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Curve Cross-Chain Governance

System Overview


All source code can be found in the curve x-gov repository on GitHub.
A comprehensive list of all deployed contracts is available here .

The Curve X-DAO infrastructure facilitates cross-chain governance across multiple blockchain networks. This architecture allows the DAO to conduct and implement governance activities not only on Ethereum but also on other networks such as Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, Mantle, Avalanche, Fantom, BinanceSmartChain, Kava, and Polygon.

Governance voting is exclusively conducted on the Ethereum mainnet. Following a successful vote, the results are transmitted to the L2 network through a L1-Broadcaster. Subsequently, the intended actions are executed by Agents on the respective L2 networks by a L2-Relayer.

flowchart LR
    l1-b[(L1-Broadcaster)] --> |"broadcast"| l2-r[(L2-Relayer)]
    l2-r --- |relay| o([Ownership Agent])
    l2-r --- |relay| p([Parameter Agent])
    l2-r --- |relay| e([Emergency Agent])
    o --> |"execute"| vault[(L2 Contract)]
    p --> |"execute"| vault
    e --> |"execute"| vault

Smart Contracts

The cross-chain governance system utilizes the following four main contracts:

  • Broadcaster.vy

    The Broadcaster.vy contract is responsible for broadcasting the results of governance votes from the Ethereum mainnet to various sidechains.

    Getting started

  • Relayer.vy

    The Relayer.vy contract facilitates the relay of voting outcomes to Layer 2 networks, ensuring the execution of governance decisions.

    Getting started

  • Agent.vy

    On each sidechain and Layer 2 network, the Agent.vy contract assumes three distinct roles: ownership, parameter, and emergency, mirroring the structure found on the Ethereum mainnet for controlled actions.

    Getting started

  • Vault.vy

    The Vault.vy contract serves as a repository for various assets, with its control vested in the ownership agent.

    Getting started

Example: Claiming $OP Airdrop on L2

Let's explore an example. Shortly after its launch, Optimism chose to airdrop $OP tokens to projects that were built on their blockchain. Curve Finance was allocated approximately 500,000 $OP tokens. This airdrop took place on the Optimism chain.

Due to Curve's voting mechanism being hosted on the Ethereum Mainnet, a proposal to claim the 500,000+ tokens was made.

The proposal initiated a call to the broadcast function of the Optimism Broadcaster as follows:

Call via agent (0x40907540d8a6C65c637785e8f8B742ae6b0b9968):
├─ To: 0x8e1e5001C7B8920196c7E3EdF2BCf47B2B6153ff
├─ Function: broadcast
└─ Inputs: [('(address,bytes)[]', '_messages', (('0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042', '23b872dd00000000000000000000000019793c7824be70ec58bb673ca42d2779d12581be000000000000000000000000d166eedf272b860e991d331b71041799379185d5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006ae6c7dd0a9fb2700000'),))]

Decoding the calldata results in the following:

function: transferFrom
from: 0x19793c7824Be70ec58BB673CA42D2779d12581BE
to: 0xD166EEdf272B860E991d331B71041799379185D5
amount: 504828000000000000000000

Conclusion: Once the vote on the Ethereum Mainnet was successfully passed and executed, the Broadcaster contract relayed the message through a messenger contract to the Relayer on L2. Subsequently, the OwnershipAgent executed the specified calldata, resulting in the transfer of 504,828 $OP tokens from 0x19793c7824Be70ec58BB673CA42D2779d12581BE to 0xD166EEdf272B860E991d331B71041799379185D5.1

  1. Before executing the transferFrom function, the Curve Vault contract had to be approved to transfer the tokens. Without sufficient allowance, the transaction would have failed.