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Deployer API

Liquidity Pools


Transaction will fail if the requirements are not met.


The pool deployment is permissionless, but it must adhere to certain parameter limitations:

Parameter Limitation
_fee 4000000 (0.04%) ≤ _fee ≤ 100000000 (1%)
  • Valid _implementation_idx (cannot be ZERO_ADDRESS).
  • Minimum of 2 coins and maximum of 4 coins.
  • Cannot pair with a coin which is included in a basepool.
  • If paired against plain ETH (0xE...EeE), ETH must be the first coin of the pool (_coins[0] = plain ETH).
  • Maximum of 18 decimals for the coins.
  • No duplicate coins.

Factory.deploy_plain_pool(_name: String[32], _symbol: String[10], _coins: address[4], _A: uint256, _fee: uint256, _asset_type: uint256 = 0, _implementation_idx: uint256 = 0) → address: nonpayable

Function to deploy a plain pool.

Returns: Deployed pool (address).

Emits: PlainPoolDeployed

Input Type Description
_name String[32] Name of the new plain pool
_symbol String[10] Symbol for the new pool’s LP token. This value will be concatenated with the factory symbol
_coins address[4] List of addresses of the coins being used in the pool
_A uint256 Amplification coefficient
_fee uint256 Trade fee, given as an integer with 1e10 precision
_asset_type uint256 Asset type of the pool as an integer. 0 = USD, 1 = ETH, 2 = BTC, 3 = Other
_implementation_idx uint256 Index of the implementation to use. All possible implementations for a pool of N_COINS can be publicly accessed via plain_implementations(N_COINS)
Source code
event PlainPoolDeployed:
    coins: address[MAX_PLAIN_COINS]
    A: uint256
    fee: uint256
    deployer: address

MAX_PLAIN_COINS: constant(int128) = 4  # max coins in a plain pool

def deploy_plain_pool(
    _name: String[32],
    _symbol: String[10],
    _coins: address[MAX_PLAIN_COINS],
    _A: uint256,
    _fee: uint256,
    _asset_type: uint256 = 0,
    _implementation_idx: uint256 = 0,
) -> address:
    @notice Deploy a new plain pool
    @param _name Name of the new plain pool
    @param _symbol Symbol for the new plain pool - will be
                   concatenated with factory symbol
    @param _coins List of addresses of the coins being used in the pool.
    @param _A Amplification co-efficient - a lower value here means
              less tolerance for imbalance within the pool's assets.
              Suggested values include:
               * Uncollateralized algorithmic stablecoins: 5-10
               * Non-redeemable, collateralized assets: 100
               * Redeemable assets: 200-400
    @param _fee Trade fee, given as an integer with 1e10 precision. The
                minimum fee is 0.04% (4000000), the maximum is 1% (100000000).
                50% of the fee is distributed to veCRV holders.
    @param _asset_type Asset type for pool, as an integer
                       0 = USD, 1 = ETH, 2 = BTC, 3 = Other
    @param _implementation_idx Index of the implementation to use. All possible
                implementations for a pool of N_COINS can be publicly accessed
                via `plain_implementations(N_COINS)`
    @return Address of the deployed pool
    # fee must be between 0.04% and 1%
    assert _fee >= 4000000 and _fee <= 100000000, "Invalid fee"

    n_coins: uint256 = MAX_PLAIN_COINS
    rate_multipliers: uint256[MAX_PLAIN_COINS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PLAIN_COINS])
    decimals: uint256[MAX_PLAIN_COINS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PLAIN_COINS])

    for i in range(MAX_PLAIN_COINS):
        coin: address = _coins[i]
        if coin == ZERO_ADDRESS:
            assert i > 1, "Insufficient coins"
            n_coins = i
        assert self.base_pool_assets[coin] == False, "Invalid asset, deploy a metapool"

        if _coins[i] == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE:
            assert i == 0, "ETH must be first coin"
            decimals[0] = 18
            decimals[i] = ERC20(coin).decimals()
            assert decimals[i] < 19, "Max 18 decimals for coins"

