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Semi-Log Monetary Policy

The borrow rate in the semi-logarithmic MonetaryPolicy contract is intricately linked to the utilization ratio of the lending markets. This ratio plays a crucial role in determining the cost of borrowing, with its value ranging between 0 and 1. At a utilization rate of 0, indicating no borrowed assets, the borrowing rate aligns with the minimum threshold, min_rate. Conversely, a utilization rate of 1, where all available assets are borrowed, escalates the borrowing rate to its maximum limit, max_rate.


The source code of the SemilogMonetaryPolicy.vy contract can be found on GitHub.

The function for the rate is as simple as:

Variable Description
ratemin MonetaryPolicy.min_rate()
ratemax MonetaryPolicy.max_rate()
utilization Utilization of the lending market. What ratio of the provided assets are borrowed?

A graph to display the interplay between min_rate, max_rate, and market utilization:1


The rate values are based on 1e18 and NOT annualized.

To calculate the Borrow APR:


Rate calculations occur within the MonetaryPolicy contract. The rate is regularly updated by the internal _save_rate method in the Controller. This happens whenever a new loan is initiated (_create_loan), collateral is either added (add_collateral) or removed (remove_collateral), additional debt is incurred (borrow_more and borrow_more_extended), debt is repaid (repay, repay_extended), or a loan undergoes liquidation (_liquidate).

Source Code
def _save_rate():
    @notice Save current rate
    rate: uint256 = min(self.monetary_policy.rate_write(), MAX_RATE)
log_min_rate: public(int256)
log_max_rate: public(int256)

def rate_write(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate(_for, 0, 0)

def calculate_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256:
    total_debt: int256 = convert(Controller(_for).total_debt(), int256)
    total_reserves: int256 = convert(BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(_for), int256) + total_debt + d_reserves
    total_debt += d_debt
    assert total_debt >= 0, "Negative debt"
    assert total_reserves >= total_debt, "Reserves too small"
    if total_debt == 0:
        return self.min_rate
        log_min_rate: int256 = self.log_min_rate
        log_max_rate: int256 = self.log_max_rate
        return self.exp(total_debt * (log_max_rate - log_min_rate) / total_reserves + log_min_rate)
def set_rate(rate: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Set interest rate. That affects the dependence of AMM base price over time
    @param rate New rate in units of int(fraction * 1e18) per second
    @return rate_mul multiplier (e.g. 1.0 + integral(rate, dt))
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    rate_mul: uint256 = self._rate_mul()
    self.rate_mul = rate_mul
    self.rate_time = block.timestamp
    self.rate = rate
    log SetRate(rate, rate_mul, block.timestamp)
    return rate_mul


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.rate(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256

Getter for the borrow rate for a specific lending market.

Returns: rate (uint256).

Input Type Description
_for address Controller contract; Defaults to msg.sender, because the caller of the function is usually the Controller.
Source code
def rate(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate(_for, 0, 0)

def calculate_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256:
    total_debt: int256 = convert(Controller(_for).total_debt(), int256)
    total_reserves: int256 = convert(BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(_for), int256) + total_debt + d_reserves
    total_debt += d_debt
    assert total_debt >= 0, "Negative debt"
    assert total_reserves >= total_debt, "Reserves too small"
    if total_debt == 0:
        return self.min_rate
        log_min_rate: int256 = self.log_min_rate
        log_max_rate: int256 = self.log_max_rate
        return self.exp(total_debt * (log_max_rate - log_min_rate) / total_reserves + log_min_rate)
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.rate("0x7443944962D04720f8c220C0D25f56F869d6EfD4")
Out [1]:  6113754953


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.future_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256

Function to calculate the future borrow rate for a lending market given a specific change of reserves and debt.

Returns: future borrow rate (uint256).

Input Type Description
_for address Controller address.
d_reserves int256 Change of reserve asset.
d_debt int256 Change of debt.
Source code
def future_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate(_for, d_reserves, d_debt)

def calculate_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256:
    total_debt: int256 = convert(Controller(_for).total_debt(), int256)
    total_reserves: int256 = convert(BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(_for), int256) + total_debt + d_reserves
    total_debt += d_debt
    assert total_debt >= 0, "Negative debt"
    assert total_reserves >= total_debt, "Reserves too small"
    if total_debt == 0:
        return self.min_rate
        log_min_rate: int256 = self.log_min_rate
        log_max_rate: int256 = self.log_max_rate
        return self.exp(total_debt * (log_max_rate - log_min_rate) / total_reserves + log_min_rate)
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.future_rate(controller.address, 0, 10000000000000000000000)
Out [1]:  7882992245


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.rate_write(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:

Function to update the rate of a lending market.

