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The vault is an implementation of a ERC-4626 vault which deposits the underlying asset into the controller and tracks the progress of the fees earned.


The source code of the Vault.vy contract can be found on GitHub.

ERC-4626 vaults are yield-bearing, meaning the shares received when depositing assets increase in value due to the interest earned from lending out assets. The share balance does not increase, only its value. Shares are transferable.

It is a proxy contract (EIP1167-compliant) duplicating the logic of the factory's vault implementation contract. Upon initialization it also creates the market's AMM and Controller using blueprint contracts.


Function which initializes a vault and creates the corresponding Controller and AMM from their blueprint implementations.

def initialize(
        amm_impl: address,
        controller_impl: address,
        borrowed_token: ERC20,
        collateral_token: ERC20,
        A: uint256,
        fee: uint256,
        price_oracle: PriceOracle,  # Factory makes from template if needed, deploying with a from_pool()
        monetary_policy: address,  # Standard monetary policy set in factory
        loan_discount: uint256,
        liquidation_discount: uint256
    ) -> (address, address):
    @notice Initializer for vaults
    @param amm_impl AMM implementation (blueprint)
    @param controller_impl Controller implementation (blueprint)
    @param borrowed_token Token which is being borrowed
    @param collateral_token Token used for collateral
    @param A Amplification coefficient: band size is ~1/A
    @param fee Fee for swaps in AMM (for ETH markets found to be 0.6%)
    @param price_oracle Already initialized price oracle
    @param monetary_policy Already initialized monetary policy
    @param loan_discount Maximum discount. LTV = sqrt(((A - 1) / A) ** 4) - loan_discount
    @param liquidation_discount Liquidation discount. LT = sqrt(((A - 1) / A) ** 4) - liquidation_discount
    assert self.borrowed_token.address == empty(address)

    self.borrowed_token = borrowed_token
    self.collateral_token = collateral_token
    self.price_oracle = price_oracle

    assert A >= MIN_A and A <= MAX_A, "Wrong A"
    assert fee <= MAX_FEE, "Fee too high"
    assert fee >= MIN_FEE, "Fee too low"
    assert liquidation_discount >= MIN_LIQUIDATION_DISCOUNT, "Liquidation discount too low"
    assert loan_discount <= MAX_LOAN_DISCOUNT, "Loan discount too high"
    assert loan_discount > liquidation_discount, "need loan_discount>liquidation_discount"

    p: uint256 = price_oracle.price()  # This also validates price oracle ABI
    assert p > 0
    assert price_oracle.price_w() == p
    A_ratio: uint256 = 10**18 * A / (A - 1)

    borrowed_precision: uint256 = 10**(18 - borrowed_token.decimals())

    amm: address = create_from_blueprint(
        borrowed_token.address, borrowed_precision,
        collateral_token.address, 10**(18 - collateral_token.decimals()),
        A, isqrt(A_ratio * 10**18), self.ln_int(A_ratio),
        p, fee, ADMIN_FEE, price_oracle.address,
    controller: address = create_from_blueprint(
        empty(address), monetary_policy, loan_discount, liquidation_discount, amm,

    self.amm = AMM(amm)
    self.controller = Controller(controller)
    self.factory = Factory(msg.sender)

    # ERC20 set up
    self.precision = borrowed_precision
    borrowed_symbol: String[32] = borrowed_token.symbol() = concat(NAME_PREFIX, borrowed_symbol)
    # Symbol must be String[32], but we do String[34]. It doesn't affect contracts which read it (they will truncate)
    # However this will be changed as soon as Vyper can *properly* manipulate strings
    self.symbol = concat(SYMBOL_PREFIX, borrowed_symbol)

    # No events because it's the only market we would ever create in this contract

    return controller, amm

The Vault itself does not hold any tokens, as the deposited tokens are forwarded to the Controller contract where it can be borrowed from.

Unlike standard ERC4626 methods, it also has:

  • borrow_apr()
  • lend_apr()
  • pricePerShare()

Additionally, methods like mint(), deposit(), redeem(), and withdraw() can have the receiver address not specified. In such cases, the receiver address defaults to msg.sender.

