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This Zap contract is specifically designed to create or repay leveraged loans using the 1inch router.


The source code for LeverageZap1inch.vy is available on GitHub.

An accompanying JavaScript library for Curve Lending can be found here: GitHub.

Previously, building leverage for crvUSD markets relied solely on predefined routes using only Curve pools. Leveraging large positions often led to significant price impact due to the exclusive use of Curve liquidity pools. This new Zap contract allows users to leverage loans for crvUSD and lending markets using the 1inch router, which considers liquidity sources across DeFi.1

Leverage is built using a callback method. The function to execute callbacks is located in the Controller.vy contract:



callback_sig is the method_id of the function from the LeverageZap1inch.vy contract which needs to be called. While this value is obtained by using Vyper's built-in method_id function for the callback_deposit function, it does not work for the callback_repay function due to a bug. The reason for the bug is a 0 at the beginning of the method_id. That's why the method ID for CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES is hardcoded to 0x008ae188.

struct CallbackData:
    active_band: int256
    stablecoins: uint256
    collateral: uint256

CALLBACK_DEPOSIT: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
CALLBACK_REPAY: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)

CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)
# CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4) <-- BUG! The reason is 0 at the beginning of method_id
CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = 0x008ae188
CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)

def execute_callback(callbacker: address, callback_sig: bytes4,
                    user: address, stablecoins: uint256, collateral: uint256, debt: uint256,
                    callback_args: DynArray[uint256, 5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4]) -> CallbackData:
    assert callbacker != COLLATERAL_TOKEN.address

    data: CallbackData = empty(CallbackData)
    data.active_band = AMM.active_band()
    band_x: uint256 = AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
    band_y: uint256 = AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)

    # Callback
    response: Bytes[64] = raw_call(
        concat(callback_sig, _abi_encode(user, stablecoins, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)),
    data.stablecoins = convert(slice(response, 0, 32), uint256)
    data.collateral = convert(slice(response, 32, 32), uint256) 

    # Checks after callback
    assert data.active_band == AMM.active_band()
    assert band_x == AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
    assert band_y == AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)

    return data

Required Changes to Controller.vy

This zap only works for crvUSD and lending markets which were deployed using the blueprint implementation at 0x4c5d4F542765B66154B2E789abd8E69ed4504112. Markets deployed prior to that can only make use of the regular LeverageZap.vy.

To enable the functionality of such Zap contracts, minor modifications were necessary in the Controller.vy contract. Functions such as create_loan_extended, borrow_more_extended, repay_extended, _liquidity, and liquidate_extended were enhanced with an additional constructor argument callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4]. This allows users to pass bytes to the Zap contract. Additionally, the internal execute_callback function, which manages the callbacks, was also updated.

Building Leverage

To build up leverage, the LeverageZap1inch.vy contract uses the callback_deposit function. Additionally, there is a max_borrowable function that calculates the maximum borrowable amount when using leverage. For an accompanying JavaScript library, see GitHub.

Flow of building leverage:

  1. User calls create_loan_extended or borrow_more_extended and passes collateral, debt, N, callbacker, callback_args, and callback_bytes into the function.2
  2. The debt which is taken on by the user is then transferred to the callbacker, in our case the LeverageZap1inch.vy contract.
  3. After the transfer, the callback is executed using the internal execute_callback in the Controller.vy contract. This step builds up the leverage.

