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Liquidity Gauge V6

Depositing and Withdrawing

Liquidity pool (LP) tokens can be deposited into or withdrawn from a gauge at any time.

In user interfaces and documentation, the terms "staking" and "unstaking" are often used when referring to gauges. However, the terminology used in the actual source code is deposit and withdraw.

When LP tokens are deposited into a gauge, the smart contract mints an equivalent amount of "gauge tokens" to the depositor. This mechanism ensures that when tokens are withdrawn, the depositor receives the same amount of LP tokens originally deposited. LP tokens are ERC20 tokens and transferable.

Example of Depositing and Earning Rewards

Alice deposits 100 crvUSD into the crvUSD/USDC liquidity pool and receives 99 LP tokens in return. Observing significant gauge weight and subsequent CRV emissions to this pool, she decides to deposit (stake) her LP tokens into the gauge. Consequently, she begins to earn CRV rewards based on her liquidity share and her boost factor within the pool. Alice can claim rewards or withdraw her LP tokens at any point in time.


LiquidityGaugeV6.deposit(_value: uint256, _addr: address = msg.sender, _claim_rewards: bool = False)

Function to deposit _value of LP tokens into the gauge. When depositing LP tokens into the gauge, the contract mints the equivalent amount of "gauge token" to the user.

Emits: Deposit and Transfer

Input Type Description
_value uint256 Number of LP tokens to deposit.
_addr address Address to deposit the LP tokens for. Defaults to msg.sender.
_claim_rewards bool Whether to additionally claim rewards or not.
Source code
event Deposit:
    provider: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

event Transfer:
    _from: indexed(address)
    _to: indexed(address)
    _value: uint256

def deposit(_value: uint256, _addr: address = msg.sender, _claim_rewards: bool = False):
    @notice Deposit `_value` LP tokens
    @dev Depositting also claims pending reward tokens
    @param _value Number of tokens to deposit
    @param _addr Address to deposit for
    assert _addr != empty(address)  # dev: cannot deposit for zero address

    if _value != 0:
        is_rewards: bool = self.reward_count != 0
        total_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply
        if is_rewards:
            self._checkpoint_rewards(_addr, total_supply, _claim_rewards, empty(address))

        total_supply += _value
        new_balance: uint256 = self.balanceOf[_addr] + _value
        self.balanceOf[_addr] = new_balance
        self.totalSupply = total_supply

        self._update_liquidity_limit(_addr, new_balance, total_supply)

        ERC20(self.lp_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, _value)

        log Deposit(_addr, _value)
        log Transfer(empty(address), _addr, _value)
>>> soon


LiquidityGaugeV6.withdraw(_value: uint256, _claim_rewards: bool = False)

Function to withdraw _value of LP tokens from the gauge.

Emits: Withdraw and Transfer

Input Type Description
_value uint256 Number of LP tokens to withdraw.
_claim_rewards bool Whether to additionally claim rewards or not.
Source code
event Withdraw:
    provider: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

event Transfer:
    _from: indexed(address)
    _to: indexed(address)
    _value: uint256

def withdraw(_value: uint256, _claim_rewards: bool = False):
    @notice Withdraw `_value` LP tokens
    @dev Withdrawing also claims pending reward tokens
    @param _value Number of tokens to withdraw

    if _value != 0:
        is_rewards: bool = self.reward_count != 0
        total_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply
        if is_rewards:
            self._checkpoint_rewards(msg.sender, total_supply, _claim_rewards, empty(address))

        total_supply -= _value
        new_balance: uint256 = self.balanceOf[msg.sender] - _value
        self.balanceOf[msg.sender] = new_balance
        self.totalSupply = total_supply

        self._update_liquidity_limit(msg.sender, new_balance, total_supply)

        ERC20(self.lp_token).transfer(msg.sender, _value)

    log Withdraw(msg.sender, _value)
    log Transfer(msg.sender, empty(address), _value)
>>> soon

Claiming Rewards

Reward tokens can be claimed using the claim_rewards function. This function claims all externally added rewards from the gauge in a single transaction.

Which rewards does claim_rewards claim?

The claim_rewards function only claims "permissionless rewards", not CRV emissions directed to the gauge. If there are multiple reward tokens, calling the function will result in a claim of all reward tokens at once.

CRV emissions directed to the gauge are claimable from the Minter.vy contract using the mint function.

The liquidity gauge records checkpoints to determine how much external rewards each user is entitled to claim.

