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Deployer API

Liquidity Pools


The transaction will revert if the following requirements are not met.


The pool deployment is permissionless, but it must adhere to certain parameter limitations:

Parameter Limitation
A A_min - 1 < A < A_max + 1
gamma gamma_min - 1 < gamma < gamma_max + 1
mid_fee mid_fee < fee_max - 1; (mid_fee can be 0)
out_fee out_fee >= mid_fee AND out_fee < fee_max - 1
fee_gamma 0 < fee_gamma < 10^18 + 1
allowed_extra_profit allowed_extra_profit < 10^18 + 1
adjustment_step 0 < adjustment_step < 10^18 + 1
ma_exp_time 86 < ma_exp_time < 872542
initial_prices 10^6 < initial_prices[0] and initial_prices[1] < 10^30
  • Three coins; no duplicate coins possible.
  • implementation_id cannot be ZERO_ADDRESS.


Parameters Value
n_coins 3
A_multiplier 10000
A_min n_coins^n_coins * A_multiplier = 270000
A_max 1000 * A_multiplier * n_coins^n_coins = 270000000
gamma_min 10^10 = 10000000000
gamma_max 5 * 10^16 = 50000000000000000
fee_max 10 * 10^9 = 10000000000

Factory.deploy_pool(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _coins: address[N_COINS], _weth: address, implementation_id: uint256, A: uint256, gamma: uint256, mid_fee: uint256, out_fee: uint256, fee_gamma: uint256, allowed_extra_profit: uint256, adjustment_step: uint256, ma_exp_time: uint256, initial_prices: uint256[N_COINS-1],) -> address:

Function to deploy a tricrypto pool.

Returns: Deployed pool (address).

Emits event: TricryptoPoolDeployed

Input Type Description
_name String[64] Pool Name
_symbol String[32] Pool Symbol
_coins address[N_COINS] Included Coins
_weth address WETH Address
implementation_id uint256 Index of Pool Implementation
A uint256 Amplification Factor
gamma uint256 Gamma
mid_fee uint256 Mid Fee
out_fee uint256 Out Fee
fee_gamma uint256 Fee Gamma
allowed_extra_profit uint256 Allowed Extra Profit
adjustment_step uint256 Adjustment Step
ma_exp_time uint256 Exponential Moving Average Time
initial_prices uint256[N_COINS-1] Initial Prices
Source code
event TricryptoPoolDeployed:
    pool: address
    name: String[64]
    symbol: String[32]
    weth: address
    coins: address[N_COINS]
    math: address
    salt: bytes32
    packed_precisions: uint256
    packed_A_gamma: uint256
    packed_fee_params: uint256
    packed_rebalancing_params: uint256
    packed_prices: uint256
    deployer: address

N_COINS: constant(uint256) = 3
A_MULTIPLIER: constant(uint256) = 10000

MAX_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10 * 10 ** 9

MIN_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 10 ** 10
MAX_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**16

MIN_A: constant(uint256) = N_COINS ** N_COINS * A_MULTIPLIER / 100
MAX_A: constant(uint256) = 1000 * A_MULTIPLIER * N_COINS**N_COINS

PRICE_SIZE: constant(uint128) = 256 / (N_COINS - 1)
PRICE_MASK: constant(uint256) = 2**PRICE_SIZE - 1

def deploy_pool(
    _name: String[64],
    _symbol: String[32],
    _coins: address[N_COINS],
    _weth: address,
    implementation_id: uint256,
    A: uint256,
    gamma: uint256,
    mid_fee: uint256,
    out_fee: uint256,
    fee_gamma: uint256,
    allowed_extra_profit: uint256,
    adjustment_step: uint256,
    ma_exp_time: uint256,
    initial_prices: uint256[N_COINS-1],
) -> address:
    @notice Deploy a new pool
    @param _name Name of the new plain pool
    @param _symbol Symbol for the new plain pool - will be concatenated with factory symbol

    @return Address of the deployed pool
    pool_implementation: address = self.pool_implementations[implementation_id]
    assert pool_implementation != empty(address), "Pool implementation not set"

