if x > 0 or y > 0:
            max_band = n
        self.bands_x[n] = x
        self.bands_y[n] = y
        total_x += dx
        total_y += dy

        if n == ns[1]:
            n = unsafe_add(n, 1)

    # Empty the ticks
    if frac == 10**18:
        self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] = 0
        self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    if old_min_band != min_band:
        self.min_band = min_band
    if old_max_band <= ns[1]:
        self.max_band = max_band

    total_x = unsafe_div(total_x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
    total_y = unsafe_div(total_y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
    log Withdraw(user, total_x, total_y)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(0, [])  # collateral/shares ratio is unchanged
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, ns[0], user_shares)

    return [total_x, total_y]
>>> Controller.remove_collateral(10**18, False)
>>> Controller.user_state(trader)
[1000000000000000000, 0, 1000001403805330760116, 10]


Controller.borrow_more(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256):

Function to borrow more assets while adding more collateral (not necessary).

Emits: UserState and Borrow

Input Type Description
collateral uint256 Amount of collateral to add.
debt uint256 Amount of debt to take.
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event Borrow:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_increase: uint256
    loan_increase: uint256

def borrow_more(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256):
    @notice Borrow more stablecoins while adding more collateral (not necessary)
    @param collateral Amount of collateral to add
    @param debt Amount of stablecoin debt to take
    if debt == 0:
    self._add_collateral_borrow(collateral, debt, msg.sender, False)
    self.minted += debt
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
    self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, msg.sender, debt)

def _add_collateral_borrow(d_collateral: uint256, d_debt: uint256, _for: address, remove_collateral: bool):
    @notice Internal method to borrow and add or remove collateral
    @param d_collateral Amount of collateral to add
    @param d_debt Amount of debt increase
    @param _for Address to transfer tokens to
    @param remove_collateral Remove collateral instead of adding
    debt: uint256 = 0
    rate_mul: uint256 = 0
    debt, rate_mul = self._debt(_for)
    assert debt > 0, "Loan doesn't exist"
    debt += d_debt
    ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(_for)
    size: uint256 = convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)

    xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
    assert xy[0] == 0, "Already in underwater mode"
    if remove_collateral:
        xy[1] -= d_collateral
        xy[1] += d_collateral
    n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(xy[1], debt, size)
    n2: int256 = n1 + unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0])

    AMM.deposit_range(_for, xy[1], n1, n2)[_for] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})

    liquidation_discount: uint256 = 0
    if _for == msg.sender:
        liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discount
        self.liquidation_discounts[_for] = liquidation_discount
        liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discounts[_for]

    if d_debt != 0:
        self._total_debt.initial_debt = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul + d_debt
        self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul

    if remove_collateral:
        log RemoveCollateral(_for, d_collateral)
        log Borrow(_for, d_collateral, d_debt)

    log UserState(_for, xy[1], debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
event Deposit:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256

def deposit_range(user: address, amount: uint256, n1: int256, n2: int256):
    @notice Deposit for a user in a range of bands. Only admin contract (Controller) can do it
    @param user User address
    @param amount Amount of collateral to deposit
    @param n1 Lower band in the deposit range
    @param n2 Upper band in the deposit range
    assert msg.sender == self.admin

    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    collateral_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []

    n0: int256 = self.active_band

    # We assume that n1,n2 area already sorted (and they are in Controller)
    assert n2 < 2**127
    assert n1 > -2**127

    n_bands: uint256 = unsafe_add(convert(unsafe_sub(n2, n1), uint256), 1)
    assert n_bands <= MAX_TICKS_UINT

    y_per_band: uint256 = unsafe_div(amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, n_bands)
    assert y_per_band > 100, "Amount too low"

    assert self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] == 0  # dev: User must have no liquidity
    self.user_shares[user].ns = unsafe_add(n1, unsafe_mul(n2, 2**128))

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    # Autoskip bands if we can
    for i in range(MAX_SKIP_TICKS + 1):
        if n1 > n0:
            if i != 0:
                self.active_band = n0
        assert self.bands_x[n0] == 0 and i < MAX_SKIP_TICKS, "Deposit below current band"
        n0 -= 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        band: int256 = unsafe_add(n1, i)
        if band > n2:

        assert self.bands_x[band] == 0, "Band not empty"
        y: uint256 = y_per_band
        if i == 0:
            y = amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION - y * unsafe_sub(n_bands, 1)

        total_y: uint256 = self.bands_y[band]

        # Total / user share
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[band]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div((s + DEAD_SHARES) * y, total_y + 1)
        assert ds > 0, "Amount too low"
        s += ds
        assert s <= 2**128 - 1
        self.total_shares[band] = s

        total_y += y
        self.bands_y[band] = total_y

        if lm.address != empty(address):
            # If initial s == 0 - s becomes equal to y which is > 100 => nonzero
            collateral_shares.append(unsafe_div(total_y * 10**18, s))

    self.min_band = min(self.min_band, n1)
    self.max_band = max(self.max_band, n2)

    self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    log Deposit(user, amount, n1, n2)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(n1, collateral_shares)
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, n1, user_shares)
>>> Controller.borrow_more(10**18, 10**22)
>>> Controller.user_state(trader)
[2000000000000000000, 0, 11000001592726154783594, 10]


Controller.borrow_more_extended(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b"")

Function to borrow more assets while adding more collateral. This method uses callacks to build up leverage. Earlier implementations of the contract did not have callback_bytes argument. This was added to enable leveraging/de-leveraging using the 1inch router.

Emits: UserState and Borrow

Input Type Description
collateral uint256 Amount of collateral to add.
debt uint256 Amount of debt to take.
callabacker address Address of the callaback contract.
debt DynArray[uint256,5] Amount of debt to take on.
callback_args DynArray[uint256,5] Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5), such as min_amount, etc. See LeverageZap1inch.vy for more.
callback_bytes Bytes[10**4] Callback bytes passed to the LeverageZap. Defaults to b"".
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event Borrow:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_increase: uint256
    loan_increase: uint256

def borrow_more_extended(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b""):
    @notice Borrow more stablecoins while adding more collateral using a callback (to leverage more)
    @param collateral Amount of collateral to add
    @param debt Amount of stablecoin debt to take
    @param callbacker Address of the callback contract
    @param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
    if debt == 0:

    # Before callback
    self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, debt)

    # For compatibility
    callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES
    if callback_bytes == b"":
        callback_sig = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT
    # Callback
    # If there is any unused debt, callbacker can send it to the user
    more_collateral: uint256 = self.execute_callback(
        callbacker, callback_sig, msg.sender, 0, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes).collateral

    # After callback
    self._add_collateral_borrow(collateral + more_collateral, debt, msg.sender, False)
    self.minted += debt
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, AMM.address, more_collateral)

def execute_callback(callbacker: address, callback_sig: bytes4,
                    user: address, stablecoins: uint256, collateral: uint256, debt: uint256,
                    callback_args: DynArray[uint256, 5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4]) -> CallbackData:
    assert callbacker != COLLATERAL_TOKEN.address

    data: CallbackData = empty(CallbackData)
    data.active_band = AMM.active_band()
    band_x: uint256 = AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
    band_y: uint256 = AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)