Depositing Assets and Minting Shares

Two methods for acquiring shares in an ERC4626 Vault:

  • Deposit: A lender deposits a specified amount of the underlying (borrowable) token into the vault. In exchange, the user receives an equivalent number of shares.
  • Mint: A lender specifies the desired number of shares to receive and deposits the required amount of the underlying (borrowable) asset to mint these shares. This method allows a user to obtain a precise number of shares.


Vault.deposit(assets: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:

Function to deposit a specified number of assets of the underlying token (borrowed_token) into the vault and mint the corresponding amount of shares to receiver.

Returns: minted shares (uint256).

Emits: Deposit, Transfer and SetRate

Input Type Description
assets uint256 Number of assets to deposit.
receiver address Receiver of the minted shares. Defaults to msg.sender.
Source code
event Transfer:
    sender: indexed(address)
    receiver: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

event Deposit:
    sender: indexed(address)
    owner: indexed(address)
    assets: uint256
    shares: uint256

def deposit(assets: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Deposit assets in return for whatever number of shares corresponds to the current conditions
    @param assets Amount of assets to deposit
    @param receiver Receiver of the shares who is optional. If not specified - receiver is the sender
    controller: Controller = self.controller
    total_assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
    assert total_assets + assets >= MIN_ASSETS, "Need more assets"
    to_mint: uint256 = self._convert_to_shares(assets, True, total_assets)
    assert self.borrowed_token.transferFrom(msg.sender, controller.address, assets, default_return_value=True)
    self._mint(receiver, to_mint)
    log Deposit(msg.sender, receiver, assets, to_mint)
    return to_mint

def _mint(_to: address, _value: uint256):
    self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
    self.totalSupply += _value

    log Transfer(empty(address), _to, _value)

def _total_assets() -> uint256:
    # admin fee should be accounted for here when enabled
    return self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address) + self.controller.total_debt()

def _convert_to_shares(assets: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * assets * precision
    denominator: uint256 = (total_assets * precision + 1)
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
interface MonetaryPolicy:
    def rate_write() -> uint256: nonpayable

monetary_policy: public(MonetaryPolicy)

def save_rate():
    @notice Save current rate

def _save_rate():
    @notice Save current rate
    rate: uint256 = min(self.monetary_policy.rate_write(), MAX_RATE)
log_min_rate: public(int256)
log_max_rate: public(int256)

def rate_write(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate(_for, 0, 0)

def calculate_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256:
    total_debt: int256 = convert(Controller(_for).total_debt(), int256)
    total_reserves: int256 = convert(BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(_for), int256) + total_debt + d_reserves
    total_debt += d_debt
    assert total_debt >= 0, "Negative debt"
    assert total_reserves >= total_debt, "Reserves too small"
    if total_debt == 0:
        return self.min_rate
        log_min_rate: int256 = self.
        log_max_rate: int256 = self.log_max_rate
        return self.exp(total_debt * (log_max_rate - log_min_rate) / total_reserves + log_min_rate)
event SetRate:
    rate: uint256
    rate_mul: uint256
    time: uint256

def set_rate(rate: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Set interest rate. That affects the dependence of AMM base price over time
    @param rate New rate in units of int(fraction * 1e18) per second
    @return rate_mul multiplier (e.g. 1.0 + integral(rate, dt))
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    rate_mul: uint256 = self._rate_mul()
    self.rate_mul = rate_mul
    self.rate_time = block.timestamp
    self.rate = rate
    log SetRate(rate, rate_mul, block.timestamp)
    return rate_mul

def _rate_mul() -> uint256:
    @notice Rate multiplier which is 1.0 + integral(rate, dt)
    @return Rate multiplier in units where 1.0 == 1e18
    return unsafe_div(self.rate_mul * (10**18 + self.rate * (block.timestamp - self.rate_time)), 10**18)
In  [1]:  Vault.balanceOf(trader)
Out [1]:  0

In  [2]:  Vault.deposit(1000000000000000000)

In  [3]:  Vault.balanceOf(trader)
Out [3]:  997552662404145514069


Vault.maxDeposit(receiver: address) -> uint256:

Getter for the maximum amount of assets receiver can deposit. Essentially equals to max_value(uint256).