def _checkpoint_rewards(_user: address, _total_supply: uint256, _claim: bool, _receiver: address):
    @notice Claim pending rewards and checkpoint rewards for a user

    user_balance: uint256 = 0
    receiver: address = _receiver
    if _user != empty(address):
        user_balance = self.balanceOf[_user]
        if _claim and _receiver == empty(address):
            # if receiver is not explicitly declared, check if a default receiver is set
            receiver = self.rewards_receiver[_user]
            if receiver == empty(address):
                # if no default receiver is set, direct claims to the user
                receiver = _user

    reward_count: uint256 = self.reward_count
    for i in range(MAX_REWARDS):
        if i == reward_count:
        token: address = self.reward_tokens[i]

        integral: uint256 = self.reward_data[token].integral
        last_update: uint256 = min(block.timestamp, self.reward_data[token].period_finish)
        duration: uint256 = last_update - self.reward_data[token].last_update

        if duration != 0 and _total_supply != 0:
            self.reward_data[token].last_update = last_update
            integral += duration * self.reward_data[token].rate * 10**18 / _total_supply
            self.reward_data[token].integral = integral

        if _user != empty(address):
            integral_for: uint256 = self.reward_integral_for[token][_user]
            new_claimable: uint256 = 0

            if integral_for < integral:
                self.reward_integral_for[token][_user] = integral
                new_claimable = user_balance * (integral - integral_for) / 10**18

            claim_data: uint256 = self.claim_data[_user][token]
            total_claimable: uint256 = (claim_data >> 128) + new_claimable
            if total_claimable > 0:
                total_claimed: uint256 = claim_data % 2**128
                if _claim:
                    assert ERC20(token).transfer(receiver, total_claimable, default_return_value=True)
                    self.claim_data[_user][token] = total_claimed + total_claimable
                elif new_claimable > 0:
                    self.claim_data[_user][token] = total_claimed + (total_claimable << 128)

These checkpoints occur:

  • When a reward token is deposited (this does not record a checkpoint for an individual user but creates a general checkpoint).
  • When transferring LP tokens (records a checkpoint for both the sender and the receiver).
  • When depositing (staking) LP tokens into the gauge.
  • When withdrawing (unstaking) LP tokens from the gauge.
  • When rewards (excluding CRV emission rewards, which are claimed via the Minter.vy contract) are claimed.


LiquidityGaugeV6.claim_rewards(_addr: address = msg.sender, _receiver: address = empty(address))

Claiming for another user

When claiming for another user, the rewards can not be redirected to another wallet.

Function to claim rewards from the gauge.

Input Type Description
_addr address Address to claim the rewards for. Defaults to msg.sender.
_receiver address Receiver of the rewards.
Source code
def claim_rewards(_addr: address = msg.sender, _receiver: address = empty(address)):
    @notice Claim available reward tokens for `_addr`
    @param _addr Address to claim for
    @param _receiver Address to transfer rewards to - if set to
                    empty(address), uses the default reward receiver
                    for the caller
    if _receiver != empty(address):
        assert _addr == msg.sender  # dev: cannot redirect when claiming for another user
    self._checkpoint_rewards(_addr, self.totalSupply, True, _receiver)

def _checkpoint_rewards(_user: address, _total_supply: uint256, _claim: bool, _receiver: address):
    @notice Claim pending rewards and checkpoint rewards for a user

    user_balance: uint256 = 0
    receiver: address = _receiver
    if _user != empty(address):
        user_balance = self.balanceOf[_user]
        if _claim and _receiver == empty(address):
            # if receiver is not explicitly declared, check if a default receiver is set
            receiver = self.rewards_receiver[_user]
            if receiver == empty(address):
                # if no default receiver is set, direct claims to the user
                receiver = _user

    reward_count: uint256 = self.reward_count
    for i in range(MAX_REWARDS):
        if i == reward_count:
        token: address = self.reward_tokens[i]

        integral: uint256 = self.reward_data[token].integral
        last_update: uint256 = min(block.timestamp, self.reward_data[token].period_finish)
        duration: uint256 = last_update - self.reward_data[token].last_update

        if duration != 0 and _total_supply != 0:
            self.reward_data[token].last_update = last_update
            integral += duration * self.reward_data[token].rate * 10**18 / _total_supply
            self.reward_data[token].integral = integral

        if _user != empty(address):
            integral_for: uint256 = self.reward_integral_for[token][_user]
            new_claimable: uint256 = 0

            if integral_for < integral:
                self.reward_integral_for[token][_user] = integral
                new_claimable = user_balance * (integral - integral_for) / 10**18

            claim_data: uint256 = self.claim_data[_user][token]
            total_claimable: uint256 = (claim_data >> 128) + new_claimable
            if total_claimable > 0:
                total_claimed: uint256 = claim_data % 2**128
                if _claim:
                    assert ERC20(token).transfer(receiver, total_claimable, default_return_value=True)
                    self.claim_data[_user][token] = total_claimed + total_claimable
                elif new_claimable > 0:
                    self.claim_data[_user][token] = total_claimed + (total_claimable << 128)
>>> soon


LiquidityGaugeV6.claimed_reward(_addr: address, _token: address) -> uint256:

Getter for the total amount of _token claimed by _addr.

Returns: claimed tokens (uint256).

Input Type Description
_addr address User address to check for.
_token address Reward token to check for.
Source code
# user -> [uint128 claimable amount][uint128 claimed amount]
claim_data: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]

def claimed_reward(_addr: address, _token: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Get the number of already-claimed reward tokens for a user
    @param _addr Account to get reward amount for
    @param _token Token to get reward amount for
    @return uint256 Total amount of `_token` already claimed by `_addr`
    return self.claim_data[_addr][_token] % 2**128
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.claimed_reward('0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80', '0xfe18aE03741a5b84e39C295Ac9C856eD7991C38e')


LiquidityGaugeV6.claimable_reward(_user: address, _reward_token: address) -> uint256

Function to check the claimable amount of _reward_token for _user.

