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Admin Controls

The following are methods that may only be called by the owner of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Adjusting Debt Ceilings


ControllerFactory.set_debt_ceiling(_to: address, debt_ceiling: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set the debt ceiling of a market and mint the token amount given for it.

Returns: debt ceiling (uint256).

Emits: MintForMarket or RemoveFromMarket or SetDebtCeiling

Input Type Description
_to address Address to set debt ceiling for
debt_ceiling uint256 Maximum to be allowed to mint
Source code
event SetDebtCeiling:
    addr: indexed(address)
    debt_ceiling: uint256

event MintForMarket:
    addr: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256

event RemoveFromMarket:
    addr: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256

def _set_debt_ceiling(addr: address, debt_ceiling: uint256, update: bool):
    @notice Set debt ceiling for a market
    @param addr Controller address
    @param debt_ceiling Value for stablecoin debt ceiling
    @param update Whether to actually update the debt ceiling (False is used for burning the residuals)
    old_debt_residual: uint256 = self.debt_ceiling_residual[addr]

    if debt_ceiling > old_debt_residual:
        to_mint: uint256 = debt_ceiling - old_debt_residual, to_mint)
        self.debt_ceiling_residual[addr] = debt_ceiling
        log MintForMarket(addr, to_mint)

    if debt_ceiling < old_debt_residual:
        diff: uint256 = min(old_debt_residual - debt_ceiling, STABLECOIN.balanceOf(addr))
        STABLECOIN.burnFrom(addr, diff)
        self.debt_ceiling_residual[addr] = old_debt_residual - diff
        log RemoveFromMarket(addr, diff)

    if update:
        self.debt_ceiling[addr] = debt_ceiling
        log SetDebtCeiling(addr, debt_ceiling)

def set_debt_ceiling(_to: address, debt_ceiling: uint256):
    @notice Set debt ceiling of the address - mint the token amount given for it
    @param _to Address to allow borrowing for
    @param debt_ceiling Maximum allowed to be allowed to mint for it
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self._set_debt_ceiling(_to, debt_ceiling, True)
def mint(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Mint `_value` amount of tokens to `_to`.
    @dev Only callable by an account with minter privileges.
    @param _to The account newly minted tokens are credited to.
    @param _value The amount of tokens to mint.
    assert msg.sender == self.minter
    assert _to not in [self, empty(address)]

    self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
    self.totalSupply += _value

    log Transfer(empty(address), _to, _value)
    return True

def burn(_value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Burn `_value` amount of tokens.
    @param _value The amount of tokens to burn.
    self._burn(msg.sender, _value)
    return True
>>> ControllerFactory.set_debt_ceiling(20000000000000000000000000)

Fee Receiver


ControllerFactory.set_fee_receiver(fee_receiver: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set the fee receiver address.

Emits: SetFeeReceiver

Input Type Description
fee_receiver address Address of the receiver
Source code
event SetFeeReceiver:
    fee_receiver: address

fee_receiver: public(address)

def set_fee_receiver(fee_receiver: address):
    @notice Set fee receiver who earns interest (DAO)
    @param fee_receiver Address of the receiver
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert fee_receiver != empty(address)
    self.fee_receiver = fee_receiver
    log SetFeeReceiver(fee_receiver)
>>> ControllerFactory.set_fee_receiver("0xeCb456EA5365865EbAb8a2661B0c503410e9B347")


ControllerFactory.collect_fees_above_ceiling(_to: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to claim fees above the debt ceiling. This function will automatically increase the debt ceiling if there is not enough to claim admin fees.

Input Type Description
_to address Address of the controller
Source code
def collect_fees_above_ceiling(_to: address):
    @notice If the receiver is the controller - increase the debt ceiling if it's not enough to claim admin fees
            and claim them
    @param _to Address of the controller
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    old_debt_residual: uint256 = self.debt_ceiling_residual[_to]
    assert self.debt_ceiling[_to] > 0 or old_debt_residual > 0

    admin_fees: uint256 = Controller(_to).total_debt() + Controller(_to).redeemed() - Controller(_to).minted()
    b: uint256 = STABLECOIN.balanceOf(_to)
    if admin_fees > b:
        to_mint: uint256 = admin_fees - b, to_mint)
        self.debt_ceiling_residual[_to] = old_debt_residual + to_mint
>>> ControllerFactory.collect_fees_above_ceiling("0x100dAa78fC509Db39Ef7D04DE0c1ABD299f4C6CE")

Implementations (Blueprint Contracts)


ControllerFactory.set_implementations(controller: address, amm: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set new implementations (blueprints) for Controller and AMM. Setting new implementations for Controller and AMM does not affect the existing ones.

Emits: SetImplementations

Input Type Description
controller Address Address of the controller blueprint
amm Address Address of the amm blueprint
Source code
event SetImplementations:
    amm: address
    controller: address

controller_implementation: public(address)
amm_implementation: public(address)

def set_implementations(controller: address, amm: address):
    @notice Set new implementations (blueprints) for controller and amm. Doesn't change existing ones
    @param controller Address of the controller blueprint
    @param amm Address of the AMM blueprint
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert controller != empty(address)
    assert amm != empty(address)
    self.controller_implementation = controller
    self.amm_implementation = amm
    log SetImplementations(amm, controller)
>>> ControllerFactory.set_implementation("new controller implementation, new amm implementation")

Admin Ownership


ControllerFactory.admin() -> address: view

Getter for the admin of the contract.

Returns: admin (address).

Source code
admin: public(address)

def __init__(stablecoin: ERC20,
            admin: address,
            fee_receiver: address,
            weth: address):
    @notice Factory which creates both controllers and AMMs from blueprints
    @param stablecoin Stablecoin address
    @param admin Admin of the factory (ideally DAO)
    @param fee_receiver Receiver of interest and admin fees
    @param weth Address of WETH contract address
    STABLECOIN = stablecoin
    self.admin = admin
    self.fee_receiver = fee_receiver
    WETH = weth
>>> ControllerFactory.admin()


ControllerFactory.set_admin(admin: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set the admin of the contract.

Emits: SetAdmin

Input Type Description
admin address New admin
Source code
event SetAdmin:
    admin: address

admin: public(address)

def set_admin(admin: address):
    @notice Set admin of the factory (should end up with DAO)
    @param admin Address of the admin
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.admin = admin
    log SetAdmin(admin)
>>> ControllerFactory.set_admin("0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045")