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Individual RootChainGauges are deployed from a implementation via the RootChainGaugeFactory. The RootGauge on Ethereum and the ChildGauge on sidechains should share the same contract address. If not, its not a valid gauge.

Contract Source & Deployment

Source code available on Github.

Transmitting Emissions

Allocated CRV emissions are bridged from this contract to the ChildGauge on the corresponding sidechain. Transmitting emissions is permissionless, although the transmit_emission() function needs to be called from the RootChainGaugeFactory, which acts as a proxy for all deployed RootGauges.



Guarded Method

This function is technically callable by anyone, although it needs to be called from the RootChainGaugeFactory proxy.

Function to mint the allocated CRV for the gauge from the Minter and bridge them to the ChildGauge on the sidechain utilizing the bridger contract.

Source code
def transmit_emissions():
    @notice Mint any new emissions and transmit across to child gauge
    assert msg.sender == self.factory  # dev: call via factory

    minted: uint256 = ERC20(CRV).balanceOf(self)

    assert minted != 0  # dev: nothing minted
    bridger: address = self.bridger

    Bridger(bridger).bridge(CRV, self, minted, value=Bridger(bridger).cost())
>>> RootChainGauge.transmit_emissions():


RootChainGauge.bridger() -> address: view

Getter for the bridger contract. The bridger receives maximum approval when initializing the contract in order to actually be able to bridge CRV.

Returns: bridger contract (address).

Source code
bridger: public(address)

def initialize(_bridger: address, _chain_id: uint256):
    @notice Proxy initialization method
    assert self.factory == ZERO_ADDRESS  # dev: already initialized

    self.chain_id = _chain_id
    self.bridger = _bridger

>>> RootChainGauge.bridger():



Function to update the bridger contract. Sets approval for the previous bridger to 0 and gives maximum approval to the new bridger contract.


The bridger contract is set within the RootChainGaugeFactory.

Source code
bridger: public(address)

def update_bridger():
    @notice Update the bridger used by this contract
    @dev Bridger contracts should prevent briding if ever updated
    # reset approval
    bridger: address = Factory(self.factory).get_bridger(self.chain_id)
    ERC20(CRV).approve(self.bridger, 0)
    ERC20(CRV).approve(bridger, MAX_UINT256)
    self.bridger = bridger
>>> RootChainGauge.update_bridger():

Checkpointing and Inizializing Gauges



Function to checkpoint the gauge. Calculates and updates total_emissions. If last_period != current_period it will do a checkpoint, otherwise it will just return true without making a checkpoint.

Source code
WEEK: constant(uint256) = 604800
YEAR: constant(uint256) = 86400 * 365
RATE_DENOMINATOR: constant(uint256) = 10 ** 18
RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT: constant(uint256) = 1189207115002721024  # 2 ** (1/4) * 1e18
RATE_REDUCTION_TIME: constant(uint256) = YEAR

def user_checkpoint(_user: address) -> bool:
    @notice Checkpoint the gauge updating total emissions
    @param _user Vestigal parameter with no impact on the function
    # the last period we calculated emissions up to (but not including)
    last_period: uint256 = self.last_period
    # our current period (which we will calculate emissions up to)
    current_period: uint256 = block.timestamp / WEEK

    # only checkpoint if the current period is greater than the last period
    # last period is always less than or equal to current period and we only calculate
    # emissions up to current period (not including it)
    if last_period != current_period:
        # checkpoint the gauge filling in any missing weight data

        params: InflationParams = self.inflation_params
        emissions: uint256 = 0

        # only calculate emissions for at most 256 periods since the last checkpoint
        for i in range(last_period, last_period + 256):
            if i == current_period:
                # don't calculate emissions for the current period
            period_time: uint256 = i * WEEK
            weight: uint256 = GaugeController(GAUGE_CONTROLLER).gauge_relative_weight(self, period_time)

            if period_time <= params.finish_time and params.finish_time < period_time + WEEK:
                # calculate with old rate
                emissions += weight * params.rate * (params.finish_time - period_time) / 10 ** 18
                # update rate
                params.rate = params.rate * RATE_DENOMINATOR / RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT
                # calculate with new rate
                emissions += weight * params.rate * (period_time + WEEK - params.finish_time) / 10 ** 18
                # update finish time
                params.finish_time += RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
                # update storage
                self.inflation_params = params
                emissions += weight * params.rate * WEEK / 10 ** 18

        self.last_period = current_period
        self.total_emissions += emissions

    return True
>>> RootChainGauge.user_checkpoint():


RootChainGauge.initialize(_bridger: address, _chain_id: uint256):

Proxy method to initialize the contract. This function is called when a need sidechain/L2 gauge is deployed through the RootChainFactory. Also gives maximum approval to the bridger contract. This function is called when a new RootGauge is deployed via deploy_gauge() function on the Factory.

Input Type Description
_bridger address bridger contract address
_chain_id uint256 chain id
Source code
def initialize(_bridger: address, _chain_id: uint256):
    @notice Proxy initialization method
    assert self.factory == ZERO_ADDRESS  # dev: already initialized

    self.chain_id = _chain_id
    self.bridger = _bridger
    self.factory = msg.sender

    inflation_params: InflationParams = InflationParams({
        rate: CRV20(CRV).rate(),
        finish_time: CRV20(CRV).future_epoch_time_write()
    assert inflation_params.rate != 0

    self.inflation_params = inflation_params
    self.last_period = block.timestamp / WEEK

    ERC20(CRV).approve(_bridger, MAX_UINT256)
>>> RootChainGauge.initialize(todo)

Killing the Gauge

RootGauges can be killed by the owner of the RootChainGaugeFactory.