Returns: claimable tokens (uint256).

Input Type Description
_user address User address to check for.
_reward_token address Reward token to check for.
Source code
reward_integral_for: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])

def claimable_reward(_user: address, _reward_token: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Get the number of claimable reward tokens for a user
    @param _user Account to get reward amount for
    @param _reward_token Token to get reward amount for
    @return uint256 Claimable reward token amount
    integral: uint256 = self.reward_data[_reward_token].integral
    total_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply
    if total_supply != 0:
        last_update: uint256 = min(block.timestamp, self.reward_data[_reward_token].period_finish)
        duration: uint256 = last_update - self.reward_data[_reward_token].last_update
        integral += (duration * self.reward_data[_reward_token].rate * 10**18 / total_supply)

    integral_for: uint256 = self.reward_integral_for[_reward_token][_user]
    new_claimable: uint256 = self.balanceOf[_user] * (integral - integral_for) / 10**18

    return (self.claim_data[_user][_reward_token] >> 128) + new_claimable
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.claimable_reward('0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80', '0xfe18aE03741a5b84e39C295Ac9C856eD7991C38e')


LiquidityGaugeV6.rewards_receiver(arg0: address) -> address: view

Getter for the reward receiver of the caller. By default, this value is set to empty(address), which means the rewards will be claimed to the user. But e.g. for integrations like Convex, the rewards_receiver is set to another contract address, from which the rewards are further distributed.

Returns: reward receiver (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 address Receiver of the rewards.
Source code
rewards_receiver: public(HashMap[address, address])
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.rewards_receiver('0x2618F4c64805526a3092d41f25597CcfE4Dd8216')     # random user

>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.rewards_receiver('0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80')     # convex


LiquidityGaugeV6.set_rewards_receiver(_receiver: address)

Function to set the default reward receiver for the caller. When set to empty(address), rewards are sent to the caller.

Input Type Description
_receiver address Receiver address for any rewards claimed.
Source code
rewards_receiver: public(HashMap[address, address])

def set_rewards_receiver(_receiver: address):
    @notice Set the default reward receiver for the caller.
    @dev When set to empty(address), rewards are sent to the caller
    @param _receiver Receiver address for any rewards claimed via `claim_rewards`
    self.rewards_receiver[msg.sender] = _receiver
>>> soon

Permissionless Rewards

Newer liquidity gauges (from LiquidityGaugeV3.vy and upwards) introduce the possibility to add what are termed "permissionless rewards." However, the term "permissionless" might be misleading as only a distributor address, set by the gauge's manager, can add these rewards. The manager address is set to tx.origin at the time of contract deployment.

To add rewards to a gauge, a reward token and a distributor must be set by calling the set_reward_distributor function. This action can only be performed by the manager or the admin of the Factory contract, wich deployed the pool. Each reward token can have only one distributor. The "right to add a reward token" can be transfered. Tokens are added as rewards to the gauge via the add_reward method.

NOT BOOSTABLE: Distribution of Externally Added Rewards

Externally added rewards are not boostable and are distributed purely based on the user's unboosted share of liquidity in the gauge.

For example, if Alice holds 10% of the LP tokens staked in the gauge, she will receive 10% of the externally added rewards, assuming there are no changes in her liquidity share or the amount of rewards.


LiquidityGaugeV6.reward_data(arg0: address) -> tuple: view

Getter for the data of a specific reward token.

Returns: token (address), distributor (address), finish_period (uint256), rate (uint256), last_update (uint256) and integral (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address Address of the reward token.
Source code
struct Reward:
    token: address
    distributor: address
    period_finish: uint256
    rate: uint256
    last_update: uint256
    integral: uint256

reward_data: public(HashMap[address, Reward])
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.reward_data('0xfe18aE03741a5b84e39C295Ac9C856eD7991C38e')
'0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '0xC56706334afE5a1638845ED9168E2ca3b3dbCCe7', 1715673839, 1186851500823, 1713351359, 16346318221475032


LiquidityGaugeV6.reward_tokens(arg0: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the added reward token at index arg0. New tokens are populated to this variable when calling the add_reward function.

Returns: reward token (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Index.
Source code
MAX_REWARDS: constant(uint256) = 8

# array of reward tokens
reward_tokens: public(address[MAX_REWARDS])
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.reward_tokens(0)

>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.reward_tokens(1)


LiquidityGaugeV6.reward_count() -> uint256: view

Getter for the count of added reward tokens. This variable is incremented by one each time add_rewards is called.

Returns: number of reward tokens added (uint256).

Source code
reward_count: public(uint256)
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.reward_count()


LiquidityGaugeV6.manager() -> address: view

Getter for the gauge manager. This address can add new reward tokens or set distributors for those tokens. The variable is populated when initializing the contract and is set to tx.origin, meaning the signer of the transaction which deploys the gauge is assigned as the gauge manager. The gauge manager is upgradable. It can be changed via the set_gauge_manager function.

Returns: gauge manager (address).

