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Monetary Policy

MonetaryPolicy contracts are integrated into the crvUSD ecosystem, where they play a pivotal role in determining the interest rates for crvUSD markets.

Contract Source & Deployment

Source code is available on Github. Relevant contract deployments can be found here.

Interest Rate Mechanics

The interest rates in crvUSD markets are not static but fluctuate based on a set of factors, including:

  • The price of crvUSD, which is determined through an aggregated oracle price from multiple Curve Stableswap pools (details here).
  • The variables sigma, rate0, TargetFraction, and the DebtFraction specific to PegKeepers.


A useful tool to explore and understand how the rate is affected by 0xreviews is avaliable at:

The formula for calculating the interest rate (r) is as follows:

\[r = rate0 \cdot e^{\text{power}}\]


\[\text{power} = \frac{price_{peg} - price_{crvusd}}{sigma} - \frac{DebtFraction}{TargetFraction}\]

And the DebtFraction is defined by:

\[DebtFraction = \frac{PegKeeperDebt}{TotalDebt}\]

Key variables in this calculation include:

  • r: the interest rate
  • rate0: the baseline rate, applicable when PegKeepers are debt-free and the crvUSD price equals 1
  • price_peg: the target crvUSD price, set at 1.00
  • price_crvusd: the actual crvUSD price, aggregated from PRICE_ORACLE.price()
  • DebtFraction: the portion of PegKeeper debt relative to the total outstanding debt
  • TargetFraction: the designated target fraction
  • PegKeeperDebt: the cumulative debt of all PegKeepers
  • TotalDebt: the aggregate crvUSD debt

For accuracy and consistency, both rate and rate0 are expressed in terms of \(10^{18}\) to denote precision and are calculated per second.

The annualized interest rate can be computed as:

\[\text{annualRate} = (1 + \frac{rate}{10^{18}})^{365 \times 24 \times 60 \times 60} - 1\]


MonetaryPolicy.rate() -> uint256: view

Getter for the rate of the monetary policy contract. This is the current interest rate paid per second.

Returns: rate (uint256).

Source code
def rate() -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate()

def calculate_rate() -> uint256:
    sigma: int256 = self.sigma
    target_debt_fraction: uint256 = self.target_debt_fraction

    p: int256 = convert(PRICE_ORACLE.price(), int256)
    pk_debt: uint256 = 0
    for pk in self.peg_keepers:
        if pk.address == empty(address):
        pk_debt += pk.debt()

    power: int256 = (10**18 - p) * 10**18 / sigma  # high price -> negative pow -> low rate
    if pk_debt > 0:
        total_debt: uint256 = CONTROLLER_FACTORY.total_debt()
        if total_debt == 0:
            return 0
            power -= convert(pk_debt * 10**18 / total_debt * 10**18 / target_debt_fraction, int256)

    return self.rate0 * min(self.exp(power), MAX_EXP) / 10**18
>>> MonetaryPolicy.rate()


MonetaryPolicy.rate0() -> uint256: view

Getter for the rate0 of the monetary policy contract. rate0 has to be less than or equal to MAX_RATE (400% APY).

Returns: rate0 (uint256).

Source code
MAX_RATE: constant(uint256) = 43959106799  # 400% APY
rate0: public(uint256)

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    assert rate <= MAX_RATE
    self.rate0 = rate

>>> MonetaryPolicy.rate0()


MonetaryPolicy.set_rate(rate: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Function to set a new rate0. New rate0 has to be less than or equal to MAX_RATE (=43959106799).

Emits: SetRate

Input Type Description
rate uint256 New rate0 value
Source code
event SetRate:
    rate: uint256

MAX_RATE: constant(uint256) = 43959106799  # 400% APY
rate0: public(uint256)

def set_rate(rate: uint256):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert rate <= MAX_RATE
    self.rate0 = rate
    log SetRate(rate)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.set_rate(3488077118)


MonetaryPolicy.sigma() -> uint256: view

Getter for the sigma value. The following needs to hold: \(10^{14} <= sigma <= 10^{18}\).

Returns: sigma (uint256).

Source code
sigma: public(int256)  # 2 * 10**16 for example

MAX_SIGMA: constant(uint256) = 10**18
MIN_SIGMA: constant(uint256) = 10**14

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    assert sigma >= MIN_SIGMA
    assert sigma <= MAX_SIGMA

>>> MonetaryPolicy.sigma()


MonetaryPolicy.set_sigma(sigma: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Function to set a new sigma value. New value must be inbetween MIN_SIGMA and MAX_SIGMA.

Emits: SetSigma

Input Type Description
sigma uint256 New sigma value
Source code
event SetSigma:
    sigma: uint256

sigma: public(int256)  # 2 * 10**16 for example

MAX_SIGMA: constant(uint256) = 10**18
MIN_SIGMA: constant(uint256) = 10**14

def set_sigma(sigma: uint256):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert sigma >= MIN_SIGMA
    assert sigma <= MAX_SIGMA

    self.sigma = convert(sigma, int256)
    log SetSigma(sigma)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.set_sigma(30000000000000000)


MonetaryPolicy.target_debt_fraction() -> uint256: view

Getter for the debt fraction target.

Returns: target debt fraction (uint256).

Source code
MAX_TARGET_DEBT_FRACTION: constant(uint256) = 10**18

target_debt_fraction: public(uint256)

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    self.target_debt_fraction = target_debt_fraction
>>> MonetaryPolicy.target_debt_fraction()
100000000000000000              # 10%


MonetaryPolicy.set_target_debt_fraction(target_debt_fraction: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Function to set a new value for the debt fraction target. New value needs to be less than or equal to MAX_TARGET_DEBT_FRACTION.