    struct CallbackData:
        active_band: int256
        stablecoins: uint256
        collateral: uint256
    CALLBACK_DEPOSIT: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
    CALLBACK_REPAY: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
    CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
    CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)
    # CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4) <-- BUG! The reason is 0 at the beginning of method_id
    CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = 0x008ae188
    CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)
    def execute_callback(callbacker: address, callback_sig: bytes4,
                        user: address, stablecoins: uint256, collateral: uint256, debt: uint256,
                        callback_args: DynArray[uint256, 5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4]) -> CallbackData:
        assert callbacker != COLLATERAL_TOKEN.address
        data: CallbackData = empty(CallbackData)
        data.active_band = AMM.active_band()
        band_x: uint256 = AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
        band_y: uint256 = AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)
        # Callback
        response: Bytes[64] = raw_call(
            concat(callback_sig, _abi_encode(user, stablecoins, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)),
        data.stablecoins = convert(slice(response, 0, 32), uint256)
        data.collateral = convert(slice(response, 32, 32), uint256)
        # Checks after callback
        assert data.active_band == AMM.active_band()
        assert band_x == AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
        assert band_y == AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)
        return data

    The function uses Vyper's built-in raw_call function to call the desired method (in this case callback_deposit) with the according callback_bytes.

  4. After executing the callback, the Controller either creates a new loan or adds the additional collateral borrowed to the already existing loan and deposits the collateral into the AMM.


LeverageZap1inch.callback_deposit(user: address, stablecoins: uint256, user_collateral: uint256, d_debt: uint256, callback_args: DynArray[uint256, 10], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b"") -> uint256[2]

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the Controller from where tokens are borrowed from.

Function to create a leveraged loan using a callback.

The following callback arguments need to be passed to this function via create_loan_extended or borrow_more_extended:

  • callback_args[0] = factory_id: depending on which factory (crvusd or lending).
  • callback_args[1] = controller_id: index of the controller in the factory contract fetched from Factory.controllers(controller_id).
  • callback_args[2] = user_borrowed: amount of borrowed token provided by the user (which is exchanged for the collateral token).

Returns: 0 and additional collateral (uint256[2]).

Emits: Deposit

Input Type Description
user address User address to create a leveraged position for.
stablecoins uint256 Always 0.
user_collateral uint256 Amount of collateral token provided by the user.
d_debt uint256 Amount to be borrowed (in addition to what has already been borrowed).
callback_args DynArray[uint256, 10] Callback arguments.
callback_bytes Bytes[10**4] = b"" Callback bytes.
Source code
event Deposit:
    user: indexed(address)
    user_collateral: uint256
    user_borrowed: uint256
    user_collateral_from_borrowed: uint256
    debt: uint256
    leverage_collateral: uint256

def callback_deposit(user: address, stablecoins: uint256, user_collateral: uint256, d_debt: uint256,
                    callback_args: DynArray[uint256, 10], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b"") -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Callback method which should be called by controller to create leveraged position
    @param user Address of the user
    @param stablecoins Always 0
    @param user_collateral The amount of collateral token provided by user
    @param d_debt The amount to be borrowed (in addition to what has already been borrowed)
    @param callback_args [factory_id, controller_id, user_borrowed]
                        0-1. factory_id, controller_id are needed to check that msg.sender is the one of our controllers
                        1. user_borrowed - the amount of borrowed token provided by user (needs to be exchanged for collateral)
    return [0, user_collateral_from_borrowed + leverage_collateral]
    controller: address = Factory(self.FACTORIES[callback_args[0]]).controllers(callback_args[1])
    assert msg.sender == controller, "wrong controller"
    amm: LLAMMA = LLAMMA(Controller(controller).amm())
    borrowed_token: address = amm.coins(0)
    collateral_token: address = amm.coins(1)

    self._approve(borrowed_token, ROUTER_1INCH)
    self._approve(collateral_token, controller)

    user_borrowed: uint256 = callback_args[2]
    self._transferFrom(borrowed_token, user, self, user_borrowed)
    raw_call(ROUTER_1INCH, callback_bytes)  # buys leverage_collateral for user_borrowed + dDebt
    additional_collateral: uint256 = ERC20(collateral_token).balanceOf(self)
    leverage_collateral: uint256 = d_debt * 10**18 / (d_debt + user_borrowed) * additional_collateral / 10**18
    user_collateral_from_borrowed: uint256 = additional_collateral - leverage_collateral