Returns: rate (uint256)

Source code
def rate_write(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate(_for, 0, 0)

def calculate_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256:
    total_debt: int256 = convert(Controller(_for).total_debt(), int256)
    total_reserves: int256 = convert(BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(_for), int256) + total_debt + d_reserves
    total_debt += d_debt
    assert total_debt >= 0, "Negative debt"
    assert total_reserves >= total_debt, "Reserves too small"
    if total_debt == 0:
        return self.min_rate
        log_min_rate: int256 = self.log_min_rate
        log_max_rate: int256 = self.log_max_rate
        return self.exp(total_debt * (log_max_rate - log_min_rate) / total_reserves + log_min_rate)
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.rate_write()
Out [1]:  6113754953

Changing Rates

Rates within the MonetaryPolicy contract can only be changed by the admin of the lending factory, which is the Curve DAO.

A short overview of the different parameters:

Variable Description
min_rate Current minimum rate set within the MP contract.
max_rate Current maximum rate set within the MP contract.
log_min_rate Logarithm ln() function of min_rate, based on log2.
log_max_rate Logarithm ln() function of max_rate, based on log2.
MIN_RATE Absolute minimum rate settable.
MAX_RATE Absolute maximum rate settable.


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.set_rates(min_rate: uint256, max_rate: uint256)

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of FACTORY.

Function to set new values for min_rate and max_rate, and consequently log_min_rate and log_max_rate as well. New rate values can be chosen quite deliberately, but need to be within the bounds of MIN_RATE and MAX_RATE:

  • MIN_RATE = 31709791 (0.01%)
  • MAX_RATE = 317097919837 (1000%)

Emits: SetRates

Input Type Description
min_rate uint256 New value for the minimum rate.
max_rate uint256 New value for the maximum rate.
Source code
event SetRates:
    min_rate: uint256
    max_rate: uint256

min_rate: public(uint256)
max_rate: public(uint256)
log_min_rate: public(int256)
log_max_rate: public(int256)

def set_rates(min_rate: uint256, max_rate: uint256):
    assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()

    assert max_rate >= min_rate
    assert min_rate >= MIN_RATE
    assert max_rate <= MAX_RATE

    if min_rate != self.min_rate:
        self.log_min_rate = self.ln_int(min_rate)
    if max_rate != self.max_rate:
        self.log_max_rate = self.ln_int(max_rate)
    self.min_rate = min_rate
    self.max_rate = max_rate

    log SetRates(min_rate, max_rate)
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.min_rate()
Out [1]:  158548959

In  [2]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.set_rates(31709791, 317097919837)

In  [3]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.min_rate()
Out [3]:  31709791


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.min_rate() -> uint256: view

Getter for the current minimum borrow rate. This value is set to the input given for min_default_borrow_rate when creating a new market. The rate is charged when utilization is 0 and can be changed by the admin of the lending factory.

Returns: minimum interest rate (uint256).

Source code
min_rate: public(uint256)

def __init__(borrowed_token: ERC20, min_rate: uint256, max_rate: uint256):
    assert min_rate >= MIN_RATE and max_rate <= MAX_RATE and min_rate <= max_rate, "Wrong rates"

    BORROWED_TOKEN = borrowed_token
    self.min_rate = min_rate
    self.max_rate = max_rate
    self.log_min_rate = self.ln_int(min_rate)
    self.log_max_rate = self.ln_int(max_rate)

    FACTORY = Factory(msg.sender)
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.min_rate()
Out [1]:  158548959


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.max_rate() -> uint256: view

Getter for the current maximum borrow rate. This value is set to the input given for max_default_borrow_rate when creating a new market. The rate is charged when utilization is 1 and can be changed by the admin of the lending factory.

Returns: maximum interest rate (uint256).

Source code
max_rate: public(uint256)

def __init__(borrowed_token: ERC20, min_rate: uint256, max_rate: uint256):
    assert min_rate >= MIN_RATE and max_rate <= MAX_RATE and min_rate <= max_rate, "Wrong rates"

    BORROWED_TOKEN = borrowed_token
    self.min_rate = min_rate
    self.max_rate = max_rate
    self.log_min_rate = self.ln_int(min_rate)
    self.log_max_rate = self.ln_int(max_rate)

    FACTORY = Factory(msg.sender)
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.max_rate()
Out [1]:  15854895991


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.log_min_rate() -> int256: view

Getter for the logarithm ln() function of min_rate, based on log2.

Returns: semi-log minimum rate (int256).

Source code
log_min_rate: public(int256)

def __init__(borrowed_token: ERC20, min_rate: uint256, max_rate: uint256):
    assert min_rate >= MIN_RATE and max_rate <= MAX_RATE and min_rate <= max_rate, "Wrong rates"

    BORROWED_TOKEN = borrowed_token
    self.min_rate = min_rate
    self.max_rate = max_rate
    self.log_min_rate = self.ln_int(min_rate)
    self.log_max_rate = self.ln_int(max_rate)

    FACTORY = Factory(msg.sender)

def ln_int(_x: uint256) -> int256:
    @notice Logarithm ln() function based on log2. Not very gas-efficient but brief
    # adapted from:
    # and vyper log implementation
    # This can be much more optimal but that's not important here
    x: uint256 = _x
    if _x < 10**18:
        x = 10**36 / _x
    res: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(8):
        t: uint256 = 2**(7 - i)
        p: uint256 = 2**t
        if x >= p * 10**18:
            x /= p
            res += t * 10**18
    d: uint256 = 10**18
    for i in range(59):  # 18 decimals: math.log2(10**18) == 59.7
        if (x >= 2 * 10**18):
            res += d
            x /= 2
        x = x * x / 10**18
        d /= 2
    # Now res = log2(x)
    # ln(x) = log2(x) / log2(e)
    result: int256 = convert(res * 10**18 / 1442695040888963328, int256)
    if _x >= 10**18:
        return result
        return -result
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.log_min_rate()
Out [1]:  -22564957680717876419


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.log_max_rate() -> int256: view

Getter for the logarithm ln() function of max_rate, based on log2.