    # Validate parameters
    assert A > MIN_A-1
    assert A < MAX_A+1

    assert gamma > MIN_GAMMA-1
    assert gamma < MAX_GAMMA+1

    assert mid_fee < MAX_FEE-1  # mid_fee can be zero
    assert out_fee >= mid_fee
    assert out_fee < MAX_FEE-1
    assert fee_gamma < 10**18+1
    assert fee_gamma > 0

    assert allowed_extra_profit < 10**18+1

    assert adjustment_step < 10**18+1
    assert adjustment_step > 0

    assert ma_exp_time < 872542  # 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / ln(2)
    assert ma_exp_time > 86  # 60 / ln(2)

    assert min(initial_prices[0], initial_prices[1]) > 10**6
    assert max(initial_prices[0], initial_prices[1]) < 10**30

    assert _coins[0] != _coins[1] and _coins[1] != _coins[2] and _coins[0] != _coins[2], "Duplicate coins"

    decimals: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    for i in range(N_COINS):
        d: uint256 = ERC20(_coins[i]).decimals()
        assert d < 19, "Max 18 decimals for coins"
        decimals[i] = d
        precisions[i] = 10** (18 - d)

    # pack precisions
    packed_precisions: uint256 = self._pack(precisions)

    # pack fees
    packed_fee_params: uint256 = self._pack(
        [mid_fee, out_fee, fee_gamma]

    # pack liquidity rebalancing params
    packed_rebalancing_params: uint256 = self._pack(
        [allowed_extra_profit, adjustment_step, ma_exp_time]

    # pack A_gamma
    packed_A_gamma: uint256 = A << 128
    packed_A_gamma = packed_A_gamma | gamma

    # pack initial prices
    packed_prices: uint256 = 0
    for k in range(N_COINS - 1):
        packed_prices = packed_prices << PRICE_SIZE
        p: uint256 = initial_prices[N_COINS - 2 - k]
        assert p < PRICE_MASK
        packed_prices = p | packed_prices

    # pool is an ERC20 implementation
    _salt: bytes32 = block.prevhash
    _math_implementation: address = self.math_implementation
    pool: address = create_from_blueprint(

    # populate pool data
    length: uint256 = self.pool_count
    self.pool_list[length] = pool
    self.pool_count = length + 1
    self.pool_data[pool].decimals = decimals
    self.pool_data[pool].coins = _coins

    # add coins to market:
    self._add_coins_to_market(_coins[0], _coins[1], pool)
    self._add_coins_to_market(_coins[0], _coins[2], pool)
    self._add_coins_to_market(_coins[1], _coins[2], pool)

    log TricryptoPoolDeployed(

    return pool
>>> TricryptoFactory.deploy_pool(
    _name: crv/weth/tbtc tripool,
    _symbol: crv-weth-tbtc,
    _coins: '0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52', '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2', '0x8dAEBADE922dF735c38C80C7eBD708Af50815fAa',
    _weth: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
    implementation_id: 0,
    A: 2700000,
    gamma: 1300000000000,
    mid_fee: 2999999,
    out_fee: 80000000,
    fee_gamma: 350000000000000,
    allowed_extra_profit: 100000000000,
    adjustment_step: 100000000000,
    ma_exp_time: 600,
    initial_prices: todo,

'returns address of the deployed pool'

Liquidity Gauge


Liquidity gauges can only be successfully deployed from the same contract from which the pool was deployed!


deploy_gauge(_pool: address) -> address

Deploy a liquidity gauge for a factory pool. The deployed gauge implementation is based on what the factory admin has set for gauge_implementation.

Input Type Description
_pool address Pool address to deploy a gauge for
Source code
def deploy_gauge(_pool: address) -> address:
    @notice Deploy a liquidity gauge for a factory pool
    @param _pool Factory pool address to deploy a gauge for
    @return Address of the deployed gauge
    assert self.pool_data[_pool].coins[0] != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Unknown pool"
    assert self.pool_data[_pool].liquidity_gauge == ZERO_ADDRESS, "Gauge already deployed"
    implementation: address = self.gauge_implementation
    assert implementation != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Gauge implementation not set"

    gauge: address = create_forwarder_to(implementation)
    self.pool_data[_pool].liquidity_gauge = gauge

    log LiquidityGaugeDeployed(_pool, gauge)
    return gauge
>>> Factory.deploy_gauge('0x...')

'returns address of the deployed gauge'