    # Callback
    response: Bytes[64] = raw_call(
        concat(callback_sig, _abi_encode(user, stablecoins, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)),
    data.stablecoins = convert(slice(response, 0, 32), uint256)
    data.collateral = convert(slice(response, 32, 32), uint256)

    # Checks after callback
    assert data.active_band == AMM.active_band()
    assert band_x == AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
    assert band_y == AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)

    return data

def _add_collateral_borrow(d_collateral: uint256, d_debt: uint256, _for: address, remove_collateral: bool):
    @notice Internal method to borrow and add or remove collateral
    @param d_collateral Amount of collateral to add
    @param d_debt Amount of debt increase
    @param _for Address to transfer tokens to
    @param remove_collateral Remove collateral instead of adding
    debt: uint256 = 0
    rate_mul: uint256 = 0
    debt, rate_mul = self._debt(_for)
    assert debt > 0, "Loan doesn't exist"
    debt += d_debt
    ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(_for)
    size: uint256 = convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)

    xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
    assert xy[0] == 0, "Already in underwater mode"
    if remove_collateral:
        xy[1] -= d_collateral
        xy[1] += d_collateral
    n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(xy[1], debt, size)
    n2: int256 = n1 + unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0])

    AMM.deposit_range(_for, xy[1], n1, n2)[_for] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})

    liquidation_discount: uint256 = 0
    if _for == msg.sender:
        liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discount
        self.liquidation_discounts[_for] = liquidation_discount
        liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discounts[_for]

    if d_debt != 0:
        self._total_debt.initial_debt = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul + d_debt
        self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul

    if remove_collateral:
        log RemoveCollateral(_for, d_collateral)
        log Borrow(_for, d_collateral, d_debt)

    log UserState(_for, xy[1], debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
event Deposit:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256

def deposit_range(user: address, amount: uint256, n1: int256, n2: int256):
    @notice Deposit for a user in a range of bands. Only admin contract (Controller) can do it
    @param user User address
    @param amount Amount of collateral to deposit
    @param n1 Lower band in the deposit range
    @param n2 Upper band in the deposit range
    assert msg.sender == self.admin

    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    collateral_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []

    n0: int256 = self.active_band

    # We assume that n1,n2 area already sorted (and they are in Controller)
    assert n2 < 2**127
    assert n1 > -2**127

    n_bands: uint256 = unsafe_add(convert(unsafe_sub(n2, n1), uint256), 1)
    assert n_bands <= MAX_TICKS_UINT

    y_per_band: uint256 = unsafe_div(amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, n_bands)
    assert y_per_band > 100, "Amount too low"

    assert self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] == 0  # dev: User must have no liquidity
    self.user_shares[user].ns = unsafe_add(n1, unsafe_mul(n2, 2**128))

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    # Autoskip bands if we can
    for i in range(MAX_SKIP_TICKS + 1):
        if n1 > n0:
            if i != 0:
                self.active_band = n0
        assert self.bands_x[n0] == 0 and i < MAX_SKIP_TICKS, "Deposit below current band"
        n0 -= 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        band: int256 = unsafe_add(n1, i)
        if band > n2:

        assert self.bands_x[band] == 0, "Band not empty"
        y: uint256 = y_per_band
        if i == 0:
            y = amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION - y * unsafe_sub(n_bands, 1)

        total_y: uint256 = self.bands_y[band]

        # Total / user share
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[band]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div((s + DEAD_SHARES) * y, total_y + 1)
        assert ds > 0, "Amount too low"
        s += ds
        assert s <= 2**128 - 1
        self.total_shares[band] = s

        total_y += y
        self.bands_y[band] = total_y

        if lm.address != empty(address):
            # If initial s == 0 - s becomes equal to y which is > 100 => nonzero
            collateral_shares.append(unsafe_div(total_y * 10**18, s))

    self.min_band = min(self.min_band, n1)
    self.max_band = max(self.max_band, n2)

    self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    log Deposit(user, amount, n1, n2)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(n1, collateral_shares)
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, n1, user_shares)


Controller.health_calculator(user: address, d_collateral: int256, d_debt: int256, full: bool, N: uint256 = 0) -> int256:

Function to predict the health of user after changing collateral by d_collateral and/or debt by d_debt.

Returns: health (int256).

Input Type Description
user address Address of the user.
d_collateral int256 Change in collateral amount.
d_debt int256 Change in debt amount.
full bool Weather to take into account the price difference above the highest user's band
N uint256 Number of bands in case loan does not exist yet.
Source code
def health_calculator(user: address, d_collateral: int256, d_debt: int256, full: bool, N: uint256 = 0) -> int256:
    @notice Health predictor in case user changes the debt or collateral
    @param user Address of the user
    @param d_collateral Change in collateral amount (signed)
    @param d_debt Change in debt amount (signed)
    @param full Whether it's a 'full' health or not
    @param N Number of bands in case loan doesn't yet exist
    @return Signed health value
    ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    debt: int256 = convert(self._debt(user)[0], int256)
    n: uint256 = N
    ld: int256 = 0
    if debt != 0:
        ld = convert(self.liquidation_discounts[user], int256)
        n = convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)
        ld = convert(self.liquidation_discount, int256)
        ns[0] = max_value(int256)  # This will trigger a "re-deposit"

    n1: int256 = 0
    collateral: int256 = 0
    x_eff: int256 = 0
    debt += d_debt
    assert debt > 0, "Non-positive debt"

    active_band: int256 = AMM.active_band_with_skip()

    if ns[0] > active_band:  # re-deposit
        collateral = convert(AMM.get_sum_xy(user)[1], int256) + d_collateral
        n1 = self._calculate_debt_n1(convert(collateral, uint256), convert(debt, uint256), n)
        collateral *= convert(COLLATERAL_PRECISION, int256)  # now has 18 decimals
        n1 = ns[0]
        x_eff = convert(AMM.get_x_down(user) * unsafe_mul(10**18, BORROWED_PRECISION), int256)

    debt *= convert(BORROWED_PRECISION, int256)

    p0: int256 = convert(AMM.p_oracle_up(n1), int256)
    if ns[0] > active_band:
        x_eff = convert(self.get_y_effective(convert(collateral, uint256), n, 0), int256) * p0

    health: int256 = unsafe_div(x_eff, debt)
    health = health - unsafe_div(health * ld, 10**18) - 10**18

    if full:
        if n1 > active_band:  # We are not in liquidation mode
            p_diff: int256 = max(p0, convert(AMM.price_oracle(), int256)) - p0
            if p_diff > 0:
                health += unsafe_div(p_diff * collateral, debt)

    return health
>>> Controller.health_calculator(trader, 10**18, 10**22, True, 0)
>>> Controller.health_calculator(trader, 10**18, 10**22, False, 0)


Controller.liquidate(user: address, min_x: uint256, use_eth: bool = True):

Function to perform a bad liquidation (or self-liquidation) of user if health is not good.