Returns: maximum depositable assets (uint256).

Input Type Description
receiver address Address of the user.
Source code
balanceOf: public(HashMap[address, uint256])

def maxDeposit(receiver: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Maximum amount of assets which a given user can deposit (inf)
    return self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(receiver)
>>> Vault.maxDeposit("0x7a16fF8270133F063aAb6C9977183D9e72835428"):
should return borrowed_token.balanceOf("0x7a16fF8270133F063aAb6C9977183D9e72835428")


Vault.previewDeposit(assets: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to simulate the effects of depositing assets into the vault based on the current state.

Returns: amount of shares to be received (uint256).

Input Type Description
assets uint256 Number of assets to deposit.
Source code
def previewDeposit(assets: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Returns the amount of shares which can be obtained upon depositing assets
    return self._convert_to_shares(assets)

def _convert_to_shares(assets: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * assets * precision
    denominator: uint256 = (total_assets * precision + 1)
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
>>> Vault.previewDeposit(1000000000000000000):      # depositing 1 crvusd 
998709265069121019738                               # shares to receive

mint uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:

Function to mint a specific amount of shares (shares) to receiver by depositing the necessary number of assets into the vault.

Returns: number of assets deposited (uint256).

Emits: Deposit, Transfer and SetRate

Input Type Description
shares uint256 Number of shares to be minted.
receiver address Receiver of the minted shares. Defaults to msg.sender.
Source code
event Transfer:
    sender: indexed(address)
    receiver: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

event Deposit:
    sender: indexed(address)
    owner: indexed(address)
    assets: uint256
    shares: uint256

def mint(shares: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Mint given amount of shares taking whatever number of assets it requires
    @param shares Number of sharess to mint
    @param receiver Optional receiver for the shares. If not specified - it's the sender
    controller: Controller = self.controller
    total_assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
    assets: uint256 = self._convert_to_assets(shares, False, total_assets)
    assert total_assets + assets >= MIN_ASSETS, "Need more assets"
    assert self.borrowed_token.transferFrom(msg.sender, controller.address, assets, default_return_value=True)
    self._mint(receiver, shares)
    log Deposit(msg.sender, receiver, assets, shares)
    return assets

def _mint(_to: address, _value: uint256):
    self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
    self.totalSupply += _value

    log Transfer(empty(address), _to, _value)

def _total_assets() -> uint256:
    # admin fee should be accounted for here when enabled
    return self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address) + self.controller.total_debt()

def _convert_to_assets(shares: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = shares * (total_assets * precision + 1)
    denominator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * precision
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
interface MonetaryPolicy:
    def rate_write() -> uint256: nonpayable

monetary_policy: public(MonetaryPolicy)

def save_rate():
    @notice Save current rate

def _save_rate():
    @notice Save current rate
    rate: uint256 = min(self.monetary_policy.rate_write(), MAX_RATE)
log_min_rate: public(int256)
log_max_rate: public(int256)

def rate_write(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate(_for, 0, 0)

def calculate_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256:
    total_debt: int256 = convert(Controller(_for).total_debt(), int256)
    total_reserves: int256 = convert(BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(_for), int256) + total_debt + d_reserves
    total_debt += d_debt
    assert total_debt >= 0, "Negative debt"
    assert total_reserves >= total_debt, "Reserves too small"
    if total_debt == 0:
        return self.min_rate
        log_min_rate: int256 = self.log_min_rate
        log_max_rate: int256 = self.log_max_rate
        return self.exp(total_debt * (log_max_rate - log_min_rate) / total_reserves + log_min_rate)
event SetRate:
    rate: uint256
    rate_mul: uint256
    time: uint256

def set_rate(rate: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Set interest rate. That affects the dependence of AMM base price over time
    @param rate New rate in units of int(fraction * 1e18) per second
    @return rate_mul multiplier (e.g. 1.0 + integral(rate, dt))
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    rate_mul: uint256 = self._rate_mul()
    self.rate_mul = rate_mul
    self.rate_time = block.timestamp
    self.rate = rate
    log SetRate(rate, rate_mul, block.timestamp)
    return rate_mul

def _rate_mul() -> uint256:
    @notice Rate multiplier which is 1.0 + integral(rate, dt)
    @return Rate multiplier in units where 1.0 == 1e18
    return unsafe_div(self.rate_mul * (10**18 + self.rate * (block.timestamp - self.rate_time)), 10**18)
In  [1]:  Vault.balanceOf(trader)
Out [1]:  997552662404145514069