        rate_multipliers[i] = 10 ** (36 - decimals[i])

        for x in range(i, i+MAX_PLAIN_COINS):
            if x+1 == MAX_PLAIN_COINS:
            if _coins[x+1] == ZERO_ADDRESS:
            assert coin != _coins[x+1], "Duplicate coins"

    implementation: address = self.plain_implementations[n_coins][_implementation_idx]
    assert implementation != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Invalid implementation index"
    pool: address = create_forwarder_to(implementation)
    CurvePlainPool(pool).initialize(_name, _symbol, _coins, rate_multipliers, _A, _fee)

    length: uint256 = self.pool_count
    self.pool_list[length] = pool
    self.pool_count = length + 1
    self.pool_data[pool].decimals = decimals
    self.pool_data[pool].n_coins = n_coins
    self.pool_data[pool].base_pool = ZERO_ADDRESS
    self.pool_data[pool].implementation = implementation
    if _asset_type != 0:
        self.pool_data[pool].asset_type = _asset_type

    for i in range(MAX_PLAIN_COINS):
        coin: address = _coins[i]
        if coin == ZERO_ADDRESS:
        self.pool_data[pool].coins[i] = coin
                convert(pool, bytes32),
                convert(MAX_UINT256, bytes32)
        for j in range(MAX_PLAIN_COINS):
            if i < j:
                swappable_coin: address = _coins[j]
                key: uint256 = bitwise_xor(convert(coin, uint256), convert(swappable_coin, uint256))
                length = self.market_counts[key]
      [key][length] = pool
                self.market_counts[key] = length + 1

    log PlainPoolDeployed(_coins, _A, _fee, msg.sender)
    return pool
>>> Factory.deploy_plain_pool(
    _name: "alUSD-crvUSD",
    _symbol: "alcrvUSD",
    _coins: ['0xbc6da0fe9ad5f3b0d58160288917aa56653660e9', '0xf939E0A03FB07F59A73314E73794Be0E57ac1b4E'],
    _A: 200,
    _fee: 4000000,
    _asset_type: 0,
    _implementation_idx: 0,

'returns address of deployed pool'


Limitations when deploying meta pools:

Parameter Limitation
_fee 4000000 (0.04%) ≤ _fee ≤ 100000000 (0.1%)
  • Valid _implementation_idx (cannot be ZERO_ADDRESS).
  • Maximum of 18 decimals for the coins.

Factory.deploy_metapool(_base_pool: address, _name: String[32], _symbol: String[10], _coin: address, _A: uint256, _fee: uint256, _implementation_idx: uint256 = 0) -> address:

Function to deploy a metapool.

Returns: Deployed metapool (address).

Emits: MetaPoolDeployed

Input Type Description
_base_pool address Address of the base pool to pair the token with
_name String[32] Name of the new metapool
_symbol String[10] Symbol for the new metapool’s LP token. This value will be concatenated with the base pool symbol.
_coin address Address of the coin being used in the metapool
_A uint256 Amplification coefficient
_fee uint256 Trade fee, given as an integer with 1e10 precision
_implementation_idx uint256 Index of the implementation to use. All possible implementations for a pool of N_COINS can be publicly accessed via plain_implementations(N_COINS)
Source code
event MetaPoolDeployed:
    coin: address
    base_pool: address
    A: uint256
    fee: uint256
    deployer: address