Emits: UserState, Repay, and Liquidate

Input Type Description
user address Address to be liquidated.
min_x uint256 Minimal amount of asset to receive (to avoid liquidators being sandwiched).
use_eth bool Use wrapping/unwrapping if collateral is ETH.
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event Repay:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_decrease: uint256
    loan_decrease: uint256

event Liquidate:
    liquidator: indexed(address)
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_received: uint256
    stablecoin_received: uint256
    debt: uint256

def liquidate(user: address, min_x: uint256, use_eth: bool = True):
    @notice Peform a bad liquidation (or self-liquidation) of user if health is not good
    @param min_x Minimal amount of stablecoin to receive (to avoid liquidators being sandwiched)
    @param use_eth Use wrapping/unwrapping if collateral is ETH
    discount: uint256 = 0
    if user != msg.sender:
        discount = self.liquidation_discounts[user]
    self._liquidate(user, min_x, discount, 10**18, use_eth, empty(address), [])

def _liquidate(user: address, min_x: uint256, health_limit: uint256, frac: uint256,
            callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b""):
    @notice Perform a bad liquidation of user if the health is too bad
    @param user Address of the user
    @param min_x Minimal amount of stablecoin withdrawn (to avoid liquidators being sandwiched)
    @param health_limit Minimal health to liquidate at
    @param frac Fraction to liquidate; 100% = 10**18
    @param callbacker Address of the callback contract
    @param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
    debt: uint256 = 0
    rate_mul: uint256 = 0
    debt, rate_mul = self._debt(user)

    if health_limit != 0:
        assert self._health(user, debt, True, health_limit) < 0, "Not enough rekt"

    final_debt: uint256 = debt
    debt = unsafe_div(debt * frac, 10**18)
    assert debt > 0
    final_debt = unsafe_sub(final_debt, debt)

    # Withdraw sender's stablecoin and collateral to our contract
    # When frac is set - we withdraw a bit less for the same debt fraction
    # f_remove = ((1 + h/2) / (1 + h) * (1 - frac) + frac) * frac
    # where h is health limit.
    # This is less than full h discount but more than no discount
    xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(user, self._get_f_remove(frac, health_limit))  # [stable, collateral]

    # x increase in same block -> price up -> good
    # x decrease in same block -> price down -> bad
    assert xy[0] >= min_x, "Slippage"

    min_amm_burn: uint256 = min(xy[0], debt)
    self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, self, min_amm_burn)

    if debt > xy[0]:
        to_repay: uint256 = unsafe_sub(debt, xy[0])

        if callbacker == empty(address):
            # Withdraw collateral if no callback is present
            self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, xy[1])
            # Request what's left from user
            self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, msg.sender, self, to_repay)

            # Move collateral to callbacker, call it and remove everything from it back in
            self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, callbacker, xy[1])
            # For compatibility
            callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE_WITH_BYTES
            if callback_bytes == b"":
                callback_sig = CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE
            # Callback
            cb: CallbackData = self.execute_callback(
                callbacker, callback_sig, user, xy[0], xy[1], debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)
            assert cb.stablecoins >= to_repay, "not enough proceeds"
            if cb.stablecoins > to_repay:
                self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, msg.sender, unsafe_sub(cb.stablecoins, to_repay))
            self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, self, to_repay)
            self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, msg.sender, cb.collateral)

        # Withdraw collateral
        self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, xy[1])
        # Return what's left to user
        if xy[0] > debt:
            self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, unsafe_sub(xy[0], debt))

    self.redeemed += debt[user] = Loan({initial_debt: final_debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
    log Repay(user, xy[1], debt)
    log Liquidate(msg.sender, user, xy[1], xy[0], debt)
    if final_debt == 0:
        log UserState(user, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)  # Not logging partial removeal b/c we have not enough info

    d: uint256 = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul
    self._total_debt.initial_debt = unsafe_sub(max(d, debt), debt)
    self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul

event Withdraw:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount_borrowed: uint256
    amount_collateral: uint256

def withdraw(user: address, frac: uint256) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Withdraw liquidity for the user. Only admin contract can do it
    @param user User who owns liquidity
    @param frac Fraction to withdraw (1e18 being 100%)
    @return Amount of [stablecoins, collateral] withdrawn
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert frac <= 10**18

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    n: int256 = ns[0]
    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    assert user_shares[0] > 0, "No deposits"

    total_x: uint256 = 0
    total_y: uint256 = 0
    min_band: int256 = self.min_band
    old_min_band: int256 = min_band
    old_max_band: int256 = self.max_band
    max_band: int256 = n - 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        x: uint256 = self.bands_x[n]
        y: uint256 = self.bands_y[n]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div(frac * user_shares[i], 10**18)
        user_shares[i] = unsafe_sub(user_shares[i], ds)  # Can ONLY zero out when frac == 10**18
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[n]
        new_shares: uint256 = s - ds
        self.total_shares[n] = new_shares
        s += DEAD_SHARES  # after this s is guaranteed to be bigger than 0
        dx: uint256 = unsafe_div((x + 1) * ds, s)
        dy: uint256 = unsafe_div((y + 1) * ds, s)

        x -= dx
        y -= dy

        # If withdrawal is the last one - transfer dust to admin fees
        if new_shares == 0:
            if x > 0:
                self.admin_fees_x += unsafe_div(x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
            if y > 0:
                self.admin_fees_y += unsafe_div(y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
            x = 0
            y = 0

        if n == min_band:
            if x == 0:
                if y == 0:
                    min_band += 1
        if x > 0 or y > 0:
            max_band = n
        self.bands_x[n] = x
        self.bands_y[n] = y
        total_x += dx
        total_y += dy

        if n == ns[1]:
            n = unsafe_add(n, 1)

    # Empty the ticks
    if frac == 10**18:
        self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] = 0
        self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    if old_min_band != min_band:
        self.min_band = min_band
    if old_max_band <= ns[1]:
        self.max_band = max_band

    total_x = unsafe_div(total_x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
    total_y = unsafe_div(total_y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
    log Withdraw(user, total_x, total_y)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(0, [])  # collateral/shares ratio is unchanged
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, ns[0], user_shares)

    return [total_x, total_y]
>>> Controller.(user: address, min_x: uint256, use_eth: bool = True)
return [total_x, total_y]


Controller.liquidate_extended(user: address, min_x: uint256, frac: uint256, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b"")

Extended function to perform a bad liquidation (or self-liquidation) of user if health is not good using callbacks. Earlier implementations of the contract did not have callback_bytes argument. This was added to enable leveraging/de-leveraging using the 1inch router.