In  [2]:  Vault.deposit(100000000000000000000)

In  [3]:  Vault.balanceOf(trader)
Out [3]:  1097552662404145514069


Vault.maxMint(receiver: address) -> uint256:

Getter for the maximum amount of shares a user can mint. Essentially equals to max_value(uint256).

Returns: maximum mintable shares (uint256).

Input Type Description
receiver address Address of the user.
Source code
def maxMint(receiver: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Return maximum amount of shares which a given user can mint (inf)
    return max_value(uint256)

def _convert_to_shares(assets: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * assets * precision
    denominator: uint256 = (total_assets * precision + 1)
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
>>> Vault.maxMint("0x7a16fF8270133F063aAb6C9977183D9e72835428"):    


Vault.previewMint(shares: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to simulate the number of assets required to mint a specified amount of shares (shares) given the current state of the vault.

Returns: Number of assets required (uint256).

Input Type Description
shares uint256 Number of shares to mint.
Source code
def previewMint(shares: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate the amount of assets which is needed to exactly mint the given amount of shares
    return self._convert_to_assets(shares, False)

def _convert_to_assets(shares: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = shares * (total_assets * precision + 1)
    denominator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * precision
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
>>> Vault.previewMint(1000000000000000000):     # mint 1 share
1001291061639566                                # assets needed deposit to mint 1 share


Vault.convertToShares(assets: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the amount of shares received for a given amount of assets provided.

Returns: amount of shares received (uint256).

Input Type Description
assets uint256 Amount of assets to convert.
Source code
def convertToShares(assets: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Returns the amount of shares which the Vault would exchange for the given amount of shares provided
    return self._convert_to_shares(assets)

def _convert_to_shares(assets: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * assets * precision
    denominator: uint256 = (total_assets * precision + 1)
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
>>> Vault.convertToShares(1000000000000000000):

Withdrawing Assets and Redeeming Shares

Two ways to retrieve the underlying asset from an ERC4626 Vault:

  • Withdraw: A user withdraws a predefined number of the underlying asset and burns the corresponding amount of shares. This action reduces the user's shares in exchange for the underlying asset.
  • Redeem: A user redeems (and burns) a predefined number of shares to receive the corresponding amount of the underlying assets. This process decreases the shares owned by the user while increasing their holding of the underlying asset.


Vault.withdraw(assets: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender, owner: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:

Function to withdraw assets from owner to the receiver and burn the corresponding amount of shares.

Returns: shares withdrawn (uint256).

Emits: Withdraw, Transfer and SetRate

Input Type Description
assets uint256 Amount of assets to withdraw.
receiver address Receiver of the shares. Defaults to msg.sender.
owner address Address of whose shares to burn. Defaults to msg.sender.
Source code
event Transfer:
    sender: indexed(address)
    receiver: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

event Withdraw:
    sender: indexed(address)
    receiver: indexed(address)
    owner: indexed(address)
    assets: uint256
    shares: uint256

def withdraw(assets: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender, owner: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Withdraw given amount of asset and burn the corresponding amount of vault shares
    @param assets Amount of assets to withdraw
    @param receiver Receiver of the assets (optional, sender if not specified)
    @param owner Owner who's shares the caller takes. Only can take those if owner gave the approval to the sender. Optional
    total_assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
    assert total_assets - assets >= MIN_ASSETS or total_assets == assets, "Need more assets"
    shares: uint256 = self._convert_to_shares(assets, False, total_assets)
    if owner != msg.sender:
        allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[owner][msg.sender]
        if allowance != max_value(uint256):
            self._approve(owner, msg.sender, allowance - shares)