Source code
manager: public(address)

def __init__(_lp_token: address):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _lp_token Liquidity Pool contract address
    self.lp_token = _lp_token
    self.factory = msg.sender
    self.manager = tx.origin

>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.manager()


LiquidityGaugeV6.add_reward(_reward_token: address, _distributor: address):

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the manager of the gauge or the admin of the Factory.

Function to add specify a reward token and distributor for the gauge. Once a reward tokens is added, it can not be removed anymore.

Input Type Description
_reward_token address Reward token address to add.
_distributor address Address which can deposit the reward token.
Source code
def add_reward(_reward_token: address, _distributor: address):
    @notice Add additional rewards to be distributed to stakers
    @param _reward_token The token to add as an additional reward
    @param _distributor Address permitted to fund this contract with the reward token
    assert msg.sender in [self.manager, Factory(self.factory).admin()]  # dev: only manager or factory admin
    assert _distributor != empty(address)  # dev: distributor cannot be zero address

    reward_count: uint256 = self.reward_count
    assert reward_count < MAX_REWARDS
    assert self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor == empty(address)

    self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor = _distributor
    self.reward_tokens[reward_count] = _reward_token
    self.reward_count = reward_count + 1
>>> soon


LiquidityGaugeV6.set_gauge_manager(_gauge_manager: address)

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the manager of the gauge or the admin of the Factory.

Function to set a new gauge manager.

Emits: SetGaugeManager

Input Type Description
set_gauge_manager address New gauge manager address.
Source code
event SetGaugeManager:
    _gauge_manager: address 

manager: public(address)

def set_gauge_manager(_gauge_manager: address):
    @notice Change the gauge manager for a gauge
    @dev The manager of this contract, or the ownership admin can outright modify gauge
        managership. A gauge manager can also transfer managership to a new manager via this
        method, but only for the gauge which they are the manager of.
    @param _gauge_manager The account to set as the new manager of the gauge.
    assert msg.sender in [self.manager, Factory(self.factory).admin()]  # dev: only manager or factory admin

    self.manager = _gauge_manager
    log SetGaugeManager(_gauge_manager)
>>> soon


LiquidityGaugeV6.set_reward_distributor(_reward_token: address, _distributor: address)

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the manager of the gauge or the admin of the Factory.

Function to reassign the reward distributor for a reward token.

Input Type Description
_reward_token address Reward token to reassign the distribution rights for.
_distributor address New reward distributor.
Source code
reward_data: public(HashMap[address, Reward])

def set_reward_distributor(_reward_token: address, _distributor: address):
    @notice Reassign the reward distributor for a reward token
    @param _reward_token The reward token to reassign distribution rights to
    @param _distributor The address of the new distributor
    current_distributor: address = self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor

    assert msg.sender in [current_distributor, Factory(self.factory).admin(), self.manager]
    assert current_distributor != empty(address)
    assert _distributor != empty(address)

    self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor = _distributor
>>> soon


LiquidityGaugeV6.deposit_reward_token(_reward_token: address, _amount: uint256, _epoch: uint256 = WEEK)

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the manager of the gauge or the admin of the Factory.

Function to deposit a specific amount of reward tokens for a specified duration. If additional amounts of the same reward tokens are added, the leftover from the current distribution will be rolled over into the next distribution.


The gauge manager deposits 70 tokens right at the beginning of the week. Distribution payoff is the following:

\(\frac{70}{604800} = 0.00011574074\) tokens per second, which equals to 10 tokens per day for the next 7 days.

After six days, the gauge manager decides to add 70 additional tokens, again for a duration of 7 days. The leftover 10 tokens which have not yet been distributed are rolled into the next "distribution phase":

\(\frac{10 + 70}{604800} = 0.00013227513\) tokens per second, which equals to around 11.43 tokens per day for the next 7 days.

Input Type Description
_reward_token address Reward token to deposit.
_amount uint256 Amount of reward tokens to deposit.
_epoch uint256 Duration the rewards are distributed across, denominated in seconds. Defaults to a week (604800s).
Source code
WEEK: constant(uint256) = 604800

def deposit_reward_token(_reward_token: address, _amount: uint256, _epoch: uint256 = WEEK):
    @notice Deposit a reward token for distribution
    @param _reward_token The reward token being deposited
    @param _amount The amount of `_reward_token` being deposited
    @param _epoch The duration the rewards are distributed across.
    assert msg.sender == self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor

    self._checkpoint_rewards(empty(address), self.totalSupply, False, empty(address))

    # transferFrom reward token and use transferred amount henceforth:
    amount_received: uint256 = ERC20(_reward_token).balanceOf(self)
    assert ERC20(_reward_token).transferFrom(
    amount_received = ERC20(_reward_token).balanceOf(self) - amount_received

    period_finish: uint256 = self.reward_data[_reward_token].period_finish
    assert amount_received > _epoch  # dev: rate will tend to zero!

    if block.timestamp >= period_finish:
        self.reward_data[_reward_token].rate = amount_received / _epoch
        remaining: uint256 = period_finish - block.timestamp
        leftover: uint256 = remaining * self.reward_data[_reward_token].rate
        self.reward_data[_reward_token].rate = (amount_received + leftover) / _epoch

    self.reward_data[_reward_token].last_update = block.timestamp
    self.reward_data[_reward_token].period_finish = block.timestamp + _epoch
>>> soon

Boosting Your LP Tokens

Provided liquidity is boosted by the veCRV balance of the user, allowing for boosts up to 2.5 times. Gauges measure liquidity with respect to the user's boost in the working_balances variable. The total liquidity deposited in the gauge is represented by the working_supply method.