Emits: Repay and Liquidate

Input Type Description
user address Address to be liquidated.
min_x uint256 Minimal amount of assets to receive (to avoid liquidators being sandwiched).
frac uint256 Fraction to liquidate; 100% = 10**18.
use_eth bool Use wrapping/unwrapping if collateral is ETH.
callbacker address Address of the callback contract.
callback_args DynArray[uint256,5] Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5), such as min_amount.
callback_bytes Bytes[10**4] Callback bytes passed to the LeverageZap. Defaults to b"".
Source code
event UserState:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral: uint256
    debt: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

event Repay:
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_decrease: uint256
    loan_decrease: uint256

event Liquidate:
    liquidator: indexed(address)
    user: indexed(address)
    collateral_received: uint256
    stablecoin_received: uint256
    debt: uint256

def liquidate_extended(user: address, min_x: uint256, frac: uint256,
                    callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b""):
    @notice Peform a bad liquidation (or self-liquidation) of user if health is not good
    @param min_x Minimal amount of stablecoin to receive (to avoid liquidators being sandwiched)
    @param frac Fraction to liquidate; 100% = 10**18
    @param callbacker Address of the callback contract
    @param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
    discount: uint256 = 0
    if user != msg.sender:
        discount = self.liquidation_discounts[user]
    self._liquidate(user, min_x, discount, min(frac, 10**18), callbacker, callback_args, callback_bytes)

def _liquidate(user: address, min_x: uint256, health_limit: uint256, frac: uint256,
            callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b""):
    @notice Perform a bad liquidation of user if the health is too bad
    @param user Address of the user
    @param min_x Minimal amount of stablecoin withdrawn (to avoid liquidators being sandwiched)
    @param health_limit Minimal health to liquidate at
    @param frac Fraction to liquidate; 100% = 10**18
    @param callbacker Address of the callback contract
    @param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
    debt: uint256 = 0
    rate_mul: uint256 = 0
    debt, rate_mul = self._debt(user)

    if health_limit != 0:
        assert self._health(user, debt, True, health_limit) < 0, "Not enough rekt"

    final_debt: uint256 = debt
    debt = unsafe_div(debt * frac, 10**18)
    assert debt > 0
    final_debt = unsafe_sub(final_debt, debt)

    # Withdraw sender's stablecoin and collateral to our contract
    # When frac is set - we withdraw a bit less for the same debt fraction
    # f_remove = ((1 + h/2) / (1 + h) * (1 - frac) + frac) * frac
    # where h is health limit.
    # This is less than full h discount but more than no discount
    xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(user, self._get_f_remove(frac, health_limit))  # [stable, collateral]

    # x increase in same block -> price up -> good
    # x decrease in same block -> price down -> bad
    assert xy[0] >= min_x, "Slippage"

    min_amm_burn: uint256 = min(xy[0], debt)
    self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, self, min_amm_burn)

    if debt > xy[0]:
        to_repay: uint256 = unsafe_sub(debt, xy[0])

        if callbacker == empty(address):
            # Withdraw collateral if no callback is present
            self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, xy[1])
            # Request what's left from user
            self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, msg.sender, self, to_repay)

            # Move collateral to callbacker, call it and remove everything from it back in
            self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, callbacker, xy[1])
            # For compatibility
            callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE_WITH_BYTES
            if callback_bytes == b"":
                callback_sig = CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE
            # Callback
            cb: CallbackData = self.execute_callback(
                callbacker, callback_sig, user, xy[0], xy[1], debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)
            assert cb.stablecoins >= to_repay, "not enough proceeds"
            if cb.stablecoins > to_repay:
                self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, msg.sender, unsafe_sub(cb.stablecoins, to_repay))
            self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, self, to_repay)
            self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, msg.sender, cb.collateral)

        # Withdraw collateral
        self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, xy[1])
        # Return what's left to user
        if xy[0] > debt:
            self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, unsafe_sub(xy[0], debt))

    self.redeemed += debt[user] = Loan({initial_debt: final_debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
    log Repay(user, xy[1], debt)
    log Liquidate(msg.sender, user, xy[1], xy[0], debt)
    if final_debt == 0:
        log UserState(user, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)  # Not logging partial removeal b/c we have not enough info

    d: uint256 = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul
    self._total_debt.initial_debt = unsafe_sub(max(d, debt), debt)
    self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul

event Withdraw:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount_borrowed: uint256
    amount_collateral: uint256

def withdraw(user: address, frac: uint256) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Withdraw liquidity for the user. Only admin contract can do it
    @param user User who owns liquidity
    @param frac Fraction to withdraw (1e18 being 100%)
    @return Amount of [stablecoins, collateral] withdrawn
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert frac <= 10**18

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    n: int256 = ns[0]
    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    assert user_shares[0] > 0, "No deposits"

    total_x: uint256 = 0
    total_y: uint256 = 0
    min_band: int256 = self.min_band
    old_min_band: int256 = min_band
    old_max_band: int256 = self.max_band
    max_band: int256 = n - 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        x: uint256 = self.bands_x[n]
        y: uint256 = self.bands_y[n]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div(frac * user_shares[i], 10**18)
        user_shares[i] = unsafe_sub(user_shares[i], ds)  # Can ONLY zero out when frac == 10**18
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[n]
        new_shares: uint256 = s - ds
        self.total_shares[n] = new_shares
        s += DEAD_SHARES  # after this s is guaranteed to be bigger than 0
        dx: uint256 = unsafe_div((x + 1) * ds, s)
        dy: uint256 = unsafe_div((y + 1) * ds, s)

        x -= dx
        y -= dy

        # If withdrawal is the last one - transfer dust to admin fees
        if new_shares == 0:
            if x > 0:
                self.admin_fees_x += unsafe_div(x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
            if y > 0:
                self.admin_fees_y += unsafe_div(y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
            x = 0
            y = 0

        if n == min_band:
            if x == 0:
                if y == 0:
                    min_band += 1
        if x > 0 or y > 0:
            max_band = n
        self.bands_x[n] = x
        self.bands_y[n] = y
        total_x += dx
        total_y += dy

        if n == ns[1]:
            n = unsafe_add(n, 1)

    # Empty the ticks
    if frac == 10**18:
        self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] = 0
        self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    if old_min_band != min_band:
        self.min_band = min_band
    if old_max_band <= ns[1]:
        self.max_band = max_band

    total_x = unsafe_div(total_x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
    total_y = unsafe_div(total_y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
    log Withdraw(user, total_x, total_y)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(0, [])  # collateral/shares ratio is unchanged
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, ns[0], user_shares)

    return [total_x, total_y]
>>> Controller.liquidate_extended(user: address, min_x: uint256, frac: uint256, use_eth: bool, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5])
return [total_x, total_y]


Controller.tokens_to_liquidate(user: address, frac: uint256 = 10 ** 18) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the amount of assets to have in a liquidator's wallet in order to liquidate a user.

Returns: amount of tokens needed (uint256).