def deploy_metapool(
    _base_pool: address,
    _name: String[32],
    _symbol: String[10],
    _coin: address,
    _A: uint256,
    _fee: uint256,
    _implementation_idx: uint256 = 0,
) -> address:
    @notice Deploy a new metapool
    @param _base_pool Address of the base pool to use
                      within the metapool
    @param _name Name of the new metapool
    @param _symbol Symbol for the new metapool - will be
                   concatenated with the base pool symbol
    @param _coin Address of the coin being used in the metapool
    @param _A Amplification co-efficient - a higher value here means
              less tolerance for imbalance within the pool's assets.
              Suggested values include:
               * Uncollateralized algorithmic stablecoins: 5-10
               * Non-redeemable, collateralized assets: 100
               * Redeemable assets: 200-400
    @param _fee Trade fee, given as an integer with 1e10 precision. The
                minimum fee is 0.04% (4000000), the maximum is 1% (100000000).
                50% of the fee is distributed to veCRV holders.
    @param _implementation_idx Index of the implementation to use. All possible
                implementations for a BASE_POOL can be publicly accessed
                via `metapool_implementations(BASE_POOL)`
    @return Address of the deployed pool
    # fee must be between 0.04% and 1%
    assert _fee >= 4000000 and _fee <= 100000000, "Invalid fee"

    implementation: address = self.base_pool_data[_base_pool].implementations[_implementation_idx]
    assert implementation != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Invalid implementation index"

    # things break if a token has >18 decimals
    decimals: uint256 = ERC20(_coin).decimals()
    assert decimals < 19, "Max 18 decimals for coins"

    pool: address = create_forwarder_to(implementation)
    CurvePool(pool).initialize(_name, _symbol, _coin, 10 ** (36 - decimals), _A, _fee)
    ERC20(_coin).approve(pool, MAX_UINT256)

    # add pool to pool_list
    length: uint256 = self.pool_count
    self.pool_list[length] = pool
    self.pool_count = length + 1

    base_lp_token: address = self.base_pool_data[_base_pool].lp_token

    self.pool_data[pool].decimals = [decimals, 0, 0, 0]
    self.pool_data[pool].n_coins = 2
    self.pool_data[pool].base_pool = _base_pool
    self.pool_data[pool].coins[0] = _coin
    self.pool_data[pool].coins[1] = self.base_pool_data[_base_pool].lp_token
    self.pool_data[pool].implementation = implementation

    is_finished: bool = False
    for i in range(MAX_COINS):
        swappable_coin: address = self.base_pool_data[_base_pool].coins[i]
        if swappable_coin == ZERO_ADDRESS:
            is_finished = True
            swappable_coin = base_lp_token

        key: uint256 = bitwise_xor(convert(_coin, uint256), convert(swappable_coin, uint256))
        length = self.market_counts[key][key][length] = pool
        self.market_counts[key] = length + 1
        if is_finished:

    log MetaPoolDeployed(_coin, _base_pool, _A, _fee, msg.sender)
    return pool
>>> Factory.deploy_metapool(
    _base_pool: '0xbEbc44782C7dB0a1A60Cb6fe97d0b483032FF1C7',
    _name: "crvUSD/3CRV",
    _symbol: "crvUSD3CRV",
    _coin: '0xf939E0A03FB07F59A73314E73794Be0E57ac1b4E',
    _A: 200,
    _fee: 4000000,
    _implementation_idx: uint256 = 0,

'returns address of the deployed pool'

Liquidity Gauge


Liquidity gauges can only be successfully deployed from the same contract from which the pool was deployed!


Factory.deploy_gauge(_pool: address) -> address:

Function to deploy a liquidity gauge for a factory pool.

Returns: Deployed gauge (address).

Emits: LiquidityGaugeDeployed

Input Type Description
_pool address Factory pool address to deploy a gauge for
Source code
event LiquidityGaugeDeployed:
    pool: address
    gauge: address

def deploy_gauge(_pool: address) -> address:
    @notice Deploy a liquidity gauge for a factory pool
    @param _pool Factory pool address to deploy a gauge for
    @return Address of the deployed gauge
    assert self.pool_data[_pool].coins[0] != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Unknown pool"
    assert self.pool_data[_pool].liquidity_gauge == ZERO_ADDRESS, "Gauge already deployed"
    implementation: address = self.gauge_implementation
    assert implementation != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Gauge implementation not set"

    gauge: address = create_forwarder_to(implementation)
    self.pool_data[_pool].liquidity_gauge = gauge

    log LiquidityGaugeDeployed(_pool, gauge)
    return gauge
>>> Factory.deploy_gauge("pool address")
'deployed gauge address'