The working_balances of a user and the total working_supply are adjusted via the internal _update_liquidity_limit function when the following actions occur:

  • Transferring Tokens: working_balances are adjusted for both the sender and the receiver of the LP tokens.
  • Depositing LP Tokens into the Gauge: Adjusts the balance to reflect the new total.
  • Withdrawing LP Tokens from the Gauge: Reduces the balance according to the amount withdrawn.
  • Performing a Manual Checkpoint: Using the user_checkpoint function.
  • When a User is 'Kicked' for Abusing Their Boost: For more information on what constitutes abuse and the repercussions, see here.
TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION: constant(uint256) = 40

def _update_liquidity_limit(addr: address, l: uint256, L: uint256):
    @notice Calculate limits which depend on the amount of CRV token per-user.
            Effectively it calculates working balances to apply amplification
            of CRV production by CRV
    @param addr User address
    @param l User's amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    @param L Total amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    # To be called after totalSupply is updated
    voting_balance: uint256 = VotingEscrowBoost(VEBOOST_PROXY).adjusted_balance_of(addr)
    voting_total: uint256 = ERC20(VOTING_ESCROW).totalSupply()

    lim: uint256 = l * TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION / 100
    if voting_total > 0:
        lim += L * voting_balance / voting_total * (100 - TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION) / 100

    lim = min(l, lim)
    old_bal: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
    self.working_balances[addr] = lim
    _working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply + lim - old_bal
    self.working_supply = _working_supply

    log UpdateLiquidityLimit(addr, l, L, lim, _working_supply)

General formula for calculating the boost:

\[\text{lim} = l \times 0.4\]
\[\text{lim} = \text{lim} + L \times \frac{\text{voting_balance}}{\text{voting_total}} \times 0.6\]
\[\text{lim} = \min(l, \text{lim})\]
\[\text{boost factor} = \frac{lim}{l \times 0.4}\]


Variable Description
\(l\) User LP tokens deposited into the gauge.1
\(L\) Total LP tokens deposited into the gauge.
\(\text{voting_balance}\) Users veCRV balance.
\(\text{voting_total}\) Total veCRV balance.

Let's examine two different users. Both are providing the same amount of LP tokens (same liquidity), but the first user does not receive a boost because he does not have any veCRV. The second user has a veCRV balance of 500. The total veCRV balance is assumed to be 10,000.

l = 1000                                    # users LP tokens in gauge
L = 50000                                   # total LP tokens in gauge

voting_balance_user1 = 0                    # veCRV balance user1
voting_balance_user2 = 500                  # veCRV balance user2
voting_total = 10000                        # total veCRV balance


Lets calculate the LP position of a user that has a vecrv balance of 0:

\(\text{lim} = 1000 * 0.4 = 400\)

\(\text{lim} = 400 + 50000 * \frac{0}{10000} * 0.6 = 400\)

\(\text{lim} = \min(1000, 400)\)

The working supply of this user is 400 LP tokens. The boost is calculated by:

\(\text{boost factor} = \frac{400}{400} = 1\)


Lets calculate the LP position of a user that has a vecrv balance of 500 and therefore receives a boost on his provided liquidity:

\(\text{lim} = 1000 * 0.4 = 400\)

\(\text{lim} = 400 + 50000 * \frac{500}{10000} * 0.6 = 1900\)

\(\text{lim} = \min(1000, 1900)\)

The working supply of this user is 1000 LP tokens. The boost is calculated by:

\(\text{boost factor} = \frac{1000}{400} = 2.5\)


LiquidityGaugeV6.working_balances(arg0: address) -> uint256: view

Getter for the working balances of a user. This represents the effective liquidity of a user, which is used to calculate the CRV rewards they are entitled to. Essentially, it's the boosted balance of a user if they have some veCRV. If a user has no boost at all, their working_balance will be 40% of their LP tokens. If the position is fully boosted (2.5x), their working_balance will be equal to their LP tokens.

For example:

  • 1 LP token with no boost = working_balances(user) = 0.4
  • 1 LP token with 1.5 boost = working_balances(user) = 1.5
  • 1 LP token with 2.5 boost = working_balances(user) = 2.5

Returns: working balance (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address Address to check the working balance for.
Source code
TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION: constant(uint256) = 40

working_balances: public(HashMap[address, uint256])

def _update_liquidity_limit(addr: address, l: uint256, L: uint256):
    @notice Calculate limits which depend on the amount of CRV token per-user.
            Effectively it calculates working balances to apply amplification
            of CRV production by CRV
    @param addr User address
    @param l User's amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    @param L Total amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    # To be called after totalSupply is updated
    voting_balance: uint256 = VotingEscrowBoost(VEBOOST_PROXY).adjusted_balance_of(addr)
    voting_total: uint256 = ERC20(VOTING_ESCROW).totalSupply()

    lim: uint256 = l * TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION / 100
    if voting_total > 0:
        lim += L * voting_balance / voting_total * (100 - TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION) / 100

    lim = min(l, lim)
    old_bal: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
    self.working_balances[addr] = lim
    _working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply + lim - old_bal
    self.working_supply = _working_supply

    log UpdateLiquidityLimit(addr, l, L, lim, _working_supply)
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.working_balances('0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80')


LiquidityGaugeV6.working_supply() -> uint256: view

Getter for the working supply. This variale represents the sum of all working_balances of users who provided liquidity in the gauge.