Input Type Description
user address Address of the user to liquidate.
frac uint256 Fraction to liquidate; 100% = 10**18.
Source code
def tokens_to_liquidate(user: address, frac: uint256 = 10 ** 18) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate the amount of stablecoins to have in liquidator's wallet to liquidate a user
    @param user Address of the user to liquidate
    @param frac Fraction to liquidate; 100% = 10**18
    @return The amount of stablecoins needed
    health_limit: uint256 = 0
    if user != msg.sender:
        health_limit = self.liquidation_discounts[user]
    stablecoins: uint256 = unsafe_div(AMM.get_sum_xy(user)[0] * self._get_f_remove(frac, health_limit), 10 ** 18)
    debt: uint256 = unsafe_div(self._debt(user)[0] * frac, 10 ** 18)

    return unsafe_sub(max(debt, stablecoins), stablecoins)
>>> Controller.tokens_to_liquidate(trader)


Controller.users_to_liquidate(_from: uint256=0, _limit: uint256=0) -> DynArray[Position, 1000]:

Getter for a dynamic array of users who can be hard-liquidated.

Returns: detailed info about positions of users that can be hard-liquidated (DynArray[Position, 1000]).

Input Type Description
_from uint256 Loan index to start iteration from. Defaults to 0.
_limit uint256 Number of loans to look over. Defaults to 0.
Source code
def users_to_liquidate(_from: uint256=0, _limit: uint256=0) -> DynArray[Position, 1000]:
    @notice Returns a dynamic array of users who can be "hard-liquidated".
            This method is designed for convenience of liquidation bots.
    @param _from Loan index to start iteration from
    @param _limit Number of loans to look over
    @return Dynamic array with detailed info about positions of users
    n_loans: uint256 = self.n_loans
    limit: uint256 = _limit
    if _limit == 0:
        limit = n_loans
    ix: uint256 = _from
    out: DynArray[Position, 1000] = []
    for i in range(10**6):
        if ix >= n_loans or i == limit:
        user: address =[ix]
        debt: uint256 = self._debt(user)[0]
        health: int256 = self._health(user, debt, True, self.liquidation_discounts[user])
        if health < 0:
            xy: uint256[2] = AMM.get_sum_xy(user)
                user: user,
                x: xy[0],
                y: xy[1],
                debt: debt,
                health: health
        ix += 1
    return out
>>> Controller.users_to_liquidate(0)

Loan Info Methods

All user information, such as debt, health, etc., is stored within the Controller contract.


Controller.debt(user: address) -> uint256:

Getter for the amount of debt for user. Constantly increases due to the charged interest rate.

Returns: debt (uint256).

Input Type Description
user address User Address.
Source code
struct Loan:
    initial_debt: uint256
    rate_mul: uint256

_total_debt: Loan

def debt(user: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Get the value of debt without changing the state
    @param user User address
    @return Value of debt
    return self._debt(user)[0]

def _debt(user: address) -> (uint256, uint256):
    @notice Get the value of debt and rate_mul and update the rate_mul counter
    @param user User address
    @return (debt, rate_mul)
    rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()
    loan: Loan =[user]
    if loan.initial_debt == 0:
        return (0, rate_mul)
        # Let user repay 1 smallest decimal more so that the system doesn't lose on precision
        # Use ceil div
        debt: uint256 = loan.initial_debt * rate_mul
        if debt % loan.rate_mul > 0:  # if only one loan -> don't have to do it
            if self.n_loans > 1:
                debt += loan.rate_mul
        debt /= loan.rate_mul
        return (debt, rate_mul)
>>> Controller.debt(trader)


Controller.total_debt() -> uint256:

Getter for the total debt of the Controller.

Returns: total debt (uint256).

Source code
_total_debt: Loan

# No decorator because used in monetary policy
def total_debt() -> uint256:
    @notice Total debt of this controller
    rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()
    loan: Loan = self._total_debt
    return loan.initial_debt * rate_mul / loan.rate_mul
>>> Controller.total_debt()


Controller.loan_exists(user: address) -> bool:

Function to check if a loan for user exists.

Returns: true or false (bool).

Input Type Description
user address User address.
Source code
struct Loan:
    initial_debt: uint256
    rate_mul: uint256

def loan_exists(user: address) -> bool:
    @notice Check whether there is a loan of `user` in existence
    return[user].initial_debt > 0
>>> Controller.loan_exists(trader)
>>> Controller.loan_exists("0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B")


Controller.user_prices(user: address) -> uint256[2]:

Getter for the highest price of the upper band and the lowest price of the lower band the user has deposited in the AMM. This is essentially the liquidation price range of the loan.

Returns: upper and lower band price (uint256).

Input Type Description
user address User address.
Source code
def user_prices(user: address) -> uint256[2]:  # Upper, lower
    @notice Lowest price of the lower band and highest price of the upper band the user has deposit in the AMM
    @param user User address
    @return (upper_price, lower_price)
    assert AMM.has_liquidity(user)
    ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(user) # ns[1] > ns[0]
    return [AMM.p_oracle_up(ns[0]), AMM.p_oracle_down(ns[1])]
def _p_oracle_up(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Upper oracle price for the band to have liquidity when p = p_oracle
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    # p_oracle_up(n) = p_base * ((A - 1) / A) ** n
    # p_oracle_down(n) = p_base * ((A - 1) / A) ** (n + 1) = p_oracle_up(n+1)
    # return unsafe_div(self._base_price() * self.exp_int(-n * LOG_A_RATIO), 10**18)

    power: int256 = -n * LOG_A_RATIO

    # ((A - 1) / A) ** n = exp(-n * A / (A - 1)) = exp(-n * LOG_A_RATIO)
    ## Exp implementation based on solmate's
    assert power > -42139678854452767551
    assert power < 135305999368893231589

    x: int256 = unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(power, 2**96), 10**18)

    k: int256 = unsafe_div(
            unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(x, 2**96), 54916777467707473351141471128),
    x = unsafe_sub(x, unsafe_mul(k, 54916777467707473351141471128))

    y: int256 = unsafe_add(x, 1346386616545796478920950773328)
    y = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(y, x), 2**96), 57155421227552351082224309758442)
    p: int256 = unsafe_sub(unsafe_add(y, x), 94201549194550492254356042504812)
    p = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(p, y), 2**96), 28719021644029726153956944680412240)
    p = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(p, x), (4385272521454847904659076985693276 * 2**96))

    q: int256 = x - 2855989394907223263936484059900
    q = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 50020603652535783019961831881945)
    q = unsafe_sub(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 533845033583426703283633433725380)
    q = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 3604857256930695427073651918091429)
    q = unsafe_sub(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 14423608567350463180887372962807573)
    q = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 26449188498355588339934803723976023)

    exp_result: uint256 = shift(
        unsafe_mul(convert(unsafe_div(p, q), uint256), 3822833074963236453042738258902158003155416615667),
        unsafe_sub(k, 195))
    ## End exp
    return unsafe_div(self._base_price() * exp_result, 10**18)

def p_oracle_up(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Highest oracle price for the band to have liquidity when p = p_oracle
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    return self._p_oracle_up(n)

def p_oracle_down(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Lowest oracle price for the band to have liquidity when p = p_oracle
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    return self._p_oracle_up(n + 1)
>>> Controller.users_price(trader):
[6401870706098817273644, 5789737113118292909562]

health address, full: bool = False) -> int256:

Getter for the health of user's loan normalized to 1e18. If health is lower than 0, the loan can be hard-liquidated.