RootChainGauge.is_killed() -> bool: view

Getter function to check if the gauge is killed.

Returns: True or False (bool).

Source code
is_killed: public(bool)
>>> RootChainGauge.is_killed():


RootChainGauge.set_killed(_is_killed: bool):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the owner of the RootChainGaugeFactory.

Function to kill the gauge.

Input Type Description
_is_killed bool true or fales
Source code
inflation_params: public(InflationParams)

def set_killed(_is_killed: bool):
    @notice Set the gauge kill status
    @dev Inflation params are modified accordingly to disable/enable emissions
    assert msg.sender == Factory(self.factory).owner()

    if _is_killed:
        self.inflation_params.rate = 0
        self.inflation_params = InflationParams({
            rate: CRV20(CRV).rate(),
            finish_time: CRV20(CRV).future_epoch_time_write()
        self.last_period = block.timestamp / WEEK
    self.is_killed = _is_killed
>>> RootChainGauge.set_killed('true'):

Contract Info Methods


RootChainGauge.integrate_fraction(_user: address) -> uint256:

Getter for the total emissions the gauge _user is entitled to.

Returns: total CRV emissions (uint256).

Input Type Description
_user address L2 / Sidechain Gauge Address
Source code
def integrate_fraction(_user: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Query the total emissions `_user` is entitled to
    @dev Any value of `_user` other than the gauge address will return 0
    if _user == self:
        return self.total_emissions
    return 0
>>> RootChainGauge.integrate_fraction('0xCE5F24B7A95e9cBa7df4B54E911B4A3Dc8CDAf6f'):


RootChainGauge.chain_id() -> uint256: view

Getter for the chain ID.

Returns: chain id (uint256).

Source code
chain_id: public(uint256)

def initialize(_bridger: address, _chain_id: uint256):
    @notice Proxy initialization method
    assert self.factory == ZERO_ADDRESS  # dev: already initialized

    self.chain_id = _chain_id

>>> RootChainGauge.chain_id():


RootChainGauge.factory() -> address: view

Getter for the bridger address.

Returns: bridger (address).


factory is set to 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD so they contract does not initialize itself when deploying. The actual factory address is set when actually inizializing the contract via the initialize() function.

Source code
factory: public(address)

def __init__(_crv_token: address, _gauge_controller: address, _minter: address):
    self.factory = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD

    # assign immutable variables
    CRV = _crv_token
    GAUGE_CONTROLLER = _gauge_controller
    MINTER = _minter

def initialize(_bridger: address, _chain_id: uint256):
    @notice Proxy initialization method
    assert self.factory == ZERO_ADDRESS  # dev: already initialized

    self.chain_id = _chain_id
    self.bridger = _bridger
    self.factory = msg.sender

>>> RootChainGauge.factory():


RootChainGauge.inflation_params() -> tuple: view

Getter for the inflation parameters rate and finish_time for the gauge.

Returns: rate and finish_time (uint256).

Source code
struct InflationParams:
    rate: uint256
    finish_time: uint256

inflation_params: public(InflationParams)
>>> RootChainGauge.inflation_params():
5181574864521283150, 1723501048


RootChainGauge.last_period() -> uint256: view

Getter for the last period.

Returns: period (uint256).

Source code
last_period: public(uint256)
>>> RootChainGauge.last_period():


RootChainGauge.total_emissions() -> uint256: view

Getter for the total emissions of the gauge.

Returns: total emissions (uint256).

Source code
total_emissions: public(uint256)

def user_checkpoint(_user: address) -> bool:
    @notice Checkpoint the gauge updating total emissions
    @param _user Vestigal parameter with no impact on the function
    # the last period we calculated emissions up to (but not including)
    last_period: uint256 = self.last_period
    # our current period (which we will calculate emissions up to)
    current_period: uint256 = block.timestamp / WEEK

    # only checkpoint if the current period is greater than the last period
    # last period is always less than or equal to current period and we only calculate
    # emissions up to current period (not including it)
    if last_period != current_period:
        # checkpoint the gauge filling in any missing weight data

        params: InflationParams = self.inflation_params
        emissions: uint256 = 0

        # only calculate emissions for at most 256 periods since the last checkpoint
        for i in range(last_period, last_period + 256):
            if i == current_period:
                # don't calculate emissions for the current period
            period_time: uint256 = i * WEEK
            weight: uint256 = GaugeController(GAUGE_CONTROLLER).gauge_relative_weight(self, period_time)

            if period_time <= params.finish_time and params.finish_time < period_time + WEEK:
                # calculate with old rate
                emissions += weight * params.rate * (params.finish_time - period_time) / 10 ** 18
                # update rate
                params.rate = params.rate * RATE_DENOMINATOR / RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT
                # calculate with new rate
                emissions += weight * params.rate * (period_time + WEEK - params.finish_time) / 10 ** 18
                # update finish time
                params.finish_time += RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
                # update storage
                self.inflation_params = params
                emissions += weight * params.rate * WEEK / 10 ** 18

        self.last_period = current_period
        self.total_emissions += emissions

    return True
>>> RootChainGauge.total_emissions():