    controller: Controller = self.controller
    self._burn(owner, shares)
    assert self.borrowed_token.transferFrom(controller.address, receiver, assets, default_return_value=True)
    log Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assets, shares)
    return shares

def _burn(_from: address, _value: uint256):
    self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value
    self.totalSupply -= _value

    log Transfer(_from, empty(address), _value)

def _total_assets() -> uint256:
    # admin fee should be accounted for here when enabled
    return self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address) + self.controller.total_debt()

def _convert_to_shares(assets: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * assets * precision
    denominator: uint256 = (total_assets * precision + 1)
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
interface MonetaryPolicy:
    def rate_write() -> uint256: nonpayable

monetary_policy: public(MonetaryPolicy)

def save_rate():
    @notice Save current rate

def _save_rate():
    @notice Save current rate
    rate: uint256 = min(self.monetary_policy.rate_write(), MAX_RATE)
log_min_rate: public(int256)
log_max_rate: public(int256)

def rate_write(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate(_for, 0, 0)

def calculate_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256:
    total_debt: int256 = convert(Controller(_for).total_debt(), int256)
    total_reserves: int256 = convert(BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(_for), int256) + total_debt + d_reserves
    total_debt += d_debt
    assert total_debt >= 0, "Negative debt"
    assert total_reserves >= total_debt, "Reserves too small"
    if total_debt == 0:
        return self.min_rate
        log_min_rate: int256 = self.log_min_rate
        log_max_rate: int256 = self.log_max_rate
        return self.exp(total_debt * (log_max_rate - log_min_rate) / total_reserves + log_min_rate)
event SetRate:
    rate: uint256
    rate_mul: uint256
    time: uint256

def set_rate(rate: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Set interest rate. That affects the dependence of AMM base price over time
    @param rate New rate in units of int(fraction * 1e18) per second
    @return rate_mul multiplier (e.g. 1.0 + integral(rate, dt))
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    rate_mul: uint256 = self._rate_mul()
    self.rate_mul = rate_mul
    self.rate_time = block.timestamp
    self.rate = rate
    log SetRate(rate, rate_mul, block.timestamp)
    return rate_mul

def _rate_mul() -> uint256:
    @notice Rate multiplier which is 1.0 + integral(rate, dt)
    @return Rate multiplier in units where 1.0 == 1e18
    return unsafe_div(self.rate_mul * (10**18 + self.rate * (block.timestamp - self.rate_time)), 10**18)
In  [1]:  Vault.balanceOf(trader)
Out [1]:  1097552662404145514069

In  [2]:  crvusd.balanceOf(trader)
Out [2]:  999998899754665824864192

In  [3]:  Vault.withdraw(1000000000000000000)

In  [4]:  Vault.balanceOf(trader)
Out [4]:  99999999999999999999

In  [5]:  crvusd.balanceOf(trader)
Out [5]:  999999899754665824864192


Vault.maxWithdraw(owner: address) -> uint256:

Getter for the maximum amount of assets withdrawable by owner.

Returns: withdrawable assets (uint256).

Input Type Description
owner address Address of the user to withdraw from.
Source code
def maxWithdraw(owner: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Maximum amount of assets which a given user can withdraw. Aware of both user's balance and available liquidity
    return min(

def _convert_to_assets(shares: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = shares * (total_assets * precision + 1)
    denominator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * precision
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
>>> Vault.maxWithdraw("0x7a16fF8270133F063aAb6C9977183D9e72835428")


Vault.previewWithdraw(assets: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to simulate the amount of shares getting burned when withdrawing assets.

Returns: number of shares burned (uint256).

Input Type Description
asset address Number of assets to withdraw.
Source code
def previewWithdraw(assets: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate number of shares which gets burned when withdrawing given amount of asset
    assert assets <= self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address)
    return self._convert_to_shares(assets, False)

def _convert_to_shares(assets: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * assets * precision
    denominator: uint256 = (total_assets * precision + 1)
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
>>> Vault.previewWithdraw(1000000000000000000):     # withdrawing 1 crvusd
998540201056049850914                               # shares to burn (approx. 988)


Vault.redeem(shares: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender, owner: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:

Function to redeem (and burn) shares from owner and send the received assets to receiver. Shares are burned when they are redeemed.