Returns: health (int256).

Input Type Description
user address User address.
full bool Whether to take into account the price difference above the highest user's band.
Source code
def health(user: address, full: bool = False) -> int256:
    @notice Returns position health normalized to 1e18 for the user.
            Liquidation starts when < 0, however devaluation of collateral doesn't cause liquidation
    return self._health(user, self._debt(user)[0], full, self.liquidation_discounts[user])

def _health(user: address, debt: uint256, full: bool, liquidation_discount: uint256) -> int256:
    @notice Returns position health normalized to 1e18 for the user.
            Liquidation starts when < 0, however devaluation of collateral doesn't cause liquidation
    @param user User address to calculate health for
    @param debt The amount of debt to calculate health for
    @param full Whether to take into account the price difference above the highest user's band
    @param liquidation_discount Liquidation discount to use (can be 0)
    @return Health: > 0 = good.
    assert debt > 0, "Loan doesn't exist"
    health: int256 = 10**18 - convert(liquidation_discount, int256)
    health = unsafe_div(convert(AMM.get_x_down(user), int256) * health, convert(debt, int256)) - 10**18

    if full:
        ns0: int256 = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(user)[0] # ns[1] > ns[0]
        if ns0 > AMM.active_band():  # We are not in liquidation mode
            p: uint256 = AMM.price_oracle()
            p_up: uint256 = AMM.p_oracle_up(ns0)
            if p > p_up:
                health += convert(unsafe_div(unsafe_sub(p, p_up) * AMM.get_sum_xy(user)[1] * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, debt * BORROWED_PRECISION), int256)

    return health
>>>, True)
>>>, False)


Controller.user_state(user: address) -> uint256[4]:

Getter for user's state.

Returns: collateral, stablecoin, debt, and number of bands (uint256).

Input Type Description
user address User address to return state for.
Source code
def user_state(user: address) -> uint256[4]:
    @notice Return the user state in one call
    @param user User to return the state for
    @return (collateral, stablecoin, debt, N)
    xy: uint256[2] = AMM.get_sum_xy(user)
    ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(user) # ns[1] > ns[0]
    return [xy[1], xy[0], self._debt_ro(user), convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)]
def get_sum_xy(user: address) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice A low-gas function to measure amounts of stablecoins and collateral which user currently owns
    @param user User address
    @return Amounts of (stablecoin, collateral) in a tuple
    xy: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT][2] = self._get_xy(user, True)
    return [xy[0][0], xy[1][0]]

def _read_user_tick_numbers(user: address) -> int256[2]:
    @notice Unpacks and reads user tick numbers
    @param user User address
    @return Lowest and highest band the user deposited into
    ns: int256 = self.user_shares[user].ns
    n2: int256 = unsafe_div(ns, 2**128)
    n1: int256 = ns % 2**128
    if n1 >= 2**127:
        n1 = unsafe_sub(n1, 2**128)
        n2 = unsafe_add(n2, 1)
    return [n1, n2]
>>> Controller.user_state(trader)
[2000000000000000000, 0, 11000001592726154783594, 10]


Controller.liquidation_discounts(arg0: uint256) -> uint256: view

Getter for the user address that created a loan at index arg0. Only loans with debt greater than 0 are included. Liquidated ones get removed.

Returns: user (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Loan index.
Source code
loans: public(address[2**64 - 1])  # Enumerate existing loans

def _remove_from_list(_for: address):
    last_loan_ix: uint256 = self.n_loans - 1
    loan_ix: uint256 = self.loan_ix[_for]
    assert[loan_ix] == _for  # dev: should never fail but safety first
    self.loan_ix[_for] = 0
    if loan_ix < last_loan_ix:  # Need to replace
        last_loan: address =[last_loan_ix][loan_ix] = last_loan
        self.loan_ix[last_loan] = loan_ix
    self.n_loans = last_loan_ix


Controller.loan_ix(arg0: address) -> address: view

Getter for the user's loan in the list. Only loans with debt greater than 0 are included. Liquidated ones get removed.

Returns: index (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address User address.
Source code
loan_ix: public(HashMap[address, uint256])  # Position of the loan in the list
>>> Controller.loans_ix(trader)


Controller.n_loans() -> uint256: view

Getter for the total number of existing loans. This variable is increased by one when a loan is created and decreased by one when a loan is fully repaid.

Returns: total loans (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address User address
Source code
n_loans: public(uint256)  # Number of nonzero loans

def _remove_from_list(_for: address):
    last_loan_ix: uint256 = self.n_loans - 1
    loan_ix: uint256 = self.loan_ix[_for]
    assert[loan_ix] == _for  # dev: should never fail but safety first
    self.loan_ix[_for] = 0
    if loan_ix < last_loan_ix:  # Need to replace
        last_loan: address =[last_loan_ix][loan_ix] = last_loan
        self.loan_ix[last_loan] = loan_ix
    self.n_loans = last_loan_ix
>>> Controller.n_loans()


There are two types of fees:

  1. Borrowing-based fee: Borrowers pay interest on the debt borrowed.
  2. AMM-based fee: Swap fee for trades within the AMM. There is also the option for an admin fee, but at the time of writing, admin fees are set to zero2, meaning all swap fees go to the liquidity providers, who are the borrowers themselves.

Both fees can be determined by the DAO. To change the borrowing-based fee, a new monetary policy contract needs to be set via set_monetary_policy. Changing the AMM fee can be done through set_amm_fee, and admin fees through set_admin_fee.


Controller.admin_fees() -> uint256:

Getter for the claimable admin fees. Claimable by calling colletct_fees.

Returns: admin fees (uint256).

Source code
struct Loan:
    initial_debt: uint256
    rate_mul: uint256

def admin_fees() -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate the amount of fees obtained from the interest
    rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()
    loan: Loan = self._total_debt
    loan.initial_debt = loan.initial_debt * rate_mul / loan.rate_mul + self.redeemed
    minted: uint256 = self.minted
    return unsafe_sub(max(loan.initial_debt, minted), minted)
def _rate_mul() -> uint256:
    @notice Rate multiplier which is 1.0 + integral(rate, dt)
    @return Rate multiplier in units where 1.0 == 1e18
    return unsafe_div(self.rate_mul * (10**18 + self.rate * (block.timestamp - self.rate_time)), 10**18)
>>> Controller.admin_fees()


Controller.set_amm_fee(fee: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the Factory.

Function to set the AMM fee. The new fee value should be between MIN_FEE (10**6) and MAX_FEE (10**17).