Returns: semi-log maximum rate (int256).

Source code
log_max_rate: public(int256)

def __init__(borrowed_token: ERC20, min_rate: uint256, max_rate: uint256):
    assert min_rate >= MIN_RATE and max_rate <= MAX_RATE and min_rate <= max_rate, "Wrong rates"

    BORROWED_TOKEN = borrowed_token
    self.min_rate = min_rate
    self.max_rate = max_rate
    self.log_min_rate = self.ln_int(min_rate)
    self.log_max_rate = self.ln_int(max_rate)

    FACTORY = Factory(msg.sender)

def ln_int(_x: uint256) -> int256:
    @notice Logarithm ln() function based on log2. Not very gas-efficient but brief
    # adapted from:
    # and vyper log implementation
    # This can be much more optimal but that's not important here
    x: uint256 = _x
    if _x < 10**18:
        x = 10**36 / _x
    res: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(8):
        t: uint256 = 2**(7 - i)
        p: uint256 = 2**t
        if x >= p * 10**18:
            x /= p
            res += t * 10**18
    d: uint256 = 10**18
    for i in range(59):  # 18 decimals: math.log2(10**18) == 59.7
        if (x >= 2 * 10**18):
            res += d
            x /= 2
        x = x * x / 10**18
        d /= 2
    # Now res = log2(x)
    # ln(x) = log2(x) / log2(e)
    result: int256 = convert(res * 10**18 / 1442695040888963328, int256)
    if _x >= 10**18:
        return result
        return -result
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.log_max_rate()
Out [1]:  -17959787488990232781


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.MIN_RATE() -> uint256: view

Getter for the lowest possible rate for the MonetaryPolicy. When setting new rates via set_rates(), MIN_RATE is the lowest possible value. This variable is a constant and therefore cannot be changed.

Returns: absolute minimum rate (uint256).

Source code
MIN_RATE: public(constant(uint256)) = 10**15 / (365 * 86400)  # 0.1%
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.MIN_RATE()
Out [1]:  31709791


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.MAX_RATE() -> uint256: view

Getter for the highest possible rate for the MonetaryPolicy. When setting new rates via set_rates(), MAX_RATE is the highest possible value. This variable is a constant and therefore cannot be changed.

Returns: absolute maximum rate (uint256).

Source code
MAX_RATE: public(constant(uint256)) = 10**19 / (365 * 86400)  # 1000%
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.MAX_RATE()
Out [1]:  317097919837

Contract Info Methods


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.BORROWED_TOKEN() -> address: view

Getter for the borrowed token. This is a immutable variable and is set at deployment (__init__()).

Returns: borrowable token from the lending market (address)

Source code
BORROWED_TOKEN: public(immutable(ERC20))

def __init__(borrowed_token: ERC20, min_rate: uint256, max_rate: uint256):
    assert min_rate >= MIN_RATE and max_rate <= MAX_RATE and min_rate <= max_rate, "Wrong rates"

    BORROWED_TOKEN = borrowed_token
    self.min_rate = min_rate
    self.max_rate = max_rate
    self.log_min_rate = self.ln_int(min_rate)
    self.log_max_rate = self.ln_int(max_rate)

    FACTORY = Factory(msg.sender)
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.BORROWED_TOKEN()
Out [1]:  '0xf939E0A03FB07F59A73314E73794Be0E57ac1b4E'


SemiLogMonetaryPolicy.FACTORY() -> address: view

Getter for the Factory contract. This is a immutable variable and is set at deployment (__init__()).

Returns: Factory (address).

Source code
FACTORY: public(immutable(Factory))

def __init__(borrowed_token: ERC20, min_rate: uint256, max_rate: uint256):
    assert min_rate >= MIN_RATE and max_rate <= MAX_RATE and min_rate <= max_rate, "Wrong rates"

    BORROWED_TOKEN = borrowed_token
    self.min_rate = min_rate
    self.max_rate = max_rate
    self.log_min_rate = self.ln_int(min_rate)
    self.log_max_rate = self.ln_int(max_rate)

    FACTORY = Factory(msg.sender)
In  [1]:  SemilogMonetaryPolicy.FACTORY()
Out [1]:  '0xc67a44D958eeF0ff316C3a7c9E14FB96f6DedAA3'

  1. For simplicity, the minimum input value is set at 1% and the maximum at 100%. In reality, these values can range from 0.01% to 1000%.