Returns: assets received (uint256).

Emits: Withdraw, Transfer and SetRate

Input Type Description
assets uint256 Amount of shares to redeem.
receiver address Receiver of the shares. Defaults to msg.sender.
owner address Address of whose shares to burn. Defaults to msg.sender.
Source code
event Transfer:
    sender: indexed(address)
    receiver: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

event Withdraw:
    sender: indexed(address)
    receiver: indexed(address)
    owner: indexed(address)
    assets: uint256
    shares: uint256

def redeem(shares: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender, owner: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Burn given amount of shares and give corresponding assets to the user
    @param shares Amount of shares to burn
    @param receiver Optional receiver of the assets
    @param owner Optional owner of the shares. Can only redeem if owner gave approval to the sender
    if owner != msg.sender:
        allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[owner][msg.sender]
        if allowance != max_value(uint256):
            self._approve(owner, msg.sender, allowance - shares)

    total_assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
    assets_to_redeem: uint256 = self._convert_to_assets(shares, True, total_assets)
    if total_assets - assets_to_redeem < MIN_ASSETS:
        if shares == self.totalSupply:
            # This is the last withdrawal, so we can take everything
            assets_to_redeem = total_assets
            raise "Need more assets"
    self._burn(owner, shares)
    controller: Controller = self.controller
    assert self.borrowed_token.transferFrom(controller.address, receiver, assets_to_redeem, default_return_value=True)
    log Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assets_to_redeem, shares)
    return assets_to_redeem

def _burn(_from: address, _value: uint256):
    self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value
    self.totalSupply -= _value

    log Transfer(_from, empty(address), _value)

def _total_assets() -> uint256:
    # admin fee should be accounted for here when enabled
    return self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address) + self.controller.total_debt()

def _convert_to_shares(assets: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * assets * precision
    denominator: uint256 = (total_assets * precision + 1)
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
interface MonetaryPolicy:
    def rate_write() -> uint256: nonpayable

monetary_policy: public(MonetaryPolicy)

def save_rate():
    @notice Save current rate

def _save_rate():
    @notice Save current rate
    rate: uint256 = min(self.monetary_policy.rate_write(), MAX_RATE)
log_min_rate: public(int256)
log_max_rate: public(int256)

def rate_write(_for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate(_for, 0, 0)

def calculate_rate(_for: address, d_reserves: int256, d_debt: int256) -> uint256:
    total_debt: int256 = convert(Controller(_for).total_debt(), int256)
    total_reserves: int256 = convert(BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(_for), int256) + total_debt + d_reserves
    total_debt += d_debt
    assert total_debt >= 0, "Negative debt"
    assert total_reserves >= total_debt, "Reserves too small"
    if total_debt == 0:
        return self.min_rate
        log_min_rate: int256 = self.log_min_rate
        log_max_rate: int256 = self.log_max_rate
        return self.exp(total_debt * (log_max_rate - log_min_rate) / total_reserves + log_min_rate)
event SetRate:
    rate: uint256
    rate_mul: uint256
    time: uint256

def set_rate(rate: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Set interest rate. That affects the dependence of AMM base price over time
    @param rate New rate in units of int(fraction * 1e18) per second
    @return rate_mul multiplier (e.g. 1.0 + integral(rate, dt))
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    rate_mul: uint256 = self._rate_mul()
    self.rate_mul = rate_mul
    self.rate_time = block.timestamp
    self.rate = rate
    log SetRate(rate, rate_mul, block.timestamp)
    return rate_mul

def _rate_mul() -> uint256:
    @notice Rate multiplier which is 1.0 + integral(rate, dt)
    @return Rate multiplier in units where 1.0 == 1e18
    return unsafe_div(self.rate_mul * (10**18 + self.rate * (block.timestamp - self.rate_time)), 10**18)
In  [1]:  Vault.balanceOf(trader)
Out [1]:  99999999999999999999

In  [2]:  crvusd.balanceOf(trader)
Out [2]:  999999899754665824864192

In  [3]:  Vault.redeem(99999999999999999999)

In  [4]:  Vault.balanceOf(trader)
Out [4]:  0

In  [5]:  crvusd.balanceOf(trader)
Out [5]:  999999999999999999999998


Vault.maxRedeem(owner: address) -> uint256:

Getter for the maximum redeemable shares from owner.