Emits: SetFee

Input Type Description
fee uint256 New fee value.
Source code
MIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**6  # 1e-12, still needs to be above 0
MAX_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**17  # 10%

# AMM has nonreentrant decorator
def set_amm_fee(fee: uint256):
    @notice Set the AMM fee (factory admin only)
    @param fee The fee which should be no higher than MAX_FEE
    assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()
    assert fee <= MAX_FEE and fee >= MIN_FEE, "Fee"
event SetFee:
    fee: uint256

fee: public(uint256)

def set_fee(fee: uint256):
    @notice Set AMM fee
    @param fee Fee where 1e18 == 100%
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.fee = fee
    log SetFee(fee)
>>> Controller.set_amm_fee(6000000000000000):


Controller.set_amm_admin_fee(fee: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the Factory.

Function to set the AMM admin fee. Maximum admin fee is 50%.

Emits: SetAdminFee

Input Type Description
fee uint256 New admin fee.
Source code
MAX_ADMIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**17  # 50%

# AMM has nonreentrant decorator
def set_amm_admin_fee(fee: uint256):
    @notice Set AMM's admin fee
    @param fee New admin fee (not higher than MAX_ADMIN_FEE)
    assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()
    assert fee <= MAX_ADMIN_FEE, "High fee"
event SetAdminFee:
    fee: uint256

admin_fee: public(uint256)

def set_admin_fee(fee: uint256):
    @notice Set admin fee - fraction of the AMM fee to go to admin
    @param fee Admin fee where 1e18 == 100%
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.admin_fee = fee
    log SetAdminFee(fee)
>>> Controller.set_amm_admin_fee(1):



Function to collects all fees, including borrwing-based fees and AMM-based fees (if there are any). Collected fees are sent to the fee_receiver specified in the Factory.

Emits: CollectFees

Source code
event CollectFees:
    amount: uint256
    new_supply: uint256

def collect_fees() -> uint256:
    @notice Collect the fees charged as interest
    @notice None of this fees are collected if factory has no fee_receiver - e.g. for lending
            This is by design: lending does NOT earn interest, system makes money by using crvUSD
    # Calling fee_receiver will fail for lending markets because everything gets to lenders
    _to: address = FACTORY.fee_receiver()
    # AMM-based fees
    borrowed_fees: uint256 = AMM.admin_fees_x()
    collateral_fees: uint256 = AMM.admin_fees_y()
    self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, _to, borrowed_fees)
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, _to, collateral_fees)

    # Borrowing-based fees
    rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()
    loan: Loan = self._total_debt
    loan.initial_debt = loan.initial_debt * rate_mul / loan.rate_mul
    loan.rate_mul = rate_mul
    self._total_debt = loan


    # Amount which would have been redeemed if all the debt was repaid now
    to_be_redeemed: uint256 = loan.initial_debt + self.redeemed
    # Amount which was minted when borrowing + all previously claimed admin fees
    minted: uint256 = self.minted
    # Difference between to_be_redeemed and minted amount is exactly due to interest charged
    if to_be_redeemed > minted:
        self.minted = to_be_redeemed
        to_be_redeemed = unsafe_sub(to_be_redeemed, minted)  # Now this is the fees to charge
        self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, _to, to_be_redeemed)
        log CollectFees(to_be_redeemed, loan.initial_debt)
        return to_be_redeemed
        log CollectFees(0, loan.initial_debt)
        return 0
admin_fees_x: public(uint256)
admin_fees_y: public(uint256)

def reset_admin_fees():
    @notice Zero out AMM fees collected
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.admin_fees_x = 0
    self.admin_fees_y = 0
>>> Controller.admin_fees()
>>> Controller.collect_fees()
>>> Controller.admin_fees()

Loan and Liquidation Discount

New values for loan_discount and liquidation_discount can be assigned by the admin of the Factory, which is the DAO.

The loan discount is the percentage used to discount the collateral for calculating the maximum borrowable amount when creating a loan.

The liquidation discount is used to discount the collateral for calculating the recoverable value upon liquidation at the current market price.


Controller.liquidation_discount() -> uint256: view

Getter for the discount of the maximum loan size compared to get_x_down() value. This value defines the LTV.

Returns: loan discount (uint256).

Source code
loan_discount: public(uint256)

def __init__(
        collateral_token: address,
        monetary_policy: address,
        loan_discount: uint256,
        liquidation_discount: uint256,
        amm: address):
    @notice Controller constructor deployed by the factory from blueprint
    @param collateral_token Token to use for collateral
    @param monetary_policy Address of monetary policy
    @param loan_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to get_x_down() value
    @param liquidation_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to
        get_x_down() for "bad liquidation" purposes
    @param amm AMM address (Already deployed from blueprint)

    self.loan_discount = loan_discount

>>> Controller.loan_discount()


Controller.liquidation_discount() -> uint256: view

Getter for the liquidation discount. This value is used to discount the collateral value when calculating the health for liquidation puroses in order to incentivize liquidators.

Returns: liquidation discount (uint256).

Source code
liquidation_discount: public(uint256)

def __init__(
        collateral_token: address,
        monetary_policy: address,
        loan_discount: uint256,
        liquidation_discount: uint256,
        amm: address):
    @notice Controller constructor deployed by the factory from blueprint
    @param collateral_token Token to use for collateral
    @param monetary_policy Address of monetary policy
    @param loan_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to get_x_down() value
    @param liquidation_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to
        get_x_down() for "bad liquidation" purposes
    @param amm AMM address (Already deployed from blueprint)

    self.liquidation_discount = liquidation_discount

>>> Controller.liquidation_discount()


Controller.liquidation_discounts(arg0: address) -> uint256: view

Getter method for the liquidation discount of a user. This value is used to discount the collateral for calculating the recoverable value upon liquidation at the current market price. The discount is factored into the health calculation.

Returns: liquidation discount (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address User Address.
Source code
liquidation_discounts: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
>>> Controller.liquidation_discounts(trader)


Controller.set_borrowing_discounts(loan_discount: uint256, liquidation_discount: uint256)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the Factory.

Function to set new values for loan_discount and liquidation_discount. This metric defines the max LTV and where bad liquidations start.

Emits: SetBorrowingDiscount

Input Type Description
loan_discount uint256 New value for the loan discount.
liquidation_discount uint256 New value for the liquidation discount.
Source code
event SetBorrowingDiscounts:
    loan_discount: uint256
    liquidation_discount: uint256

def set_borrowing_discounts(loan_discount: uint256, liquidation_discount: uint256):
    @notice Set discounts at which we can borrow (defines max LTV) and where bad liquidation starts
    @param loan_discount Discount which defines LTV
    @param liquidation_discount Discount where bad liquidation starts
    assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()
    assert loan_discount > liquidation_discount
    assert liquidation_discount >= MIN_LIQUIDATION_DISCOUNT
    assert loan_discount <= MAX_LOAN_DISCOUNT
    self.liquidation_discount = liquidation_discount
    self.loan_discount = loan_discount
    log SetBorrowingDiscounts(loan_discount, liquidation_discount)
>>> Controller.set_borrowing_discounts(90000000000000000, 60000000000000000)

Monetary Policy

Each controller has a monetary policy contract. This contract is responsible for the interest rates within the markets.