Returns: working supply (uint256).

Source code
working_supply: public(uint256) 

def _update_liquidity_limit(addr: address, l: uint256, L: uint256):
    @notice Calculate limits which depend on the amount of CRV token per-user.
            Effectively it calculates working balances to apply amplification
            of CRV production by CRV
    @param addr User address
    @param l User's amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    @param L Total amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    # To be called after totalSupply is updated
    voting_balance: uint256 = VotingEscrowBoost(VEBOOST_PROXY).adjusted_balance_of(addr)
    voting_total: uint256 = ERC20(VOTING_ESCROW).totalSupply()

    lim: uint256 = l * TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION / 100
    if voting_total > 0:
        lim += L * voting_balance / voting_total * (100 - TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION) / 100

    lim = min(l, lim)
    old_bal: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
    self.working_balances[addr] = lim
    _working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply + lim - old_bal
    self.working_supply = _working_supply

    log UpdateLiquidityLimit(addr, l, L, lim, _working_supply)
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.working_supply()



LiquidityGaugeV6.user_checkpoint(addr: address) -> bool

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the addr himself or the Minter.vy contract.

Function to record a checkpoint for addr.

Returns: True (bool).

Input Type Description
addr address Address who's checkpoint is recoreded.
Source code
def user_checkpoint(addr: address) -> bool:
    @notice Record a checkpoint for `addr`
    @param addr User address
    @return bool success
    assert msg.sender in [addr, MINTER]  # dev: unauthorized
    self._update_liquidity_limit(addr, self.balanceOf[addr], self.totalSupply)
    return True

def _checkpoint(addr: address):
    @notice Checkpoint for a user
    @dev Updates the CRV emissions a user is entitled to receive
    @param addr User address
    _period: int128 = self.period
    _period_time: uint256 = self.period_timestamp[_period]
    _integrate_inv_supply: uint256 = self.integrate_inv_supply[_period]

    inflation_params: uint256 = self.inflation_params
    prev_future_epoch: uint256 = inflation_params >> 216
    gauge_is_killed: bool = self.is_killed

    rate: uint256 = inflation_params % 2 ** 216
    new_rate: uint256 = rate
    if gauge_is_killed:
        rate = 0
        new_rate = 0

    if prev_future_epoch >= _period_time:
        future_epoch_time_write: uint256 = CRV20(CRV).future_epoch_time_write()
        if not gauge_is_killed:
            new_rate = CRV20(CRV).rate()
        self.inflation_params = (future_epoch_time_write << 216) + new_rate

    # Update integral of 1/supply
    if block.timestamp > _period_time:
        _working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply
        prev_week_time: uint256 = _period_time
        week_time: uint256 = min((_period_time + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK, block.timestamp)

        for i in range(500):
            dt: uint256 = week_time - prev_week_time
            w: uint256 = Controller(GAUGE_CONTROLLER).gauge_relative_weight(self, prev_week_time)

            if _working_supply > 0:
                if prev_future_epoch >= prev_week_time and prev_future_epoch < week_time:
                    # If we went across one or multiple epochs, apply the rate
                    # of the first epoch until it ends, and then the rate of
                    # the last epoch.
                    # If more than one epoch is crossed - the gauge gets less,
                    # but that'd meen it wasn't called for more than 1 year
                    _integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * (prev_future_epoch - prev_week_time) / _working_supply
                    rate = new_rate
                    _integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * (week_time - prev_future_epoch) / _working_supply
                    _integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * dt / _working_supply
                # On precisions of the calculation
                # rate ~= 10e18
                # last_weight > 0.01 * 1e18 = 1e16 (if pool weight is 1%)
                # _working_supply ~= TVL * 1e18 ~= 1e26 ($100M for example)
                # The largest loss is at dt = 1
                # Loss is 1e-9 - acceptable

            if week_time == block.timestamp:
            prev_week_time = week_time
            week_time = min(week_time + WEEK, block.timestamp)

    _period += 1
    self.period = _period
    self.period_timestamp[_period] = block.timestamp
    self.integrate_inv_supply[_period] = _integrate_inv_supply