    log Deposit(user, user_collateral, user_borrowed, user_collateral_from_borrowed, d_debt, leverage_collateral)

    return [0, additional_collateral]

def _approve(coin: address, spender: address):
    if ERC20(coin).allowance(self, spender) == 0:
        ERC20(coin).approve(spender, max_value(uint256))

def _transferFrom(token: address, _from: address, _to: address, amount: uint256):
    if amount > 0:
        assert ERC20(token).transferFrom(_from, _to, amount, default_return_value=True)
def create_loan_extended(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b""):
    @notice Create loan but pass stablecoin to a callback first so that it can build leverage
    @param collateral Amount of collateral to use
    @param debt Stablecoin debt to take
    @param N Number of bands to deposit into (to do autoliquidation-deliquidation),
        can be from MIN_TICKS to MAX_TICKS
    @param callbacker Address of the callback contract
    @param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
    # Before callback
    self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, debt)

    # For compatibility
    callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES
    if callback_bytes == b"":
        callback_sig = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT
    # Callback
    # If there is any unused debt, callbacker can send it to the user
    more_collateral: uint256 = self.execute_callback(
        callbacker, callback_sig, msg.sender, 0, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes).collateral

    # After callback
    self._create_loan(collateral + more_collateral, debt, N, False)
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
    self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, AMM.address, more_collateral)

def execute_callback(callbacker: address, callback_sig: bytes4,
                    user: address, stablecoins: uint256, collateral: uint256, debt: uint256,
                    callback_args: DynArray[uint256, 5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4]) -> CallbackData:
    assert callbacker != COLLATERAL_TOKEN.address

    data: CallbackData = empty(CallbackData)
    data.active_band = AMM.active_band()
    band_x: uint256 = AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
    band_y: uint256 = AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)

    # Callback
    response: Bytes[64] = raw_call(
        concat(callback_sig, _abi_encode(user, stablecoins, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)),
    data.stablecoins = convert(slice(response, 0, 32), uint256)
    data.collateral = convert(slice(response, 32, 32), uint256)

    # Checks after callback
    assert data.active_band == AMM.active_band()
    assert band_x == AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
    assert band_y == AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)

    return data
>>> soon


LeverageZap1inch.max_borrowable(controller: address, _user_collateral: uint256, _leverage_collateral: uint256, N: uint256, p_avg: uint256) -> uint256

Function to calculate the maximum borrowable using leverage. The maximum borrowable amount essentially comes down to:

\[\text{max_borrowable} = \frac{\text{collateral}}{\frac{1}{\text{k_effective} \times \text{max_p_base}} - \frac{1}{\text{p_avg}}}\]

with \(\text{k_effective}\) and \(\text{max_p_base}\) being calculated with the internal _get_k_effective and _max_p_base methods. \(\text{p_avg}\) is the average price of the collateral.

Returns: maximum amount to borrow (uint256). The maximum value to return is either the maximum a user can borrow and is ultimately limited by the amount of coins the Controller has.

Input Type Description
controller address Controller of the market to borrow from.
_user_collateral uint256 Amount of collateral at its native precision.
_leverage_collateral uint256 Additional collateral to use for leveraging.
N uint256 Number of bands to deposit into.
p_avg uint256 Average price of the collateral.
Source code
def max_borrowable(controller: address, _user_collateral: uint256, _leverage_collateral: uint256, N: uint256, p_avg: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculation of maximum which can be borrowed with leverage
    @param collateral Amount of collateral (at its native precision)
    @param N Number of bands to deposit into
    @param route_idx Index of the route which should be use for exchange stablecoin to collateral
    @return Maximum amount of stablecoin to borrow with leverage
    # max_borrowable = collateral / (1 / (k_effective * max_p_base) - 1 / p_avg)
    AMM: LLAMMA = LLAMMA(Controller(controller).amm())
    BORROWED_TOKEN: address = AMM.coins(0)
    COLLATERAL_TOKEN: address = AMM.coins(1)
    COLLATERAL_PRECISION: uint256 = pow_mod256(10, 18 - ERC20(COLLATERAL_TOKEN).decimals())