While monetary policies for minting markets depend on several factors such as the price of crvUSD, pegkeeper debt, etc., the monetary policy for lending markets is solely based on a semi-log monetary policy which determines the rate based on the utilization of the assets.


Controller.monetary_policy() -> address: view

Getter for the monetary policy contract.

Returns: monetary policy contract (address).

Source code
monetary_policy: public(MonetaryPolicy)
>>> Controller.monetary_policy()


`Controller.set_monetary_policy(monetary_policy: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the Factory.

Function to set the monetary policy contract. Initially, the monetary policy contract is configured when a new market is added via the Factory. However, this function allows the contract address to be changed later. When setting the new address, the function calls rate_write() from the monetary policy contract to verify if the ABI is correct.

Emits: SetMonetaryPolicy

Input Type Description
monetary_policy address Monetary policy contract.
Source code
event SetMonetaryPolicy:
    monetary_policy: address

monetary_policy: public(MonetaryPolicy)

def set_monetary_policy(monetary_policy: address):
    @notice Set monetary policy contract
    @param monetary_policy Address of the monetary policy contract
    assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()
    self.monetary_policy = MonetaryPolicy(monetary_policy)
    log SetMonetaryPolicy(monetary_policy)
def rate_write(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    # Not needed here but useful for more automated policies
    # which change rate0 - for example rate0 targeting some fraction pl_debt/total_debt
    return self.calculate_rate(_for, PRICE_ORACLE.price_w())
>>> Controller.set_monetary_policy("0xc684432FD6322c6D58b6bC5d28B18569aA0AD0A1")

Contract Info Methods


Controller.factory() -> address: view

Getter of the Factory contract of the Controller. This variable is immutable and can not be changed.

Returns: Factory (address).

Source code
interface Factory:
    def stablecoin() -> address: view
    def admin() -> address: view
    def fee_receiver() -> address: view
    def WETH() -> address: view

FACTORY: immutable(Factory)

def __init__(
        collateral_token: address,
        monetary_policy: address,
        loan_discount: uint256,
        liquidation_discount: uint256,
        amm: address):
    @notice Controller constructor deployed by the factory from blueprint
    @param collateral_token Token to use for collateral
    @param monetary_policy Address of monetary policy
    @param loan_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to get_x_down() value
    @param liquidation_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to
        get_x_down() for "bad liquidation" purposes
    @param amm AMM address (Already deployed from blueprint)
    FACTORY = Factory(msg.sender)
>>> Controller.factory()


Controller.amm() -> address: view

Getter of the AMM contract of the Controller. This variable is immutable and can not be changed.

Returns: AMM contract (address).

Source code
AMM: immutable(LLAMMA)

def __init__(
        collateral_token: address,
        monetary_policy: address,
        loan_discount: uint256,
        liquidation_discount: uint256,
        amm: address):
    @notice Controller constructor deployed by the factory from blueprint
    @param collateral_token Token to use for collateral
    @param monetary_policy Address of monetary policy
    @param loan_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to get_x_down() value
    @param liquidation_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to
        get_x_down() for "bad liquidation" purposes
    @param amm AMM address (Already deployed from blueprint)


    AMM = LLAMMA(amm)

>>> Controller.amm()


Controller.collateral_token() -> address: view

Getter of the collateral token for the market. This variable is immutable and can not be changed.

Returns: collateral token (address).

Source code
    COLLATERAL_TOKEN: immutable(ERC20)

    def __init__(
            collateral_token: address,
            monetary_policy: address,
            loan_discount: uint256,
            liquidation_discount: uint256,
            amm: address):
        @notice Controller constructor deployed by the factory from blueprint
        @param collateral_token Token to use for collateral
        @param monetary_policy Address of monetary policy
        @param loan_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to get_x_down() value
        @param liquidation_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to
            get_x_down() for "bad liquidation" purposes
        @param amm AMM address (Already deployed from blueprint)

        COLLATERAL_TOKEN = _collateral_token

>>> Controller.collateral_token()


Controller.amm_price() -> uint256:

Getter for the current price from the AMM.

Returns: price (uint256).

Source code
# AMM has a nonreentrant decorator
def amm_price() -> uint256:
    @notice Current price from the AMM
    return AMM.get_p()
def get_p() -> uint256:
    @notice Get current AMM price in active_band
    @return Current price at 1e18 base
    n: int256 = self.active_band
    return self._get_p(n, self.bands_x[n], self.bands_y[n])

def _get_p(n: int256, x: uint256, y: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Get current AMM price in band
    @param n Band number
    @param x Amount of stablecoin in band
    @param y Amount of collateral in band
    @return Current price at 1e18 base
    p_o_up: uint256 = self._p_oracle_up(n)
    p_o: uint256 = self._price_oracle_ro()[0]
    assert p_o_up != 0

    # Special cases
    if x == 0:
        if y == 0:  # x and y are 0
            # Return mid-band
            return unsafe_div((unsafe_div(unsafe_div(p_o**2, p_o_up) * p_o, p_o_up) * A), Aminus1)
        # if x == 0: # Lowest point of this band -> p_current_down
        return unsafe_div(unsafe_div(p_o**2, p_o_up) * p_o, p_o_up)
    if y == 0: # Highest point of this band -> p_current_up
        p_o_up = unsafe_div(p_o_up * Aminus1, A)  # now this is _actually_ p_o_down
        return unsafe_div(p_o**2 / p_o_up * p_o, p_o_up)

    y0: uint256 = self._get_y0(x, y, p_o, p_o_up)
    # ^ that call also checks that p_o != 0

    # (f(y0) + x) / (g(y0) + y)
    f: uint256 = unsafe_div(A * y0 * p_o, p_o_up) * p_o
    g: uint256 = unsafe_div(Aminus1 * y0 * p_o_up, p_o)
    return (f + x * 10**18) / (g + y)
>>> Controller.amm_price():


Controller.minted() -> uint256: view

Getter for the total amount of crvUSD minted from this controller. Increments by the amount of debt when calling create_loan or borrow_more.

Returns: total minted (uint256).

Source code
minted: public(uint256)
>>> Controller.minted()


Controller.redeemed() -> uint256: view

Getter for the total amount of crvUSD redeemed from this controller. Increments by the amount of debt that is repayed when calling repay or repay_extended.

Returns: total redeemed (uint256).

Source code
redeemed: public(uint256)
>>> Controller.redeemed()



Controller.set_callback(cb: address) -> uint256: view

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the Factory.

Function to set a callback for liquidity mining.

Input Type Description
cb address Callback
Source code
def set_callback(cb: address):
    @notice Set liquidity mining callback
    assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()
>>> Controller.set_callback('todo')

  1. The system does not actually mint crvUSD, as the tokens are "pre-minted". If a controller has a 100m debt ceiling, 100m crvUSD will be minted to the Controller from which the tokens can be borrowed. 

  2. Technically, admin fees within the AMMs are not zero. Currently, the admin fees of the AMMs are set to 1 (= 1/1e18), making them virtually nonexistent. The reason for this is to increase oracle manipulation resistance.