Returns: maximum redeemable shares (uint256).

Input Type Description
owner address Address of the user to redeem shares from.
Source code
def maxRedeem(owner: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate maximum amount of shares which a given user can redeem
    return min(
        self._convert_to_shares(self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address), False),

def _convert_to_shares(assets: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * assets * precision
    denominator: uint256 = (total_assets * precision + 1)
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
>>> Vault.maxRedeem("0x7a16fF8270133F063aAb6C9977183D9e72835428")


Vault.previewRedeem(shares: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to simulate the number of assets received when redeeming (burning) shares.

Returns: obtainable assets (uint256).

Input Type Description
shares uint256 Number of shares to redeem.
Source code
def previewRedeem(shares: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate the amount of assets which can be obtained by redeeming the given amount of shares
    if self.totalSupply == 0:
        assert shares == 0
        return 0

        assets_to_redeem: uint256 = self._convert_to_assets(shares)
        assert assets_to_redeem <= self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address)
        return assets_to_redeem

def _convert_to_assets(shares: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = shares * (total_assets * precision + 1)
    denominator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * precision
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
>>> Vault.previewRedeem(1000000000000000000):


Vault.convertToAssets(shares: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the amount of assets received when converting shares to assets.

Returns: amount of assets received (uint256).

Input Type Description
shares uint256 Amount of shares to convert to assets.
Source code
def convertToAssets(shares: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Returns the amount of assets that the Vault would exchange for the amount of shares provided
    return self._convert_to_assets(shares)

def _convert_to_assets(shares: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
                    _total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
    total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
    if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
        total_assets = self._total_assets()
    precision: uint256 = self.precision
    numerator: uint256 = shares * (total_assets * precision + 1)
    denominator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * precision
    if is_floor:
        return numerator / denominator
        return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
>>> Vault.convertToAssets(1000000000000000000):

Interest Rates

Interest rates within lending markets are intricately linked to the market's utilization rate. Essentially, as market utilization increases, so too do the interest rates. This dynamic relationship underscores the market's demand-supply equilibrium, directly influencing the cost of borrowing and the returns on lending.

The vault contract has two public methods, named borrow_apr and lend_apr. These methods are designed to compute and return the annualized rates for borrowing and lending, respectively, standardized to a base of 1e18.

  • Borrow Rate: This is the interest rate charged on the amount borrowed by a user.
  • Lend Rate: Conversely, this rate represents the yield a user earns by lending their assets to the vault.
In  [1]: Vault.borrow_apr()
Out [1]: 352629439534800000                 # -> 0.352 -> 35.2%

In  [2]: Vault.lend_apr()
Out [2]: 248442280773618417                 # -> 0.248 -> 24.8%

More on rates and when they are updated here: SemiLog Monetary Policy

The formula to calculate the annual percentage rate (APR) for borrowing is outlined as follows:

\[\text{borrowAPR} = \frac{\text{rate} * 365 * 86400}{10^{18}}\]

The APR for lending is directly linked to the APR for borrowing, defined by:

\[\text{lendAPR} = \text{borrowAPR} * \text{utilization}\]

Additionally, the utilization ratio is determined by the following:1

\[\text{utilization} = \frac{\text{debt}}{\text{totalAssets}}\]


Vault.borrow_apr() -> uint256

Getter for the annualized borrow APR. The user pays this rate on the assets borrowed.

Returns: borrow rate (uint256).

Source code
interface AMM:
    def set_admin(_admin: address): nonpayable
    def rate() -> uint256: view

amm: public(AMM)

def borrow_apr() -> uint256:
    @notice Borrow APR (annualized and 1e18-based)
    return self.amm.rate() * (365 * 86400)
rate: public(uint256)
>>> Vault.borrow_apr():
152933173055280000          # 15.29%


Vault.lend_apr() -> uint256:

Getter for the annualized lending APR. The value is based on the utilization is awarded to the user for supplying underlying asset (borrowed_token) to the vault.