    # Update user-specific integrals
    _working_balance: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
    self.integrate_fraction[addr] += _working_balance * (_integrate_inv_supply - self.integrate_inv_supply_of[addr]) / 10 ** 18
    self.integrate_inv_supply_of[addr] = _integrate_inv_supply
    self.integrate_checkpoint_of[addr] = block.timestamp

def _update_liquidity_limit(addr: address, l: uint256, L: uint256):
    @notice Calculate limits which depend on the amount of CRV token per-user.
            Effectively it calculates working balances to apply amplification
            of CRV production by CRV
    @param addr User address
    @param l User's amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    @param L Total amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    # To be called after totalSupply is updated
    voting_balance: uint256 = VotingEscrowBoost(VEBOOST_PROXY).adjusted_balance_of(addr)
    voting_total: uint256 = ERC20(VOTING_ESCROW).totalSupply()

    lim: uint256 = l * TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION / 100
    if voting_total > 0:
        lim += L * voting_balance / voting_total * (100 - TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION) / 100

    lim = min(l, lim)
    old_bal: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
    self.working_balances[addr] = lim
    _working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply + lim - old_bal
    self.working_supply = _working_supply

    log UpdateLiquidityLimit(addr, l, L, lim, _working_supply)
>>> soon


LiquidityGaugeV6.kick(addr: address)

Function to trigger a checkpoint for addr and therefore updating their boost. A user can only be kicked if they either had another voting event or their voting escrow lock expired. This function ensures no abusive usage of a boost.

Emits: UpdateLiquidityLimit

Input Type Description
addr address Address to kick.
Source code
event UpdateLiquidityLimit:
    user: indexed(address)
    original_balance: uint256
    original_supply: uint256
    working_balance: uint256
    working_supply: uint256

def kick(addr: address):
    @notice Kick `addr` for abusing their boost
    @dev Only if either they had another voting event, or their voting escrow lock expired
    @param addr Address to kick
    t_last: uint256 = self.integrate_checkpoint_of[addr]
    t_ve: uint256 = VotingEscrow(VOTING_ESCROW).user_point_history__ts(
        addr, VotingEscrow(VOTING_ESCROW).user_point_epoch(addr)
    _balance: uint256 = self.balanceOf[addr]

    assert ERC20(VOTING_ESCROW).balanceOf(addr) == 0 or t_ve > t_last # dev: kick not allowed
    assert self.working_balances[addr] > _balance * TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION / 100  # dev: kick not needed

    self._update_liquidity_limit(addr, self.balanceOf[addr], self.totalSupply)

def _checkpoint(addr: address):
    @notice Checkpoint for a user
    @dev Updates the CRV emissions a user is entitled to receive
    @param addr User address
    _period: int128 = self.period
    _period_time: uint256 = self.period_timestamp[_period]
    _integrate_inv_supply: uint256 = self.integrate_inv_supply[_period]

    inflation_params: uint256 = self.inflation_params
    prev_future_epoch: uint256 = inflation_params >> 216
    gauge_is_killed: bool = self.is_killed

    rate: uint256 = inflation_params % 2 ** 216
    new_rate: uint256 = rate
    if gauge_is_killed:
        rate = 0
        new_rate = 0

    if prev_future_epoch >= _period_time:
        future_epoch_time_write: uint256 = CRV20(CRV).future_epoch_time_write()
        if not gauge_is_killed:
            new_rate = CRV20(CRV).rate()
        self.inflation_params = (future_epoch_time_write << 216) + new_rate

    # Update integral of 1/supply
    if block.timestamp > _period_time:
        _working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply
        prev_week_time: uint256 = _period_time
        week_time: uint256 = min((_period_time + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK, block.timestamp)

        for i in range(500):
            dt: uint256 = week_time - prev_week_time
            w: uint256 = Controller(GAUGE_CONTROLLER).gauge_relative_weight(self, prev_week_time)

            if _working_supply > 0:
                if prev_future_epoch >= prev_week_time and prev_future_epoch < week_time:
                    # If we went across one or multiple epochs, apply the rate
                    # of the first epoch until it ends, and then the rate of
                    # the last epoch.
                    # If more than one epoch is crossed - the gauge gets less,
                    # but that'd meen it wasn't called for more than 1 year
                    _integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * (prev_future_epoch - prev_week_time) / _working_supply
                    rate = new_rate
                    _integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * (week_time - prev_future_epoch) / _working_supply
                    _integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * dt / _working_supply
                # On precisions of the calculation
                # rate ~= 10e18
                # last_weight > 0.01 * 1e18 = 1e16 (if pool weight is 1%)
                # _working_supply ~= TVL * 1e18 ~= 1e26 ($100M for example)
                # The largest loss is at dt = 1
                # Loss is 1e-9 - acceptable

            if week_time == block.timestamp:
            prev_week_time = week_time
            week_time = min(week_time + WEEK, block.timestamp)

    _period += 1
    self.period = _period
    self.period_timestamp[_period] = block.timestamp
    self.integrate_inv_supply[_period] = _integrate_inv_supply