    user_collateral: uint256 = _user_collateral * COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    leverage_collateral: uint256 = _leverage_collateral * COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    k_effective: uint256 = self._get_k_effective(controller, user_collateral + leverage_collateral, N)
    max_p_base: uint256 = self._max_p_base(controller)
    max_borrowable: uint256 = user_collateral * 10**18 / (10**36 / k_effective * 10**18 / max_p_base - 10**36 / p_avg)

    return min(max_borrowable * 999 / 1000, ERC20(BORROWED_TOKEN).balanceOf(controller)) # Cannot borrow beyond the amount of coins Controller has

def _get_k_effective(controller: address, collateral: uint256, N: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Intermediary method which calculates k_effective defined as x_effective / p_base / y,
            however discounted by loan_discount.
            x_effective is an amount which can be obtained from collateral when liquidating
    @param N Number of bands the deposit is made into
    @return k_effective
    # x_effective = sum_{i=0..N-1}(y / N * p(n_{n1+i})) =
    # = y / N * p_oracle_up(n1) * sqrt((A - 1) / A) * sum_{0..N-1}(((A-1) / A)**k)
    # === d_y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1) * sum(...) === y * k_effective * p_oracle_up(n1)
    # d_k_effective = 1 / N / sqrt(A / (A - 1))
    # d_k_effective: uint256 = 10**18 * unsafe_sub(10**18, discount) / (SQRT_BAND_RATIO * N)
    # Make some extra discount to always deposit lower when we have DEAD_SHARES rounding
    CONTROLLER: Controller = Controller(controller)
    A: uint256 = LLAMMA(CONTROLLER.amm()).A()
    SQRT_BAND_RATIO: uint256 = isqrt(unsafe_div(10 ** 36 * A, unsafe_sub(A, 1)))

    discount: uint256 = CONTROLLER.loan_discount()
    d_k_effective: uint256 = 10**18 * unsafe_sub(
        10**18, min(discount + (DEAD_SHARES * 10**18) / max(collateral / N, DEAD_SHARES), 10**18)
    ) / (SQRT_BAND_RATIO * N)
    k_effective: uint256 = d_k_effective
    for i in range(1, MAX_TICKS_UINT):
        if i == N:
        d_k_effective = unsafe_div(d_k_effective * (A - 1), A)
        k_effective = unsafe_add(k_effective, d_k_effective)
    return k_effective

def _max_p_base(controller: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate max base price including skipping bands
    AMM: LLAMMA = LLAMMA(Controller(controller).amm())
    A: uint256 = AMM.A()
    LOGN_A_RATIO: int256 = self.wad_ln(A * 10**18 / (A - 1))

    p_oracle: uint256 = AMM.price_oracle()
    # Should be correct unless price changes suddenly by MAX_P_BASE_BANDS+ bands
    n1: int256 = self.wad_ln(AMM.get_base_price() * 10**18 / p_oracle)
    if n1 < 0:
        n1 -= LOGN_A_RATIO - 1  # This is to deal with vyper's rounding of negative numbers
    n1 = unsafe_div(n1, LOGN_A_RATIO) + MAX_P_BASE_BANDS
    n_min: int256 = AMM.active_band_with_skip()
    n1 = max(n1, n_min + 1)
    p_base: uint256 = AMM.p_oracle_up(n1)

    for i in range(MAX_SKIP_TICKS + 1):
        n1 -= 1
        if n1 <= n_min:
        p_base_prev: uint256 = p_base
        p_base = unsafe_div(p_base * A, A - 1)
        if p_base > p_oracle:
            return p_base_prev

    return p_base
>>> soon

Unwinding Leverage

To deleverage loans, the LeverageZap1inch.vy contract uses the callback_repay function.

For an accompanying JavaScript library, see GitHub.