Returns: lending rate (uint256).

Source code
interface AMM:
    def set_admin(_admin: address): nonpayable
    def rate() -> uint256: view

amm: public(AMM)

def lend_apr() -> uint256:
    @notice Lending APR (annualized and 1e18-based)
    debt: uint256 = self.controller.total_debt()
    if debt == 0:
        return 0
        return self.amm.rate() * (365 * 86400) * debt / self._total_assets()

def _total_assets() -> uint256:
    # admin fee should be accounted for here when enabled
    return self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address) + self.controller.total_debt()
rate: public(uint256)
>>> Vault.lend_apr():
113600673360849488          # 11.36%

Contract Info Methods


Vault.asset() -> ERC20:

Getter for the underlying asset used by the vault, which is the borrowed_token.

Returns: underlying asset (address).

Source code
def asset() -> ERC20:
    @notice Asset which is the same as borrowed_token
    return self.borrowed_token
>>> Vault.asset():


Vault.totalAssets() -> uint256:

Getter for the total amount of the underlying asset (borrowed_token) held by the vault. These are the total assets that can be lent out.

Returns: total assets in the vault (uint256).

Source code
def totalAssets() -> uint256:
    @notice Total assets which can be lent out or be in reserve
    return self._total_assets()

def _total_assets() -> uint256:
    # admin fee should be accounted for here when enabled
    return self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address) + self.controller.total_debt()
>>> Vault.totalAssets():


Vault.pricePerShare(is_floor: bool = True) -> uint256:

Getter for the price of one share in asset tokens.

Returns: asset price per share (uint256).

Input Type Description
is_floor bool -
Source code
def pricePerShare(is_floor: bool = True) -> uint256:
    @notice Method which shows how much one pool share costs in asset tokens if they are normalized to 18 decimals
    supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply
    if supply == 0:
        return 10**18 / DEAD_SHARES
        precision: uint256 = self.precision
        numerator: uint256 = 10**18 * (self._total_assets() * precision + 1)
        denominator: uint256 = (supply + DEAD_SHARES)
        pps: uint256 = 0
        if is_floor:
            pps = numerator / denominator
            pps = (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
        assert pps > 0
        return pps

def _total_assets() -> uint256:
    # admin fee should be accounted for here when enabled
    return self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address) + self.controller.total_debt()
>>> Vault.pricePerShare(true):
>>> Vault.pricePerShare(false):


Vault.admin() -> address: view

Getter for the admin of the vault.

Returns: admin (address).

Source code
interface Factory:
    def admin() -> address: view

def admin() -> address:
    return self.factory.admin()
admin: public(address)
>>> Vault.admin():


Vault.borrowed_token() -> address: view

Getter for the borrowable token in the vault.

Returns: borrowable token (address).

Source code
borrowed_token: public(ERC20)
>>> Vault.borrowed_token():


Vault.collateral_token() -> address: view

Getter for the collateral token of the lending market which is deposited into the AMM.

Returns: collateral token (address).

Source code
collateral_token: public(ERC20)
>>> Vault.collateral_token():


Vault.price_oracle() -> address: view

Getter for the price oracle contract used in the vault.

Returns: oracle (address).

Source code
price_oracle: public(PriceOracle)
>>> Vault.price_oracle():


Vault.amm() -> address: view

Getter for the AMM of the vault.

Returns: AMM (address).

Source code
amm: public(AMM)
>>> Vault.amm():


Vault.controller() -> address: view

Getter for the Controller of the vault.

Returns: Controller (address).

Source code
controller: public(Controller)
>>> Vault.controller():


Vault.factory() -> address: view

Getter for the Factory of the vault.

Returns: Factory (address).

Source code
factory: public(Factory)
>>> Vault.factory():

  1. This ratio represents the proportion of borrowed assets (debt) to the total assets supplied in the vault. It's a key metric that reflects the level of asset utilization within the vault. Borrowed assets, or debt, are obtained through the total_debt method from the Controller, while the totalAssets method within the Vault provides the value of total assets supplied.