Emits: SetTargetDebtFraction

Input Type Description
target_debt_fraction uint256 New debt fraction target value
Source code
event SetTargetDebtFraction:
    target_debt_fraction: uint256

MAX_TARGET_DEBT_FRACTION: constant(uint256) = 10**18

target_debt_fraction: public(uint256)

def set_target_debt_fraction(target_debt_fraction: uint256):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert target_debt_fraction <= MAX_TARGET_DEBT_FRACTION

    self.target_debt_fraction = target_debt_fraction
    log SetTargetDebtFraction(target_debt_fraction)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.set_target_debt_fraction(200000000000000000)


PegKeepers must be added to the MonetaryPolicy contract to calculate the rate as it depends on the DebtFraction. They can be added by calling add_peg_keeper and removed via remove_peg_keeper.


MonetaryPolicy.peg_keepers(arg0: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the PegKeeper contract at index arg0.

Returns: PegKeeper contracts (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Index of the PegKeeper
Source code
interface PegKeeper:
    def debt() -> uint256: view

peg_keepers: public(PegKeeper[1001])

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    for i in range(5):
        if peg_keepers[i].address == empty(address):
        self.peg_keepers[i] = peg_keepers[i]

>>> MonetaryPolicy.peg_keepers(0)


MonetaryPolicy.add_peg_keeper(pk: PegKeeper):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to add an existing PegKeeper to the monetary policy contract.

Emits: AddPegKeeper

Input Type Description
pk PegKeeper PegKeeper address to add
Source code
event AddPegKeeper:
    peg_keeper: indexed(address)

peg_keepers: public(PegKeeper[1001])

def add_peg_keeper(pk: PegKeeper):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert pk.address != empty(address)
    for i in range(1000):
        _pk: PegKeeper = self.peg_keepers[i]
        assert _pk != pk, "Already added"
        if _pk.address == empty(address):
            self.peg_keepers[i] = pk
            log AddPegKeeper(pk.address)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.add_peg_keeper("PegKeeper address")


MonetaryPolicy.remove_peg_keeper(pk: PegKeeper):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to remove an existing PegKeeper from the monetary policy contract.

Emits: RemovePegKeeper

Input Type Description
pk PegKeeper PegKeeper address to remove
Source code
event RemovePegKeeper:
    peg_keeper: indexed(address)

peg_keepers: public(PegKeeper[1001])

def remove_peg_keeper(pk: PegKeeper):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    replaced_peg_keeper: uint256 = 10000
    for i in range(1001):  # 1001th element is always 0x0
        _pk: PegKeeper = self.peg_keepers[i]
        if _pk == pk:
            replaced_peg_keeper = i
            log RemovePegKeeper(pk.address)
        if _pk.address == empty(address):
            if replaced_peg_keeper < i:
                if replaced_peg_keeper < i - 1:
                    self.peg_keepers[replaced_peg_keeper] = self.peg_keepers[i - 1]
                self.peg_keepers[i - 1] = PegKeeper(empty(address))
>>> MonetaryPolicy.remove_peg_keeper("PegKeeper address"):

Admin Ownership


MonetaryPolicy.admin() -> address: view

Getter for the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Returns: admin (address).

Source code
admin: public(address)

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):
    self.admin = admin

>>> MonetaryPolicy.admin()


MonetaryPolicy.set_admin(admin: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Function to set a new admin.

Emits: SetAdmin

Input Type Description
admin address New admin address
Source code
event SetAdmin:
    admin: address

admin: public(address)

def set_admin(admin: address):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.admin = admin
    log SetAdmin(admin)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.set_admin("0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045")

Contract Info Methods


MonetaryPolicy.PRICE_ORACLE() -> address: view

Getter for the price oracle contract.

Returns: price oracle contract (address).

Source code
PRICE_ORACLE: public(immutable(PriceOracle))

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    PRICE_ORACLE = price_oracle

>>> MonetaryPolicy.PRICE_ORACLE()


MonetaryPolicy.CONTROLLER_FACOTRY() -> address: view

Getter for the controller factory contract. immutable variable!

Returns: controller factory contract (address).

Source code
CONTROLLER_FACTORY: public(immutable(ControllerFactory))

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    CONTROLLER_FACTORY = controller_factory

>>> MonetaryPolicy.CONTROLLER_FACOTRY()


MonetaryPolicy.rate_write() -> uint256:

When adding a new market via the factory contract, rate_write is called to check if the MonetaryPolicy contract has the correct ABI.

Source code
def rate_write() -> uint256:
    # Not needed here but useful for more automated policies
    # which change rate0 - for example rate0 targeting some fraction pl_debt/total_debt
    return self.calculate_rate()

def calculate_rate() -> uint256:
    sigma: int256 = self.sigma
    target_debt_fraction: uint256 = self.target_debt_fraction

    p: int256 = convert(PRICE_ORACLE.price(), int256)
    pk_debt: uint256 = 0
    for pk in self.peg_keepers:
        if pk.address == empty(address):
        pk_debt += pk.debt()

    power: int256 = (10**18 - p) * 10**18 / sigma  # high price -> negative pow -> low rate
    if pk_debt > 0:
        total_debt: uint256 = CONTROLLER_FACTORY.total_debt()
        if total_debt == 0:
            return 0
            power -= convert(pk_debt * 10**18 / total_debt * 10**18 / target_debt_fraction, int256)

    return self.rate0 * min(self.exp(power), MAX_EXP) / 10**18
>>> MonetaryPolicy.rate_write()