Flow of deleveraging:

  1. User calls repay_extended and passes callbacker, callback_args, and callback_bytes into the function.
  2. The Controller withdraws 100% of the collateral from the AMM and transfers all of it to the callbacker contract.
  3. After the transfer, the callback is executed using the internal execute_callback in the Controller.vy contract. This function unwinds the leverage.

    struct CallbackData:
        active_band: int256
        stablecoins: uint256
        collateral: uint256
    CALLBACK_DEPOSIT: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
    CALLBACK_REPAY: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
    CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
    CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)
    # CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4) <-- BUG! The reason is 0 at the beginning of method_id
    CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = 0x008ae188
    CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)
    def execute_callback(callbacker: address, callback_sig: bytes4,
                        user: address, stablecoins: uint256, collateral: uint256, debt: uint256,
                        callback_args: DynArray[uint256, 5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4]) -> CallbackData:
        assert callbacker != COLLATERAL_TOKEN.address
        data: CallbackData = empty(CallbackData)
        data.active_band = AMM.active_band()
        band_x: uint256 = AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
        band_y: uint256 = AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)
        # Callback
        response: Bytes[64] = raw_call(
            concat(callback_sig, _abi_encode(user, stablecoins, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)),
        data.stablecoins = convert(slice(response, 0, 32), uint256)
        data.collateral = convert(slice(response, 32, 32), uint256)
        # Checks after callback
        assert data.active_band == AMM.active_band()
        assert band_x == AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
        assert band_y == AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)
        return data

    The function uses Vyper's built-in raw_call function to call the desired method (in this case callback_repay) with the according callback_bytes.

  4. After executing the callback, the Controller checks and does a full repayment and closes the position when possible. Else, it does a partial repayment (deleverage).


LeverageZap1inch.callback_repay(user: address, stablecoins: uint256, collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,10], callback_bytes: Bytes[10 ** 4] = b"") -> uint256[2]:

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the Controller from where tokens were borrowed from.

Function to de-leverage a loan using a callback.

The following callback_args need to be passed to this function via repay_extended:

  • callback_args[0] = factory_id: depending on which factory (crvusd or lending).
  • callback_args[1] = controller_id: index of the controller in the factory contract fetched from Factory.controllers(controller_id).
  • callback_args[2] = user_collateral: amount of collateral token provided by the user (which is exchanged for the borrowed token).
  • callback_args[3] = user_borrowed: amount of borrowed tokens to repay.

Returns: borrowed_from_state_collateral + borrowed_from_user_collateral + user_borrowed and remaining_collateral (uint256[2]).

Emits: Repay

Input Type Description
user address User address to unwind a leveraged position for.
stablecoins uint256 Value returned from user_state.
user_collateral uint256 Value returned from user_state.
d_debt uint256 Value returned from user_state.
callback_args DynArray[uint256, 10] Callback arguments.
callback_bytes Bytes[10**4] = b"" Callback bytes.
Source code
event Repay:
    user: indexed(address)
    state_collateral_used: uint256
    borrowed_from_state_collateral: uint256
    user_collateral: uint256
    user_collateral_used: uint256
    borrowed_from_user_collateral: uint256
    user_borrowed: uint256

def callback_repay(user: address, stablecoins: uint256, collateral: uint256, debt: uint256,
                callback_args: DynArray[uint256,10], callback_bytes: Bytes[10 ** 4] = b"") -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Callback method which should be called by controller to create leveraged position
    @param user Address of the user
    @param stablecoins The value from user_state
    @param collateral The value from user_state
    @param debt The value from user_state
    @param callback_args [factory_id, controller_id, user_collateral, user_borrowed]
                        0-1. factory_id, controller_id are needed to check that msg.sender is the one of our controllers
                        1. user_collateral - the amount of collateral token provided by user (needs to be exchanged for borrowed)
                        2. user_borrowed - the amount of borrowed token to repay from user's wallet
    return [user_borrowed + borrowed_from_collateral, remaining_collateral]
    controller: address = Factory(self.FACTORIES[callback_args[0]]).controllers(callback_args[1])
    assert msg.sender == controller, "wrong controller"
    amm: LLAMMA = LLAMMA(Controller(controller).amm())
    borrowed_token: address = amm.coins(0)
    collateral_token: address = amm.coins(1)

