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The Minter contract in Curve Finance is responsible for the issuance and distribution of the CRV (Curve's governance token) to liquidity providers. It acts as a mechanism to reward users who provide liquidity to Curve's pools. The Minter contract calculates the amount of CRV tokens to be allocated based on various factors such as the duration and amount of liquidity provided. By incentivizing liquidity provision, the Minter contract promotes the growth and sustainability of the Curve ecosystem.

Contract Source & Deployment

Minter contract is deployed to the Ethereum mainnet at: 0xd061D61a4d941c39E5453435B6345Dc261C2fcE0.
Source code available on Github.

Minting CRV


Minter.allowed_to_mint_for(arg0: address, arg1: address) -> bool: view

Getter method to check if arg0 can mint for arg1.

Returns: true or flase (bool).

Input Type Description
arg0 address address of minter
arg1 address address of user
Source code
# minter -> user -> can mint?
allowed_to_mint_for: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]])
>>> Minter.allowed_to_mint_for(0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80, 0xF147b8125d2ef93FB6965Db97D6746952a133934)


Minter.toggle_approve_mint(minting_user: address)

Function to toggle approval for minting_user to mint CRV on behalf of the caller.

Input Type Description
minting_user address address to toggle permission for
Source code
# minter -> user -> can mint?
allowed_to_mint_for: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]])

def toggle_approve_mint(minting_user: address):
    @notice allow `minting_user` to mint for `msg.sender`
    @param minting_user Address to toggle permission for
    self.allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender] = not self.allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender]
>>> Minter.toggle_approve_mint(todo)
'what to put here'

mint address)

Function to mint allocated tokens for the caller based on a single gauge.

Emits: Minted

Input Type Description
gauge_addr address gauge address to get mintable amount from
Source code
event Minted:
    recipient: indexed(address)
    gauge: address
    minted: uint256

def mint(gauge_addr: address):
    @notice Mint everything which belongs to `msg.sender` and send to them
    @param gauge_addr `LiquidityGauge` address to get mintable amount from
    self._mint_for(gauge_addr, msg.sender)

def _mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address):
    assert GaugeController(self.controller).gauge_types(gauge_addr) >= 0  # dev: gauge is not added

    total_mint: uint256 = LiquidityGauge(gauge_addr).integrate_fraction(_for)
    to_mint: uint256 = total_mint - self.minted[_for][gauge_addr]

    if to_mint != 0:
        MERC20(self.token).mint(_for, to_mint)
        self.minted[_for][gauge_addr] = total_mint

        log Minted(_for, gauge_addr, total_mint)


Minter.mint_many(gauge_addrs: address[8])

Function to mint CRV for the caller from multiple gauges.

Emits: Minted

Input Type Description
gauge_addrs address list of gauge addresses to mint from


If you wish to mint from less than eight gauges, leave the remaining array entries as ZERO_ADDRESS.

Source code
event Minted:
    recipient: indexed(address)
    gauge: address
    minted: uint256

def mint_many(gauge_addrs: address[8]):
    @notice Mint everything which belongs to `msg.sender` across multiple gauges
    @param gauge_addrs List of `LiquidityGauge` addresses
    for i in range(8):
        if gauge_addrs[i] == ZERO_ADDRESS:
        self._mint_for(gauge_addrs[i], msg.sender)

def _mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address):
    assert GaugeController(self.controller).gauge_types(gauge_addr) >= 0  # dev: gauge is not added

    total_mint: uint256 = LiquidityGauge(gauge_addr).integrate_fraction(_for)
    to_mint: uint256 = total_mint - self.minted[_for][gauge_addr]

    if to_mint != 0:
        MERC20(self.token).mint(_for, to_mint)
        self.minted[_for][gauge_addr] = total_mint

        log Minted(_for, gauge_addr, total_mint)
>>> Minter.mint_many(todo)


Minter.mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address)

Function to mint tokens from a different address.

Emits: Minted


In order to call this function, the caller must have been previously approved by for using toggle_approve_mint.

Input Type Description
gauge_addr address gaguge address to get mintable amount from
_for address address to mint to
Source code
event Minted:
    recipient: indexed(address)
    gauge: address
    minted: uint256

def mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address):
    @notice Mint tokens for `_for`
    @dev Only possible when `msg.sender` has been approved via `toggle_approve_mint`
    @param gauge_addr `LiquidityGauge` address to get mintable amount from
    @param _for Address to mint to
    if self.allowed_to_mint_for[msg.sender][_for]:
        self._mint_for(gauge_addr, _for)

def _mint_for(gauge_addr: address, _for: address):
    assert GaugeController(self.controller).gauge_types(gauge_addr) >= 0  # dev: gauge is not added

    total_mint: uint256 = LiquidityGauge(gauge_addr).integrate_fraction(_for)
    to_mint: uint256 = total_mint - self.minted[_for][gauge_addr]

    if to_mint != 0:
        MERC20(self.token).mint(_for, to_mint)
        self.minted[_for][gauge_addr] = total_mint

        log Minted(_for, gauge_addr, total_mint)
>>> Minter.mint_for(todo)


Minter.minted(arg0: address, arg1: address) -> uint256: view

Getter for the total amount of CRV minted from gauge arg1 to user arg0.

Returns: amount of CRV minted (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address user address
arg1 address gauge address
Source code
event Minted:
    recipient: indexed(address)
    gauge: address
    minted: uint256

minted: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])
>>> Minter.minted(0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80, 0xe5d5aa1bbe72f68df42432813485ca1fc998de32)

Contract Info Methods


Minter.token() -> address: view

Getter for the token address of Curve DAO Token.

Returns: crv token (address).

Source code
token: public(address)

def __init__(_token: address, _controller: address):
    self.token = _token
    self.controller = _controller
>>> Minter.token()


Minter.controller() -> address: view

Getter for the address of the Controller.

Returns: controller (address)

Source code
controller: public(address)

def __init__(_token: address, _controller: address):
    self.token = _token
    self.controller = _controller
>>> Minter.controller()