    # Update user-specific integrals
    _working_balance: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
    self.integrate_fraction[addr] += _working_balance * (_integrate_inv_supply - self.integrate_inv_supply_of[addr]) / 10 ** 18
    self.integrate_inv_supply_of[addr] = _integrate_inv_supply
    self.integrate_checkpoint_of[addr] = block.timestamp

def _update_liquidity_limit(addr: address, l: uint256, L: uint256):
    @notice Calculate limits which depend on the amount of CRV token per-user.
            Effectively it calculates working balances to apply amplification
            of CRV production by CRV
    @param addr User address
    @param l User's amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    @param L Total amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
    # To be called after totalSupply is updated
    voting_balance: uint256 = VotingEscrowBoost(VEBOOST_PROXY).adjusted_balance_of(addr)
    voting_total: uint256 = ERC20(VOTING_ESCROW).totalSupply()

    lim: uint256 = l * TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION / 100
    if voting_total > 0:
        lim += L * voting_balance / voting_total * (100 - TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION) / 100

    lim = min(l, lim)
    old_bal: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
    self.working_balances[addr] = lim
    _working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply + lim - old_bal
    self.working_supply = _working_supply

    log UpdateLiquidityLimit(addr, l, L, lim, _working_supply)
>>> soon

Killing Gauges

Liquidity gauges have a "killed status" stored in the is_killed variable. This status can be set by the admin of the Factory, which was used to initially deploy the gauge, using the set_killed function. If the status is set to True, the gauges' rate and future_rate will be set to zero, and it will not be eligible to receive any more CRV emissions.

"Killing a gauge" can be undone by simply setting the is_killed status back to false using the set_killed function again.

Effect of Killing Gauges on Rewards

"Killing a gauge" affects only CRV emissions; externally added rewards will still be distributed.


LiquidityGaugeV6.is_killed() -> bool: view

Getter function to check if the gauge is killed. If ture, the inflation rate for the gauge will be set to zero.

Returns: killed status (bool).

Source code
is_killed: public(bool)

def _checkpoint(addr: address):
    @notice Checkpoint for a user
    @dev Updates the CRV emissions a user is entitled to receive
    @param addr User address
    _period: int128 = self.period
    _period_time: uint256 = self.period_timestamp[_period]
    _integrate_inv_supply: uint256 = self.integrate_inv_supply[_period]

    inflation_params: uint256 = self.inflation_params
    prev_future_epoch: uint256 = inflation_params >> 216
    gauge_is_killed: bool = self.is_killed

    rate: uint256 = inflation_params % 2 ** 216
    new_rate: uint256 = rate
    if gauge_is_killed:
        rate = 0
        new_rate = 0
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.is_killed()


LiquidityGaugeV6.set_killed(_is_killed: bool)

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the Factory.

Function to kill a gauge.

Input Type Description
_is_killed bool Status to set the killed status to.
Source code
is_killed: public(bool)

def set_killed(_is_killed: bool):
    @notice Set the killed status for this contract
    @dev When killed, the gauge always yields a rate of 0 and so cannot mint CRV
    @param _is_killed Killed status to set
    assert msg.sender == Factory(self.factory).admin()  # dev: only owner

    self.is_killed = _is_killed
>>> soon

Contract Info Methods

Basic contract informations:


LiquidityGaugeV6.integrate_fraction(arg0: address) -> uint256: view

Getter for the total amount of CRV, both mintable and already minted, that has been allocated to arg0 from this gauge.

Returns: integral of accrued rewards (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address Address to check for.
Source code
integrate_fraction: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.integrate_fraction('0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80')


LiquidityGaugeV6.period() -> int128: view

Getter for the period of the gauge. This variable is incremented by one each time a checkpoint was made.

Returns: current period (int128).

Source code
period: public(int128)
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.period()


LiquidityGaugeV6.period_timestamp(arg0: uint256) -> uint256: view

Getter for the timestamp of a period.

Returns: timestamp

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Period to get the timestamp for.
Source code
period_timestamp: public(uint256[100000000000000000000000000000])
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.period_timestamp(7)


LiquidityGaugeV6.inflation_rate() -> uint256: view

Getter for the current inflation rate per second of CRV. This getter retrieves the lower 216 bits of inflation_params, which stores the inflation rate and the future epoch time.

Returns: CRV inflation rate (uint256).

Source code
inflation_params: uint256

def inflation_rate() -> uint256:
    @notice Get the locally stored CRV inflation rate
    return self.inflation_params % 2 ** 216
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.inflation_rate()
5181574864521283150             # 5.18157486452 CRV per second    


LiquidityGaugeV6.future_epoch_time() -> uint256: view

Getter for the future epoch time. This getter retrieves the upper 216 bits of inflation_params, which stores the inflation rate and the future epoch time.

Returns: future epoch time (uint256).

Source code
inflation_params: uint256

def future_epoch_time() -> uint256:
    @notice Get the locally stored CRV future epoch start time
    return self.inflation_params >> 216
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.future_epoch_time()


LiquidityGaugeV6.factory() -> address: view

Getter for the factory which deployed the gauge.

Returns: factory (address).

Source code
factory: public(address)

def __init__(_lp_token: address):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _lp_token Liquidity Pool contract address
    self.lp_token = _lp_token
    self.factory = msg.sender
    self.manager = tx.origin
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.factory()


LiquidityGaugeV6.lp_token() -> address: view

Getter for the LP token which is deposited into of withdrawn from the gauge.

Returns: LP token (address).

Source code
lp_token: public(address)

def __init__(_lp_token: address):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _lp_token Liquidity Pool contract address
    self.lp_token = _lp_token
    self.factory = msg.sender
    self.manager = tx.origin
>>> LiquidityGaugeV6.lp_token()

  1. A user does not neccessarily need to deposit the LP into the gauge himself. Someone else can deposit for him or the "staked LP token" can be transfered to him.