    self._approve(collateral_token, ROUTER_1INCH)
    self._approve(borrowed_token, controller)
    self._approve(collateral_token, controller)

    initial_collateral: uint256 = ERC20(collateral_token).balanceOf(self)
    user_collateral: uint256 = callback_args[2]
    if callback_bytes != b"":
        self._transferFrom(collateral_token, user, self, user_collateral)
        # Buys borrowed token for collateral from user's position + from user's wallet.
        # The amount to be spent is specified inside callback_bytes.
        raw_call(ROUTER_1INCH, callback_bytes)
        assert user_collateral == 0
    remaining_collateral: uint256 = ERC20(collateral_token).balanceOf(self)
    state_collateral_used: uint256 = 0
    borrowed_from_state_collateral: uint256 = 0
    user_collateral_used: uint256 = user_collateral
    borrowed_from_user_collateral: uint256 = ERC20(borrowed_token).balanceOf(self)  # here it's total borrowed_from_collateral
    if remaining_collateral < initial_collateral:
        state_collateral_used = initial_collateral - remaining_collateral
        borrowed_from_state_collateral = state_collateral_used * 10**18 / (state_collateral_used + user_collateral_used) * borrowed_from_user_collateral / 10**18
        borrowed_from_user_collateral = borrowed_from_user_collateral - borrowed_from_state_collateral
        user_collateral_used = user_collateral - (remaining_collateral - initial_collateral)

    user_borrowed: uint256 = callback_args[3]
    self._transferFrom(borrowed_token, user, self, user_borrowed)

    log Repay(user, state_collateral_used, borrowed_from_state_collateral, user_collateral, user_collateral_used, borrowed_from_user_collateral, user_borrowed)

    return [borrowed_from_state_collateral + borrowed_from_user_collateral + user_borrowed, remaining_collateral]

def _approve(coin: address, spender: address):
    if ERC20(coin).allowance(self, spender) == 0:
        ERC20(coin).approve(spender, max_value(uint256))

def _transferFrom(token: address, _from: address, _to: address, amount: uint256):
    if amount > 0:
        assert ERC20(token).transferFrom(_from, _to, amount, default_return_value=True)
>>> soon

Contract Info Methods

The contract has two public getters, one for the 1inch router contract and one for the two factory contracts for crvUSD and lending markets.


LeverageZap1inch.ROUTER_1INCH() -> address: view

Getter method for the 1inch router contract. This variable is immutable and can not be changed.

Returns: 1inch router (address).

Source code
ROUTER_1INCH: public(immutable(address))

def __init__(_router_1inch: address, _factories: DynArray[address, 2]):
    ROUTER_1INCH = _router_1inch
    self.FACTORIES = _factories
>>> LeverageZap1inch.ROUTER_1INCH()


LeverageZap1inch.FACTORIES(arg0: uint256) -> address: view

Getter method for the factory contract at index arg0.

Returns: Factory contract (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Index of the Factory contract to use.
Source code
FACTORIES: public(DynArray[address, 2])

def __init__(_router_1inch: address, _factories: DynArray[address, 2]):
    ROUTER_1INCH = _router_1inch
    self.FACTORIES = _factories
>>> LeverageZap1inch.FACTORIES(0)

>>> LeverageZap1inch.FACTORIES(0)

  1. The premise is that these liquidity sources are integrated within the 1inch router. 

  2. collateral is the amount of collateral tokens used, debt is the amount of debt to take on, N represents the number of bands, callbacker is the callback contract, callback_args are some extra arguments passed to the callbacker, and callback_bytes